Jeremiah 33:9
And it shall be to me a name H8034 of joy, H8342 a praise H8416 and an honor H8597 before all H3605 the nations H1471 of the earth, H776 which H834 shall hear H8085 all H3605 the good H2896 that I do H6213 to them: and they shall fear H6342 and tremble H7264 for all H3605 the goodness H2896 and for all H3605 the prosperity H7965 that I procure H6213 to it.
Hosea 1:10
Yet the number H4557 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall be as the sand H2344 of the sea, H3220 which H834 cannot H3808 be measured H4058 nor H3808 numbered; H5608 and it shall come H1961 to pass, that in the place H4725 where H834 it was said H559 to them, You are not my people, H5971 there it shall be said H559 to them, You are the sons H1121 of the living H2416 God. H410
Hosea 1:11
Then shall the children H1121 of Judah H3063 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 be gathered H6908 together, H3162 and appoint H7760 themselves H1992 one H259 head, H7218 and they shall come H5927 up out of the land: H776 for great H1419 shall be the day H3117 of Jezreel. H3157
Hosea 3:5
Afterward H310 shall the children H1121 of Israel H3478 return, H7725 and seek H1245 the LORD H3068 their God, H430 and David H1732 their king; H4428 and shall fear H6342 the LORD H3068 and his goodness H2898 in the latter H319 days. H3117
Acts 10:45
And they of the circumcision G4061 which believed G4103 were astonished, G1839 as many G3745 as came G4905 with Peter, G4074 because G3754 that on G1909 the Gentiles G1484 also G2532 was poured G1632 out the gift G1431 of the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
Acts 11:17
For as much G1487 then G3767 as God G2316 gave G1325 them the like G2470 gift G1431 as he did to us, who believed G4100 on G1909 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547 what G5101 was I, that I could G1415 withstand G2967 God? G2316
Isaiah 54:2
Enlarge H7337 the place H4725 of your tent, H168 and let them stretch H5186 forth the curtains H3407 of your habitations: H4908 spare H2820 not, lengthen H748 your cords, H4340 and strengthen H2388 your stakes; H3489
1 Samuel 2:1
And Hannah H2584 prayed, H6419 and said, H559 My heart H3820 rejoices H5970 in the LORD, H3068 my horn H7161 is exalted H7311 in the LORD: H3068 my mouth H6310 is enlarged H7337 over H5921 my enemies; H341 because H3588 I rejoice H8055 in your salvation. H3444
2 Corinthians 6:1-13
We then, G3767 as workers G4903 together G4903 with him, beseech G3870 you also G2532 that you receive G1209 not the grace G5485 of God G2316 in vain. G2756
(For he said, G3004 I have heard G1873 you in a time G2540 accepted, G1184 and in the day G2250 of salvation G4991 have I succored G997 you: behold, G2400 now G3568 is the accepted G2144 time; G2540 behold, G2400 now G3568 is the day G2250 of salvation. G4991 )
Giving G1325 no G3367 offense G4349 in any G3367 thing, that the ministry G1248 be not blamed: G3469
But in all G3956 things approving G4921 ourselves G1438 as the ministers G1249 of God, G2316 in much G4183 patience, G5281 in afflictions, G2347 in necessities, G318 in distresses, G4730
In stripes, G4127 in imprisonments, G5438 in tumults, G181 in labors, G2873 in watchings, G70 in fastings; G3521
By pureness, G54 by knowledge, G1108 by long-suffering, G3115 by kindness, G5544 by the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 by love G26 unfeigned, G505
By the word G3056 of truth, G225 by the power G1411 of God, G2316 by the armor G3696 of righteousness G1343 on the right G1188 hand and on the left, G710
By honor G1391 and dishonor, G819 by evil G1426 report G1426 and good G2162 report: G2162 as deceivers, G4108 and yet true; G227
As unknown, G50 and yet well G1921 known; G1921 as dying, G599 and, behold, G2400 we live; G2198 as chastened, G3811 and not killed; G2289
As sorrowful, G3076 yet G1161 always G104 rejoicing; G5463 as poor, G4434 yet G1161 making G4148 many G4183 rich; G4148 as having G2192 nothing, G3367 and yet possessing G2722 all G3956 things.
