Proverbs 19:27
Cease, H2308 my son, H1121 to hear H8085 the instruction H4148 that causes to err H7686 from the words H561 of knowledge. H1847
Luke 8:18
Take heed G991 therefore G3767 how G4459 you hear: G191 for whoever G3739 G302 has, G2192 to him shall be given; G1325 and whoever G3739 G302 has G2192 not, from him shall be taken G142 even G2532 that which G3739 he seems G1380 to have. G2192
Acts 17:11
These G3778 were more noble G2104 than those G3588 in Thessalonica, G2332 in that they received G1209 the word G3056 with all G3956 readiness G4288 of mind, G4288 and searched G350 the scriptures G1124 daily, G2596 G2596 whether G1487 those G5023 things were so. G3779
Hebrews 2:1
Therefore G1223 G5124 we ought G1163 to give the more G4056 earnest G4056 heed G4337 to the things which we have heard, G191 lest G3379 at G3379 any G3379 time G4218 we should let them slip. G3901
1 John 4:1
Beloved, G27 believe G4100 not every G3956 spirit, G4151 but try G1381 the spirits G4151 whether G1487 they are of God: G2316 because G3754 many G4183 false G5578 prophets G5578 are gone G1831 out into G1519 the world. G2889
1 Peter 2:2
As newborn G738 babes, G1025 desire G1971 the sincere G97 milk G1051 of the word, G3050 that you may grow G837 thereby: G1722
2 Peter 2:1-3
But there were false G5578 prophets G5578 also G2532 among G1722 the people, G2992 even G2532 as there shall be false G5572 teachers G5572 among G1722 you, who G3748 privately G3919 shall bring G3919 in damnable G684 heresies, G139 even G2532 denying G720 the Lord G1203 that bought G59 them, and bring G1863 on themselves G1438 swift G5031 destruction. G684
And many G4183 shall follow G1811 their pernicious G684 ways; G684 by reason G1223 of whom G3739 the way G3598 of truth G225 shall be evil G987 spoken G987 of.
And through G1722 covetousness G4124 shall they with feigned G4112 words G3056 make G1710 merchandise of you: whose G3739 judgment G2917 now of a long time G1597 lingers G691 not, and their damnation G684 slumbers G3573 not.
Matthew 7:2
For with what G3739 judgment G2917 you judge, G2919 you shall be judged: G2919 and with what G3739 measure G3358 you mete, G3354 it shall be measured G488 to you again. G488
Luke 6:37
Judge G2919 not, and you shall not be judged: G2919 condemn G2613 not, and you shall not be condemned: G2613 forgive, G630 and you shall be forgiven: G630
Luke 6:38
Give, G1325 and it shall be given G1325 to you; good G2570 measure, G3358 pressed G4085 down, and shaken G4531 together, and running G5240 over, G5240 shall men give G1325 into G1519 your G5216 bosom. G2859 For with the same G846 measure G3358 that you mete G3354 with it shall be measured G488 to you again. G488
2 Corinthians 9:6
But this G5124 I say, He which sows G4687 sparingly G5340 shall reap G2325 also G2532 sparingly; G5340 and he which sows G4687 bountifully G2129 shall reap G2325 also G2532 bountifully. G2129
Mark 9:7
And there was a cloud G3507 that overshadowed G1982 them: and a voice G5456 came G2064 out of the cloud, G3507 saying, G3004 This G3778 is my beloved G27 Son: G5207 hear G191 him.
Isaiah 55:3
Incline H5186 your ear, H241 and come H3212 to me: hear, H8085 and your soul H5315 shall live; H2421 and I will make H3772 an everlasting H5769 covenant H1285 with you, even the sure H539 mercies H2617 of David. H1732
John 5:25
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, The hour G5610 is coming, G2064 and now G3568 is, when G3753 the dead G3498 shall hear G191 the voice G5456 of the Son G5207 of God: G2316 and they that hear G191 shall live. G2198
John 10:16
And other G243 sheep G4263 I have, G2192 which G3739 are not of this G5026 fold: G833 them also G2548 I must G1163 bring, G71 and they shall hear G191 my voice; G5456 and there shall be one G3391 fold, G4167 and one G1520 shepherd. G4166
John 10:27
My sheep G4263 hear G191 my voice, G5456 and I know G1097 them, and they follow G190 me: