Isaiah 41:11
Behold, H2005 all H3605 they that were incensed H2734 against you shall be ashamed H954 and confounded: H3637 they shall be as nothing; H369 and they that strive H7379 with you shall perish. H6
Isaiah 54:15
Behold, H2005 they shall surely gather H1481 together, but not by me: whoever H4310 shall gather H1481 together against H5921 you shall fall H5307 for your sake. H5921
Psalm 2:12
Kiss H5401 the Son, H1248 lest H6435 he be angry, H599 and you perish H6 from the way, H1870 when H3588 his wrath H639 is kindled H1197 but a little. H4592 Blessed H835 are all H3605 they that put their trust H2620 in him.
Daniel 2:35
Then H116 was the iron, H6523 the clay, H2635 the brass, H5174 the silver, H3702 and the gold, H1722 broken H1854 to pieces together, H2298 and became H1934 like the chaff H5784 of the summer H7007 threshing floors; H147 and the wind H7308 carried H5376 them away, that no H3606 H3809 place H870 was found H7912 for them: and the stone H69 that smote H4223 the image H6755 became H1934 a great H7229 mountain, H2906 and filled H4391 the whole H3606 earth. H772
Daniel 2:44
And in the days H3118 of these H581 kings H4430 shall the God H426 of heaven H8065 set H6966 up a kingdom, H4437 which H1768 shall never H5957 H3809 be destroyed: H2255 and the kingdom H4437 shall not be left H7662 to other H321 people, H5972 but it shall break H1854 in pieces and consume H5487 all H3606 these H459 kingdoms, H4437 and it shall stand H6966 for ever. H5957
Daniel 2:45
For as much H3606 as you saw H2370 that the stone H69 was cut H1505 out of the mountain H2906 without H1768 H3809 hands, H3028 and that it broke H1855 in pieces the iron, H6523 the brass, H5174 the clay, H2635 the silver, H3702 and the gold; H1722 the great H7229 God H426 has made known H3046 to the king H4430 what H4101 shall come H1934 to pass hereafter: H311 H1836 and the dream H2493 is certain, H3330 and the interpretation H6591 thereof sure. H546
Zechariah 12:2-4
Behold, H2009 I will make H7760 Jerusalem H3389 a cup H5592 of trembling H7478 to all H3605 the people H5971 round H5439 about, when they shall be in the siege H4692 both H1571 against H5921 Judah H3063 and against H5921 Jerusalem. H3389
And in that day H3117 will I make H7760 Jerusalem H3389 a burdensome H4614 stone H68 for all H3605 people: H5971 all H3605 that burden H6006 themselves with it shall be cut H8295 in pieces, though all H3605 the people H1471 of the earth H776 be gathered H622 together against H5921 it.
In that day, H3117 said H5002 the LORD, H3068 I will smite H5221 every H3605 horse H5483 with astonishment, H8541 and his rider H7392 with madness: H7697 and I will open H6491 my eyes H5869 on the house H1004 of Judah, H3063 and will smite H5221 every H3605 horse H5483 of the people H5971 with blindness. H5788
Zechariah 14:12-19
And this H2063 shall be the plague H4046 with which H834 the LORD H3068 will smite H5062 all H3605 the people H5971 that have fought H6633 against H5921 Jerusalem; H3389 Their flesh H1320 shall consume H4743 away while they stand H5975 on their feet, H7272 and their eyes H5869 shall consume H4743 away in their holes, H2356 and their tongue H3956 shall consume H4743 away in their mouth. H6310
And it shall come H1961 to pass in that day, H3117 that a great H7227 tumult H4103 from the LORD H3068 shall be among them; and they shall lay hold H2388 every H376 one H376 on the hand H3027 of his neighbor, H7453 and his hand H3027 shall rise H5927 up against H5921 the hand H3027 of his neighbor. H7453
And Judah H3063 also H1571 shall fight H3898 at Jerusalem; H3389 and the wealth H2428 of all H3605 the heathen H1471 round H5439 about H1157 shall be gathered H622 together, gold, H2091 and silver, H3701 and apparel, H899 in great H3966 abundance. H7230
And so H3651 shall be the plague H4046 of the horse, H5483 of the mule, H6505 of the camel, H1581 and of the ass, H2543 and of all H3605 the beasts H929 that shall be in these H1992 tents, H4264 as this H2063 plague. H4046
And it shall come H1961 to pass, that every H3605 one that is left H3498 of all H3605 the nations H1471 which came H935 against H5921 Jerusalem H3389 shall even go H5927 up from year H8141 to year H8141 to worship H7812 the King, H4428 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and to keep H2287 the feast H2282 of tabernacles. H5521
And it shall be, that whoever H834 will not come H5927 up of all the families H4940 of the earth H776 to Jerusalem H3389 to worship H7812 the King, H4428 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 even on them shall be no H3808 rain. H4306
And if the family H4940 of Egypt H4714 go H5927 not up, and come H935 not, that have no H3808 rain; there shall be the plague, H4046 with which H834 the LORD H3068 will smite H5062 the heathen H1471 that come H5927 not up to keep H2287 the feast H2282 of tabernacles. H5521
This H2063 shall be the punishment H2403 of Egypt, H4714 and the punishment H2403 of all H3605 nations H1471 that come H5927 not up to keep H2287 the feast H2282 of tabernacles. H5521
Matthew 21:44
And whoever G3588 shall fall G4098 on G1909 this G5126 stone G3037 shall be broken: G4917 but on G1909 whomsoever G3739 G302 it shall fall, G4098 it will grind G3039 him to powder. G3039
Luke 19:27
But those G1565 my G3450 enemies, G2190 which G3588 would G2309 not that I should reign G936 over G1909 them, bring G71 here, G5602 and slay G2695 them before G1715 me.
Revelation 2:26
And he that overcomes, G3528 and keeps G5083 my works G2041 to the end, G5056 to him will I give G1325 power G1849 over G1909 the nations: G1484
Revelation 2:27
And he shall rule G4165 them with a rod G4464 of iron; G4603 as the vessels G4632 of a potter G2764 shall they be broken G4937 to shivers: G4937 even G2504 as I received G2983 of my Father. G3962