Mark 4:8
And other G243 fell G4098 on G1519 good G2570 ground, G1093 and did yield G1325 fruit G2590 that sprang G305 up and increased; G837 and brought G5342 forth, G5342 some G1520 thirty, G5144 and some G1520 sixty, G1835 and some G1520 an hundred. G1540
Matthew 13:23
But he that received G4687 seed G4687 into G1909 the good G2570 ground G1093 is he that hears G191 the word, G3056 and understands G4920 it; which G3739 also G1211 bears G2592 fruit, G2592 and brings G4160 forth, G4160 some G3588 G3033 an hundred times, G1540 some G3588 G1161 sixty, G1835 some G3588 G1161 thirty. G5144
Luke 8:15
But that on G1722 the good G2570 ground G1093 are they, which G3748 in an honest G2570 and good G18 heart, G2588 having heard G191 the word, G3056 keep G2722 it, and bring G2592 forth fruit G2592 with patience. G5281
John 15:4
Abide G3306 in me, and I in you. As the branch G2814 cannot G3756 G1410 bear G5342 fruit G2590 of itself, G1438 except G3362 it abide G3306 in the vine; G288 no G3761 more G3761 can G1410 you, except G3362 you abide G3306 in me.
John 15:5
I am G1510 the vine, G288 you are the branches: G2814 He that stays G3306 in me, and I in him, the same G3778 brings G5342 forth much G4183 fruit: G2590 for without G5565 me you can G1410 do G4160 nothing. G3762
Romans 7:4
Why, G5620 my brothers, G80 you also G2532 are become G2289 dead G2289 to the law G3551 by the body G4983 of Christ; G5547 that you should be married G1096 to another, G2087 even to him who is raised G1453 from the dead, G3498 that we should bring G2592 forth fruit G2592 to God. G2316
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit G2590 of the Spirit G4151 is love, G26 joy, G5479 peace, G1515 long-suffering, G3115 gentleness, G5544 goodness, G19 faith, G4102
Galatians 5:23
Meekness, G4236 temperance: G1466 against G2596 such G5108 there is no G3756 law. G3551
Philippians 1:11
Being filled G4137 with the fruits G2590 of righteousness, G1343 which G3588 are by Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 to the glory G1391 and praise G1868 of God. G2316
Colossians 1:10
That you might walk G4043 worthy G516 of the Lord G2962 to all G3956 pleasing, G699 being fruitful G2592 in every G3956 good G18 work, G2041 and increasing G837 in the knowledge G1922 of God; G2316
1 Thessalonians 4:1
Furthermore G3063 then G3767 we beseech G2065 you, brothers, G80 and exhort G3870 you by the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 that as you have G2192 received G3880 of us how G4459 you ought G1163 to walk G4043 and to please G700 God, G2316 so you would abound G4052 more G3123 and more. G3123
2 Peter 1:8
For if these G5023 things be in you, and abound, G4121 they make G2525 you that you shall neither G3756 be barren G692 nor G3761 unfruitful G175 in the knowledge G1922 of our Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547
Genesis 26:12
Then Isaac H3327 sowed H2232 in that land, H776 and received H4672 in the same H1931 year H8141 an hundred times: H3967 H8180 and the LORD H3068 blessed H1288 him.