O you Corinthians, G2881 our mouth G4750 is open G455 to you, our heart G2588 is enlarged. G4115
You are not straitened G4729 in us, but you are straitened G4729 in your G5216 own bowels. G4698
Now G1161 for a recompense G489 in the same, G846 (I speak G3004 as to my children, G5043 ) be you also G2532 enlarged. G4115
2 Corinthians 10:15
Not boasting G2744 of things without G280 our measure, G280 that is, of other G245 men's labors; G2873 but having G2192 hope, G1680 when your G5216 faith G4102 is increased, G837 that we shall be enlarged G3170 by you according G2596 to our rule G2583 abundantly, G1519
Revelation 21:26
And they shall bring G5342 the glory G1391 and honor G5092 of the nations G1484 into G1519 it.
Isaiah 24:14
They shall lift H5375 up their voice, H6963 they shall sing H7442 for the majesty H1347 of the LORD, H3068 they shall cry H6670 aloud H6670 from the sea. H3220
Isaiah 24:15
Why H5921 H3651 glorify H3513 you the LORD H3068 in the fires, H217 even the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 in the isles H339 of the sea. H3220
Psalm 96:7-9
Give H3051 to the LORD, H3068 O you kindreds H4940 of the people, H5971 give H3051 to the LORD H3068 glory H3519 and strength. H5797
Give H3051 to the LORD H3068 the glory H3519 due to his name: H8034 bring H5375 an offering, H4503 and come H935 into his courts. H2691
O worship H7812 the LORD H3068 in the beauty H1927 of holiness: H6944 fear H2342 before H6440 him, all H3605 the earth. H776
Psalm 98:7-9
Let the sea H3220 roar, H7481 and the fullness H4393 thereof; the world, H8398 and they that dwell H3427 therein.
Let the floods H5104 clap H4222 their hands: H3709 let the hills H2022 be joyful H7442 together H3162
Before H6440 the LORD; H3068 for he comes H935 to judge H8199 the earth: H776 with righteousness H6664 shall he judge H8199 the world, H8398 and the people H5971 with equity. H4339
Romans 11:25
For I would G2309 not, brothers, G80 that you should be ignorant G50 of this G5124 mystery, G3466 lest G2443 G3361 you should be wise G5429 in your G3844 G1438 own G1438 conceits; G3844 G1438 that blindness G4457 in part G3313 is happened G1096 to Israel, G2474 until G891 the fullness G4138 of the Gentiles G1484 be come G1525 in.
Isaiah 60:11
Therefore your gates H8179 shall be open H6605 continually; H8548 they shall not be shut H5462 day H3119 nor night; H3915 that men may bring H935 to you the forces H2428 of the Gentiles, H1471 and that their kings H4428 may be brought. H5090
Isaiah 23:18
And her merchandise H5504 and her hire H868 shall be holiness H6944 to the LORD: H3068 it shall not be treasured H686 nor H3808 laid H2630 up; for her merchandise H5504 shall be for them that dwell H3427 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 to eat H398 sufficiently, H7654 and for durable H6266 clothing. H4374
Isaiah 61:6
But you shall be named H7121 the Priests H3548 of the LORD: H3068 men shall call H7121 you the Ministers H8334 of our God: H430 you shall eat H398 the riches H2428 of the Gentiles, H1471 and in their glory H3519 shall you boast H3235 yourselves.
Acts 24:17
Now G1161 after G1223 many G4119 years G2094 I came G3854 to bring G4160 alms G1654 to my nation, G1484 and offerings. G4376
Romans 15:26
For it has pleased G2106 them of Macedonia G3109 and Achaia G882 to make G4160 a certain G5100 contribution G2842 for the poor G4434 saints G40 which G3588 are at G1722 Jerusalem. G2419