Isaiah 61:5
And strangers H2114 shall stand H5975 and feed H7462 your flocks, H6629 and the sons H1121 of the alien H5236 shall be your plowmen H406 and your vinedressers. H3755
Isaiah 66:21
And I will also H1571 take H3947 of them for priests H3548 and for Levites, H3881 said H559 the LORD. H3068
Zechariah 6:15
And they that are far H7350 off shall come H935 and build H1129 in the temple H1964 of the LORD, H3068 and you shall know H3045 that the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 has sent H7971 me to you. And this H2063 shall come H1961 to pass, if you will diligently obey H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 your God. H430
Isaiah 60:3
And the Gentiles H1471 shall come H1980 to your light, H216 and kings H4428 to the brightness H5051 of your rising. H2225
Isaiah 49:23
And kings H4428 shall be your nursing H539 fathers, and their queens H8282 your nursing H3243 mothers: they shall bow H7812 down H7812 to you with their face H639 toward the earth, H776 and lick H3897 up the dust H6083 of your feet; H7272 and you shall know H3045 that I am the LORD: H3068 for they shall not be ashamed H954 that wait H6960 for me.
Ezra 6:3-12
In the first H2298 year H8140 of Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 the same Cyrus H3567 the king H4430 made H7761 a decree H2942 concerning the house H1005 of God H426 at Jerusalem, H3390 Let the house H1005 be built, H1124 the place H870 where H1768 they offered H1684 sacrifices, H1685 and let the foundations H787 thereof be strongly laid; H5446 the height H7312 thereof three score H8361 cubits, H521 and the breadth H6613 thereof three score H8361 cubits; H521
With three H8532 rows H5073 of great H1560 stones, H69 and a row H5073 of new H2323 timber: H636 and let the expenses H5313 be given H3052 out of the king's H4430 house: H1005
And also H638 let the golden H1722 and silver H3702 vessels H3984 of the house H1005 of God, H426 which H1768 Nebuchadnezzar H5020 took H5312 forth H5312 out of the temple H1965 which is at Jerusalem, H3390 and brought H2987 to Babylon, H895 be restored, H8421 and brought H1946 again H1946 to the temple H1965 which H1768 is at Jerusalem, H3390 every one to his place, H870 and place H5182 them in the house H1005 of God. H426
Now H3705 therefore, Tatnai, H8674 governor H6347 beyond H5675 the river, H5103 Shetharboznai, H8370 and your companions H3675 the Apharsachites, H671 which H1768 are beyond H5675 the river, H5103 be you far H7352 from there: H8536
Let the work H5673 of this H1791 house H1005 of God H426 alone; H7662 let the governor H6347 of the Jews H3062 and the elders H7868 of the Jews H3062 build H1124 this H1791 house H1005 of God H426 in his place. H870
Moreover I make H7761 a decree H2942 what H3964 H1768 you shall do H5648 to the elders H7868 of these H479 Jews H3062 for the building H1124 of this H1791 house H1005 of God: H426 that of the king's H4430 goods, H5232 even of the tribute H4061 beyond H5675 the river, H5103 immediately H629 expenses H5313 be given H3052 to these H479 men, H1400 that they be not hindered. H989
And that which they have need H2818 of, both young H1123 bullocks, H8450 and rams, H1798 and lambs, H563 for the burnt H5928 offerings of the God H426 of heaven, H8065 wheat, H2591 salt, H4416 wine, H2562 and oil, H4887 according to the appointment H3983 of the priests H3549 which H1768 are at Jerusalem, H3390 let it be given H3052 them day H3118 by day H3118 without fail: H7960
That they may offer H7127 sacrifices of sweet H5208 smells H5208 to the God H426 of heaven, H8065 and pray H6739 for the life H2417 of the king, H4430 and of his sons. H1123
Also I have made H7761 a decree, H2942 that whoever H3605 shall alter H8133 this H1836 word, H6600 let timber H636 be pulled H5256 down from his house, H1005 and being set H2211 up, let him be hanged H4223 thereon; H5921 and let his house H1005 be made H5648 a dunghill H5122 for this. H1836
And the God H426 that has caused his name H8036 to dwell H7932 there H8536 destroy H4049 all H3606 kings H4430 and people, H5972 that shall put H7972 to their hand H3028 to alter H8133 and to destroy H2255 this H1791 house H1005 of God H426 which H1768 is at Jerusalem. H3390 I Darius H1868 have made H7761 a decree; H2942 let it be done H5648 with speed. H629
Ezra 7:12-28
Artaxerxes, H783 king H4430 of kings, H4428 to Ezra H5830 the priest, H3549 a scribe H5613 of the law H1882 of the God H426 of heaven, H8065 perfect H1585 peace, and at such H3706 a time.
