Isaiah 2:2-5
And it shall come H1961 to pass in the last H319 days, H3117 that the mountain H2022 of the LORD's H3068 house H1004 shall be established H3559 in the top H7218 of the mountains, H2022 and shall be exalted H5375 above the hills; H1389 and all H3605 nations H1471 shall flow H5102 to it.
And many H7227 people H5971 shall go H1980 and say, H559 Come H3212 you, and let us go H5927 up to the mountain H2022 of the LORD, H3068 to the house H1004 of the God H430 of Jacob; H3290 and he will teach H3384 us of his ways, H1870 and we will walk H3212 in his paths: H734 for out of Zion H6726 shall go H3318 forth H3318 the law, H8451 and the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 from Jerusalem. H3389
And he shall judge H8199 among H996 the nations, H1471 and shall rebuke H3198 many H7227 people: H5971 and they shall beat H3807 their swords H2719 into plowshares, H855 and their spears H2595 into pruning hooks: H4211 nation H1471 shall not lift H5375 up sword H2719 against H413 nation, H1471 neither H3808 shall they learn H3925 war H4421 any more. H5750
O house H1004 of Jacob, H3290 come H3212 you, and let us walk H3212 in the light H216 of the LORD. H3068
Isaiah 11:10
And in that day H3117 there shall be a root H8328 of Jesse, H3448 which H834 shall stand H5975 for an ensign H5251 of the people; H5971 to it shall the Gentiles H1471 seek: H1875 and his rest H4496 shall be glorious. H3519
Isaiah 19:23-25
In that day H3117 shall there be a highway H4546 out of Egypt H4714 to Assyria, H804 and the Assyrian H804 shall come H935 into Egypt, H4714 and the Egyptian H4714 into Assyria, H804 and the Egyptians H4714 shall serve H5647 with the Assyrians. H804
In that day H3117 shall Israel H3478 be the third H7992 with Egypt H4714 and with Assyria, H804 even a blessing H1293 in the middle H7130 of the land: H776
Whom H834 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall bless, H1288 saying, H559 Blessed H1288 be Egypt H4714 my people, H5971 and Assyria H804 the work H4639 of my hands, H3027 and Israel H3478 my inheritance. H5159
Isaiah 45:14
Thus H3541 said H559 the LORD, H3068 The labor H3018 of Egypt, H4714 and merchandise H5505 of Ethiopia H3568 and of the Sabeans, H5436 men H582 of stature, H4060 shall come H5674 over H5674 to you, and they shall be yours: they shall come H3212 after H310 you; in chains H2131 they shall come H5674 over, H5674 and they shall fall H7812 down H7812 to you, they shall make supplication H6419 to you, saying, Surely H389 God H410 is in you; and there is none H369 else, H5750 there is no H657 God. H430
Isaiah 49:6
And he said, H559 It is a light H7043 thing that you should be my servant H5650 to raise H6965 up the tribes H7626 of Jacob, H3290 and to restore H7725 the preserved H5336 of Israel: H3478 I will also give H5414 you for a light H216 to the Gentiles, H1471 that you may be my salvation H3444 to the end H7097 of the earth. H776
Isaiah 49:12
Behold, H2009 these H428 shall come H935 from far: H7350 and, see, H2009 these H428 from the north H6828 and from the west; H3220 and these H428 from the land H776 of Sinim. H5515
Isaiah 49:23
And kings H4428 shall be your nursing H539 fathers, and their queens H8282 your nursing H3243 mothers: they shall bow H7812 down H7812 to you with their face H639 toward the earth, H776 and lick H3897 up the dust H6083 of your feet; H7272 and you shall know H3045 that I am the LORD: H3068 for they shall not be ashamed H954 that wait H6960 for me.
Isaiah 54:1-3
Sing, H7442 O barren, H6135 you that did not bear; H3205 break H6476 forth into singing, H7440 and cry H6670 aloud, H6670 you that did not travail H2342 with child: for more H7227 are the children H1121 of the desolate H8074 than the children H1121 of the married H1166 wife, H802 said H559 the LORD. H3068
Enlarge H7337 the place H4725 of your tent, H168 and let them stretch H5186 forth the curtains H3407 of your habitations: H4908 spare H2820 not, lengthen H748 your cords, H4340 and strengthen H2388 your stakes; H3489
For you shall break H6555 forth on the right H3225 hand H3225 and on the left; H8040 and your seed H2233 shall inherit H3423 the Gentiles, H1471 and make the desolate H8077 cities H5892 to be inhabited. H3427
Isaiah 66:12
For thus H3541 said H559 the LORD, H3068 Behold, H2005 I will extend H5186 peace H7965 to her like a river, H5104 and the glory H3519 of the Gentiles H1471 like a flowing H7857 stream: H5158 then shall you suck, H3243 you shall be borne H5375 on her sides, H6654 and be dandled H8173 on her knees. H1290
Isaiah 66:19
And I will set H7760 a sign H226 among them, and I will send H7971 those H1992 that escape H6412 of them to the nations, H1471 to Tarshish, H8659 Pul, H6322 and Lud, H3865 that draw H4900 the bow, H7198 to Tubal, H8422 and Javan, H3120 to the isles H339 afar H7350 off, that have not heard H8085 my fame, H8088 neither H3808 have seen H7200 my glory; H3519 and they shall declare H5046 my glory H3519 among the Gentiles. H1471
Isaiah 66:20
And they shall bring H935 all H3605 your brothers H251 for an offering H4503 to the LORD H3068 out of all H3605 nations H1471 on horses, H5483 and in chariots, H7393 and in litters, H6632 and on mules, H6505 and on swift H3753 beasts, H3753 to my holy H6944 mountain H2022 Jerusalem, H3389 said H559 the LORD, H3068 as the children H1121 of Israel H3478 bring H935 an offering H4503 in a clean H2889 vessel H3627 into the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068
Genesis 49:10
The scepter H7626 shall not depart H5493 from Judah, H3063 nor a lawgiver H2710 from between H996 his feet, H7272 until H5704 H3588 Shiloh H7886 come; H935 and to him shall the gathering H3349 of the people H5971 be.
Psalm 22:27
All H3605 the ends H657 of the world H776 shall remember H2142 and turn H7725 to the LORD: H3068 and all H3605 the kindreds H4940 of the nations H1471 shall worship H7812 before H6440 you.
Psalm 67:1-4
To the chief H5329 Musician H5329 on Neginoth, H5058 A Psalm H4210 or Song. H7892 God H430 be merciful H2603 to us, and bless H1288 us; and cause his face H6440 to shine H215 on us; Selah. H5542
That your way H1870 may be known H3045 on earth, H776 your saving H3444 health H3444 among all H3605 nations. H1471
Let the people H5971 praise H3034 you, O God; H430 let all H3605 the people H5971 praise H3034 you.
O let the nations H3816 be glad H8056 and sing H7442 for joy: for you shall judge H8199 the people H5971 righteously, H4334 and govern H5148 the nations H3816 on earth. H776 Selah. H5542
Psalm 72:17-19
His name H8034 shall endure H1961 for ever: H5769 his name H8034 shall be continued H5125 as long H6440 as the sun: H8121 and men shall be blessed H1288 in him: all H3605 nations H1471 shall call H833 him blessed. H833
Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 God, H430 the God H430 of Israel, H3478 who only H905 does H6213 wondrous H6381 things.
And blessed H1288 be his glorious H3519 name H8034 for ever: H5769 and let the whole H854 H3605 earth H776 be filled H4390 with his glory; H3519 Amen, H543 and Amen. H543
Psalm 98:2
The LORD H3068 has made known H3045 his salvation: H3444 his righteousness H6666 has he openly showed H1540 in the sight H5869 of the heathen. H1471
Psalm 98:3
He has remembered H2142 his mercy H2617 and his truth H530 toward the house H1004 of Israel: H3478 all H3605 the ends H657 of the earth H776 have seen H7200 the salvation H3444 of our God. H430
Psalm 117:1
O praise H1984 the LORD, H3068 all H3605 you nations: H1471 praise H7623 him, all H3605 you people. H523
Psalm 117:2
For his merciful H2617 kindness H2617 is great H1396 toward H5921 us: and the truth H571 of the LORD H3068 endures for ever. H5769 Praise H1984 you the LORD. H3050
Amos 9:12
That they may possess H3423 the remnant H7611 of Edom, H123 and of all H3605 the heathen, H1471 which H834 are called H7121 by my name, H8034 said H5002 the LORD H3068 that does H6213 this. H2063
Micah 4:1
But in the last H319 days H3117 it shall come H1961 to pass, that the mountain H2022 of the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 shall be established H3559 in the top H7218 of the mountains, H2022 and it shall be exalted H5375 above the hills; H1389 and people H5971 shall flow H5102 to it.
Micah 4:2
And many H7227 nations H1471 shall come, H1980 and say, H559 Come, H3212 and let us go H5927 up to the mountain H2022 of the LORD, H3068 and to the house H1004 of the God H430 of Jacob; H3290 and he will teach H3384 us of his ways, H1870 and we will walk H3212 in his paths: H734 for the law H8451 shall go H3318 forth H3318 of Zion, H6726 and the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 from Jerusalem. H3389
Zechariah 2:11
And many H7227 nations H1471 shall be joined H3867 to the LORD H3068 in that day, H3117 and shall be my people: H5971 and I will dwell H7931 in the middle H8432 of you, and you shall know H3045 that the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 has sent H7971 me to you.
Zechariah 8:20-23
Thus H3541 said H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 It shall yet H5750 come H935 to pass, that there shall come people, H5971 and the inhabitants H3427 of many H7227 cities: H5892
And the inhabitants H3427 of one H259 city shall go H1980 to another, H259 saying, H559 Let us go H3212 speedily H1980 to pray H2470 before H854 H6440 the LORD, H3068 and to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 I will go H3212 also. H1571
Yes, many H7227 people H5971 and strong H6099 nations H1471 shall come H935 to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 in Jerusalem, H3389 and to pray H2470 before H854 H6440 the LORD. H3068
Thus H3541 said H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 In those H1992 days H3117 it shall come to pass, that ten H6235 men H582 shall take H2388 hold H2388 out of all H3605 languages H3956 of the nations, H1471 even shall take H2388 hold H2388 of the skirt H3671 of him that is a Jew, H3064 saying, H559 We will go H3212 with you: for we have heard H8085 that God H430 is with you.
Matthew 2:1-11
Now G1161 when Jesus G2424 was born G1080 in Bethlehem G965 of Judaea G2449 in the days G2250 of Herod G2264 the king, G935 behold, G2400 there came G3854 wise G3097 men from the east G395 to Jerusalem, G2414
Saying, G3004 Where G4226 is he that is born G5088 King G935 of the Jews? G2453 for we have seen G1492 his star G792 in the east, G395 and are come G2064 to worship G4352 him.
When Herod G2264 the king G935 had heard G191 these things, he was troubled, G5015 and all G3956 Jerusalem G2414 with him.
And when he had gathered G4863 all G3956 the chief G749 priests G749 and scribes G1122 of the people G2992 together, G4863 he demanded G4441 of them where G4226 Christ G5547 should be born. G1080
And they said G2036 to him, In Bethlehem G965 of Judaea: G2449 for thus G3779 it is written G1125 by the prophet, G4396
And you Bethlehem, G965 in the land G1093 of Juda, G2455 are G1488 not the least G1646 among G1722 the princes G2232 of Juda: G2455 for out of you shall come G1831 a Governor, G2233 that shall rule G4165 my people G2992 Israel. G2474
Then G5119 Herod, G2264 when he had privately G2977 called G2564 the wise G3097 men, inquired G198 of them diligently what G3588 time G5550 the star G792 appeared. G5316
And he sent G3992 them to Bethlehem, G965 and said, G2036 Go G4198 and search G1833 diligently G199 for the young G3813 child; G3813 and when G1875 you have found G2147 him, bring G518 me word G518 again, G518 that I may come G2064 and worship G4352 him also. G2504
When they had heard G191 the king, G935 they departed; G4198 and, see, G2400 the star, G792 which G3739 they saw G1492 in the east, G395 went G4254 before G4254 them, till G2193 it came G2064 and stood G2476 over G1883 where G3757 the young G3813 child G3813 was.
When they saw G1492 the star, G792 they rejoiced G5463 with exceeding G4970 great G3173 joy. G5479
And when they were come G2064 into G1519 the house, G3614 they saw G2147 the young G3813 child G3813 with Mary G3137 his mother, G3384 and fell G4098 down, G4098 and worshipped G4352 him: and when they had opened G455 their treasures, G2344 they presented G4374 to him gifts; G1435 gold, G5557 and frankincense G3030 and myrrh. G4666
Matthew 28:19
Go G4198 you therefore, G3767 and teach G3100 all G3956 nations, G1484 baptizing G907 them in the name G3686 of the Father, G3962 and of the Son, G5207 and of the Holy G40 Ghost: G4151
Luke 24:47
And that repentance G3341 and remission G859 of sins G266 should be preached G2784 in his name G3686 among G1519 all G3956 nations, G1484 beginning G756 at G575 Jerusalem. G2419
John 12:20
And there were certain G5100 Greeks G1672 among G1537 them that came G305 up to worship G4352 at G1722 the feast: G1859
John 12:21
The same G3778 came G4334 therefore G3767 to Philip, G5376 which was of Bethsaida G966 of Galilee, G1056 and desired G2065 him, saying, G3004 Sir, G2962 we would G2309 see G1492 Jesus. G2424
John 12:32
And I, if G1437 I be lifted G5312 up from the earth, G1093 will draw G1670 all G3956 men to me.
