Isaiah 60:4
Lift H5375 up your eyes H5869 round H5439 about, and see: H7200 all H3605 they gather H6908 themselves together, they come H935 to you: your sons H1121 shall come H935 from far, H7350 and your daughters H1323 shall be nursed H539 at H5921 your side. H6654
Isaiah 45:22
Look H6437 to me, and be you saved, H3467 all the ends H657 of the earth: H776 for I am God, H410 and there is none H369 else. H5750
Luke 13:29
And they shall come G2240 from the east, G395 and from the west, G1424 and from the north, G1005 and from the south, G3558 and shall sit G347 down G347 in the kingdom G932 of God. G2316
Revelation 7:9
After G3326 this G5023 I beheld, G1492 and, see, G2400 a great G4183 multitude, G3793 which G3739 no G3762 man G3762 could G1410 number, G705 of all G3956 nations, G1484 and kindreds, G5443 and people, G2992 and tongues, G1100 stood G2476 before G1799 the throne, G2362 and before G1799 the Lamb, G721 clothed G4016 with white G3022 robes, G4749 and palms G5404 in their hands; G5495
Hebrews 12:1
Why G5105 seeing we also G2532 are compassed G4029 about G4029 with so G5118 great G5118 a cloud G3509 of witnesses, G3144 let us lay G659 aside G659 every G3956 weight, G3591 and the sin G266 which does so easily beset G2139 us, and let us run G5143 with patience G5281 the race G73 that is set G4295 before G4295 us,
Genesis 8:8-11
Also he sent H7971 forth a dove H3123 from him, to see H7200 if the waters H4325 were abated H7043 from off H5921 the face H6440 of the ground; H127
But the dove H3123 found H4672 no H3808 rest H4494 for the sole H3709 of her foot, H7272 and she returned H7725 to him into H413 the ark, H8392 for the waters H4325 were on H5921 the face H6440 of the whole H3605 earth: H776 then he put H7971 forth H7971 his hand, H3027 and took H3947 her, and pulled H935 her in to him into H413 the ark. H8392
And he stayed H2342 yet other H312 seven H7651 days; H3117 and again H3254 he sent H7971 forth the dove H3123 out of the ark; H8392
And the dove H3123 came H935 in to him in the evening; H6153 and, see, H2009 in her mouth H6310 was an olive H2132 leaf H5929 plucked H2965 off: so Noah H5146 knew H3045 that the waters H4325 were abated H7043 from off H5921 the earth. H776