Psalm 36:9
For with you is the fountain H4726 of life: H2416 in your light H216 shall we see H7200 light. H216
Revelation 21:23
And the city G4172 had G2192 no G3756 need G5532 of the sun, G2246 neither G3761 of the moon, G4582 to shine G5316 in it: for the glory G1391 of God G2316 did lighten G5461 it, and the Lamb G721 is the light G3088 thereof. G846
Revelation 22:5
And there shall be no G3756 night G3571 there; G1563 and they need G2192 G5532 no G3756 candle, G3088 neither light G5457 of the sun; G2246 for the Lord G2962 God G2316 gives them light: G5461 and they shall reign G936 for ever G165 and ever. G165
Psalm 3:3
But you, O LORD, H3068 are a shield H4043 for me; my glory, H3519 and the lifter H7311 up of my head. H7218
Psalm 4:2
O you sons H1121 of men, H376 how H5704 long H5704 will you turn my glory H3519 into shame? H3639 how long will you love H157 vanity, H7385 and seek H1245 after leasing? H3577 Selah. H5542
Psalm 62:7
In God H430 is my salvation H3468 and my glory: H3519 the rock H6697 of my strength, H5797 and my refuge, H4268 is in God. H430
Zechariah 2:5
For I, said H5002 the LORD, H3068 will be to her a wall H2346 of fire H784 round H5439 about, and will be the glory H3519 in the middle H8432 of her.
Luke 2:32
A light G5457 to lighten G602 the Gentiles, G1484 and the glory G1391 of your people G2992 Israel. G2474