Wednesday, 09 October 2013 00:00

“Avoda” team

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Small Seeds, Big Fruit

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor.”

1 Corinthians 6-8

A soft pat on the back. A smile shared. A skill passed on. Time spent together. These small acts of service done for a person could mean a life changed.

This month we had a few visitors who did what may seem little in the eyes of people, but great in the eyes of God. The people that came, including our pastor and a close friend shared their knowledge and experience with the children. From humble service of fixing the doors to the kitchen to keep the dogs out, to running around with the children, sharing testimonies and teaching Bible lessons, they gave their time to invest into the lives of the students and were a great encouragement to all the members of Avoda.  A few young ladies brought their talents in decorating and used them to teach our children how to decorate a dinner setting. The men used their skills in designing layouts and plans for Avoda and included the students in the project.

( Are you a mother, teacher, counselor, construction worker, etc.? Whatever the job God gave you to do no matter what occupation; you have the opportunity to build up the lives of others around you. By giving of your time to invest in people and sharing the knowledge and experience that God gave you, you are planting seeds that will bring forth eternal fruit in the lives of the people around you.  These small tasks done Gods way will yield big results. )

The time together came to a close and our friends left for home. Their examples of humble service stayed with us. Encouraged, we continue on with renewed strength, planting the seeds into the lives of our students.

This month we also had a chance to plant real seeds. The large piece of land which belongs to Avoda is great for planting and can sustain hundreds of children. So during this rainy month we headed out to the Big Land with our students to plant corn, beans, and pumpkin. The boys walked by with long sticks, pressing holes into the soft black soil. We girls followed behind with full bags of seeds. We threw in the seeds and covered the holes with our bare feet. The sun shone brightly, the rain watered us and we were glad. Soon we will have an abundance of fresh food.

As we continue planting seeds, we are rewarded in seeing God doing the growing. We are encouraged by your prayers, dear brothers and sisters, in knowing that we are not alone in this work.

A few of our prayer needs include getting software for our school computers for learning English, and a need for more construction workers and teachers.Special prayer is for Musor tribe up in the mountains to reach them with the great news about All-powerful God!

Following in His steps….

 “Avoda” Team ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

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