I make H7761 a decree, H2942 that all H3606 they of the people H5972 of Israel, H3479 and of his priests H3549 and Levites, H3879 in my realm, H4437 which H1768 are minded of their own freewill H5069 to go H1946 up to Jerusalem, H3390 go H1946 with you.
For as much H3606 as you are sent H7972 of the king, H4430 and of his seven H7655 counsellors, H3272 to inquire H1240 concerning H5922 Judah H3061 and Jerusalem, H3390 according to the law H1882 of your God H426 which H1768 is in your hand; H3028
And to carry H2987 the silver H3702 and gold, H1722 which H1768 the king H4430 and his counsellors H3272 have freely offered H5069 to the God H426 of Israel, H3479 whose H1768 habitation H4907 is in Jerusalem, H3390
And all H3606 the silver H3702 and gold H1722 that you can find H7912 in all H3606 the province H4082 of Babylon, H895 with the freewill H5069 offering of the people, H5972 and of the priests, H3549 offering willingly H5068 for the house H1005 of their God H426 which H1768 is in Jerusalem: H3390
That you may buy H7066 speedily H629 with this H1836 money H3702 bullocks, H8450 rams, H1798 lambs, H563 with their meat offerings H4503 and their drink H5261 offerings, and offer H7127 them on the altar H4056 of the house H1005 of your God H426 which H1768 is in Jerusalem. H3390
And whatever H1401 H1768 shall seem H3191 good H3191 to you, and to your brothers, H252 to do H5648 with the rest H7606 of the silver H3702 and the gold, H1722 that do H5648 after the will H7470 of your God. H426
The vessels H3984 also that are given H3052 you for the service H6402 of the house H1005 of your God, H426 those deliver H8000 you before H6925 the God H426 of Jerusalem. H3390
And whatever more H7606 shall be needful H2819 for the house H1005 of your God, H426 which H1768 you shall have occasion H5308 to bestow, H5415 bestow H5415 it out of the king's H4430 treasure H1596 house. H1005
And I, even I Artaxerxes H783 the king, H4430 do make H7761 a decree H2942 to all H3606 the treasurers H1490 which H1768 are beyond H5675 the river, H5103 that whatever H3605 H3627 Ezra H5830 the priest, H3548 the scribe H5613 of the law H1882 of the God H426 of heaven, H8065 shall require H7593 of you, it be done H5648 speedily, H629
To an hundred H3969 talents H3604 of silver, H3702 and to an hundred H3969 measures H3734 of wheat, H2591 and to an hundred H3969 baths H1325 of wine, H2562 and to an hundred H3969 baths H1324 of oil, H4887 and salt H4416 without H3809 prescribing H3792 how much.
Whatever H3605 H3627 is commanded H4480 H2941 by the God H426 of heaven, H8065 let it be diligently H149 done H5648 for the house H1005 of the God H426 of heaven: H8065 for why H4101 should there be wrath H7109 against H5922 the realm H4437 of the king H4430 and his sons? H1123
Also we certify H3046 you, that touching any H3606 of the priests H3549 and Levites, H3879 singers, H2171 porters, H8652 Nethinims, H5412 or ministers H6399 of this H1836 house H1005 of God, H426 it shall not be lawful H7990 to impose H7412 toll, H4061 tribute, H1093 or custom, H1983 on them.