Acts 13:47
For so G3779 has the Lord G2962 commanded G1781 us, saying, I have set G5087 you to be a light G5457 of the Gentiles, G1484 that you should be for salvation G4991 to the ends G2078 of the earth. G1093
Acts 15:17
That the residue G2645 of men G444 might seek G1567 after G1567 the Lord, G2962 and all G3956 the Gentiles, G1484 on whom G3739 my name G3686 is called, G1941 said G3004 the Lord, G2962 who G3588 does G4160 all G3956 these G5023 things.
Romans 11:11-15
I say G2046 then, G3767 Have they stumbled G4417 that they should fall? G4098 God G3361 G1096 forbid: G3361 G1096 but rather through their fall G3900 salvation G4991 is come to the Gentiles, G1484 for to provoke G3863 them to jealousy.
Now G1161 if G1487 the fall G3900 of them be the riches G4149 of the world, G2889 and the diminishing G2275 of them the riches G4149 of the Gentiles; G1484 how G4214 much G4214 more G3123 their fullness? G4138
For I speak G3004 to you Gentiles, G1484 inasmuch G1909 G3745 as I am G1510 the apostle G652 of the Gentiles, G1484 I magnify G1392 my G3450 office: G1248
If G1513 by any G4458 means G4458 I may provoke G3863 to emulation G3863 them which are my flesh, G4561 and might save G4982 some G5100 of them.
For if G1487 the casting G580 away G580 of them be the reconciling G2643 of the world, G2889 what G5101 shall the receiving G4356 of them be, but life G2222 from the dead? G3498
Romans 15:9-12
And that the Gentiles G1484 might glorify G1392 God G2316 for his mercy; G1656 as it is written, G1125 For this G5124 cause G1223 I will confess G1843 to you among G1722 the Gentiles, G1484 and sing G5567 to your name. G3686
And again G3825 he said, G3004 Rejoice, G2165 you Gentiles, G1484 with his people. G2992
And again, G3825 Praise G134 the Lord, G2962 all G3956 you Gentiles; G1484 and laud G1867 him, all G3956 you people. G2992
And again, G3825 Esaias G2268 said, G3004 There shall be a root G4491 of Jesse, G2421 and he that shall rise G450 to reign G757 over the Gentiles; G1484 in him shall the Gentiles G1484 trust. G1679
Isaiah 60:10
And the sons H1121 of strangers H5236 shall build H1129 up your walls, H2346 and their kings H4428 shall minister H8334 to you: for in my wrath H7110 I smote H5221 you, but in my favor H7522 have I had mercy H7355 on you.
Isaiah 60:16
You shall also suck H3243 the milk H2461 of the Gentiles, H1471 and shall suck H3243 the breast H7699 of kings: H4428 and you shall know H3045 that I the LORD H3068 am your Savior H3467 and your Redeemer, H1350 the mighty H46 One of Jacob. H3290
Isaiah 49:7
Thus H3541 said H559 the LORD, H3068 the Redeemer H1350 of Israel, H3478 and his Holy H6918 One, to him whom man H5315 despises, H960 to him whom the nation H1471 abhors, H8581 to a servant H5650 of rulers, H4910 Kings H4428 shall see H7200 and arise, H6965 princes H8269 also shall worship, H7812 because H4616 of the LORD H3068 that is faithful, H539 and the Holy H6918 One of Israel, H3478 and he shall choose H977 you.
Isaiah 49:23
And kings H4428 shall be your nursing H539 fathers, and their queens H8282 your nursing H3243 mothers: they shall bow H7812 down H7812 to you with their face H639 toward the earth, H776 and lick H3897 up the dust H6083 of your feet; H7272 and you shall know H3045 that I am the LORD: H3068 for they shall not be ashamed H954 that wait H6960 for me.
Psalm 2:10
Be wise H7919 now H6258 therefore, O you kings: H4428 be instructed, H3256 you judges H8199 of the earth. H776
Psalm 68:29
Because of your temple H1964 at H5921 Jerusalem H3389 shall kings H4428 bring H2986 presents H7862 to you.
Psalm 72:11
Yes, all H3605 kings H4428 shall fall H7812 down H7812 before him: all H3605 nations H1471 shall serve H5647 him.
Psalm 138:4
All H3605 the kings H4428 of the earth H776 shall praise H3034 you, O LORD, H3068 when H3588 they hear H8085 the words H561 of your mouth. H6310
Revelation 11:15
And the seventh G1442 angel G32 sounded; G4537 and there were great G3173 voices G5456 in heaven, G3772 saying, G3004 The kingdoms G932 of this G5026 world G2889 are become G1096 the kingdoms G932 of our Lord, G2962 and of his Christ; G5547 and he shall reign G936 for ever G165 and ever. G165
Revelation 21:24
And the nations G1484 of them which are saved G4982 shall walk G4043 in the light G5457 of it: and the kings G935 of the earth G1093 do bring G5342 their glory G1391 and honor G5092 into G1519 it.