And you, Ezra, H5830 after the wisdom H2452 of your God, H426 that is in your hand, H3028 set H4483 magistrates H8200 and judges, H1782 which H1768 may judge H1934 H1778 all H3606 the people H5972 that are beyond H5675 the river, H5103 all H3606 such as know H3046 the laws H1882 of your God; H426 and teach H3046 you them that know H3046 them not.
And whoever H3605 will not do H5648 the law H1882 of your God, H426 and the law H1882 of the king, H4430 let judgment H1780 be executed H5648 speedily H629 on him, whether H2006 it be to death, H4193 or H2006 to banishment, H8332 or H2006 to confiscation H6065 of goods, H5232 or to imprisonment. H613
Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 God H430 of our fathers, H1 which H834 has put H5414 such a thing as this H2063 in the king's H4428 heart, H3820 to beautify H6286 the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 which H834 is in Jerusalem: H3389
And has extended H5186 mercy H2617 to me before H6440 the king, H4428 and his counsellors, H3289 and before H6440 all H3605 the king's H4428 mighty H1368 princes. H8269 And I was strengthened H2388 as the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 my God H430 was on me, and I gathered H6908 together out of Israel H3478 chief H7218 men to go H5927 up with me.
Nehemiah 2:7-9
Moreover I said H559 to the king, H4428 If it please H2895 the king, H4428 let letters H107 be given H5414 me to the governors H6346 beyond H5676 the river, H5104 that they may convey H5674 me over H5674 till H5704 I come H935 into H413 Judah; H3063
And a letter H107 to Asaph H623 the keeper H8104 of the king's H4428 forest, H6508 that he may give H5414 me timber H6086 to make beams H7136 for the gates H8179 of the palace H1002 which H834 appertained to the house, H1004 and for the wall H2346 of the city, H5892 and for the house H1004 that I shall enter H935 into. H5921 And the king H4428 granted H5414 me, according to the good H2896 hand H3027 of my God H430 on me.
Then I came H935 to the governors H6346 beyond H5676 the river, H5104 and gave H5414 them the king's H4428 letters. H107 Now the king H4428 had sent H7971 captains H8269 of the army H2428 and horsemen H6571 with me.
Revelation 21:24
And the nations G1484 of them which are saved G4982 shall walk G4043 in the light G5457 of it: and the kings G935 of the earth G1093 do bring G5342 their glory G1391 and honor G5092 into G1519 it.
Revelation 21:26
And they shall bring G5342 the glory G1391 and honor G5092 of the nations G1484 into G1519 it.
Isaiah 12:1
And in that day H3117 you shall say, H559 O LORD, H3068 I will praise H3034 you: though H3588 you were angry H599 with me, your anger H639 is turned H7725 away, and you comforted H5162 me.
Isaiah 54:7
For a small H6996 moment H7281 have I forsaken H5800 you; but with great H1419 mercies H7356 will I gather H6908 you.
Isaiah 54:8
In a little H8241 wrath H7110 I hid H5641 my face H6440 from you for a moment; H7281 but with everlasting H5769 kindness H2617 will I have mercy H7355 on you, said H559 the LORD H3068 your Redeemer. H1350
Isaiah 57:17
For the iniquity H5771 of his covetousness H1215 was I wroth, H7107 and smote H5221 him: I hid H5641 me, and was wroth, H7107 and he went H3212 on frowardly H7726 in the way H1870 of his heart. H3820
Isaiah 57:18
I have seen H7200 his ways, H1870 and will heal H7495 him: I will lead H5148 him also, and restore H7999 comforts H5150 to him and to his mourners. H57
Psalm 30:5
For his anger H639 endures but a moment; H7281 in his favor H7522 is life: H2416 weeping H1065 may endure H3885 for a night, H6153 but joy H7440 comes in the morning. H1242