Isaiah 35:10
And the ransomed H6299 of the LORD H3068 shall return, H7725 and come H935 to Zion H6726 with songs H7440 and everlasting H5769 joy H8057 on their heads: H7218 they shall obtain H5381 joy H8057 and gladness, H8057 and sorrow H3015 and sighing H585 shall flee H5127 away.
Isaiah 51:11
Therefore the redeemed H6299 of the LORD H3068 shall return, H7725 and come H935 with singing H7440 to Zion; H6726 and everlasting H5769 joy H8057 shall be on their head: H7218 they shall obtain H5381 gladness H8057 and joy; H8057 and sorrow H3015 and mourning H585 shall flee H5127 away.
1 Samuel 2:1
And Hannah H2584 prayed, H6419 and said, H559 My heart H3820 rejoices H5970 in the LORD, H3068 my horn H7161 is exalted H7311 in the LORD: H3068 my mouth H6310 is enlarged H7337 over H5921 my enemies; H341 because H3588 I rejoice H8055 in your salvation. H3444
Nehemiah 8:10
Then he said H559 to them, Go H3212 your way, eat H398 the fat, H4924 and drink H8354 the sweet, H4477 and send H7971 portions H4490 to them for whom nothing H3808 is prepared: H3559 for this day H3117 is holy H6918 to our LORD: H113 neither H408 be you sorry; H6087 for the joy H2304 of the LORD H3068 is your strength. H4581
Psalm 28:7
The LORD H3068 is my strength H5797 and my shield; H4043 my heart H3820 trusted H982 in him, and I am helped: H5826 therefore my heart H3820 greatly rejoices; H5937 and with my song H7892 will I praise H3034 him.
Habakkuk 3:18
Yet I will rejoice H5937 in the LORD, H3068 I will joy H1523 in the God H430 of my salvation. H3468
Zechariah 10:7
And they of Ephraim H669 shall be like a mighty H1368 man, and their heart H3820 shall rejoice H8055 as through wine: H3196 yes, their children H1121 shall see H7200 it, and be glad; H8056 their heart H3820 shall rejoice H1523 in the LORD. H3068
Luke 1:46
And Mary G3137 said, G2036 My soul G5590 does magnify G3170 the Lord, G2962
Luke 1:47
And my spirit G4151 has rejoiced G21 in God G2316 my Savior. G4990
Romans 5:11
And not only G3440 so, but we also G2532 joy G2744 in God G2316 through G1223 our Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 by whom G3739 we have now G3568 received G2983 the atonement. G2643
Philippians 3:1-3
Finally, G3063 my brothers, G80 rejoice G5463 in the Lord. G2962 To write G1125 the same G846 things to you, to me indeed G3303 is not grievous, G3636 but for you it is safe. G804
Beware G991 of dogs, G2965 beware G991 of evil G2556 workers, G2040 beware G991 of the concision. G2699
For we are the circumcision, G4061 which G3588 worship G3000 God G2316 in the spirit, G4151 and rejoice G2744 in Christ G5547 Jesus, G2424 and have no G3756 confidence G3982 in the flesh. G4561
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice G5463 in the Lord G2962 always: G104 and again G3825 I say, G2046 Rejoice. G5463
1 Peter 1:8
Whom G3739 having not seen, G1492 you love; G25 in whom, though now G737 you see G3708 him not, yet G1161 believing, G4100 you rejoice G21 with joy G5479 unspeakable G412 and full of glory: G1392
Revelation 19:7
Let us be glad G5463 and rejoice, G21 and give G1325 honor G1391 to him: for the marriage G1062 of the Lamb G721 is come, G2064 and his wife G1135 has made G2090 herself G1438 ready. G2090
Revelation 19:8
And to her was granted G1325 that she should be arrayed G4016 in fine linen, G1039 clean G2513 and white: G2986 for the fine linen G1039 is the righteousness G1345 of saints. G40
Isaiah 61:3
To appoint H7760 to them that mourn H57 in Zion, H6726 to give H5414 to them beauty H6287 for ashes, H665 the oil H8081 of joy H8342 for mourning, H60 the garment H4594 of praise H8416 for the spirit H7307 of heaviness; H3544 that they might be called H7121 trees H352 of righteousness, H6664 the planting H4302 of the LORD, H3068 that he might be glorified. H6286
Isaiah 52:1
Awake, H5782 awake; H5782 put H3847 on your strength, H5797 O Zion; H6726 put H3847 on your beautiful H8597 garments, H899 O Jerusalem, H3389 the holy H6944 city: H5892 for from now on H6258 there shall no H3808 more H3254 H5750 come H935 into you the uncircumcised H6189 and the unclean. H2931
2 Chronicles 6:41
Now H6258 therefore arise, H6965 O LORD H3068 God, H430 into your resting H5118 place, you, and the ark H727 of your strength: H5797 let your priests, H3548 O LORD H3068 God, H430 be clothed H3847 with salvation, H8668 and let your saints H2623 rejoice H8055 in goodness. H2896
Psalm 132:9
Let your priests H3548 be clothed H3847 with righteousness; H6664 and let your saints H2623 shout H7442 for joy. H7442
Psalm 132:16
I will also clothe H3847 her priests H3548 with salvation: H3468 and her saints H2623 shall shout H7442 aloud H7442 for joy. H7442
Luke 15:22
But the father G3962 said G2036 to his servants, G1401 Bring G1627 forth G1627 the best G4413 robe, G4749 and put G1746 it on G1746 him; and put G1325 a ring G1146 on G1519 his hand, G5495 and shoes G5266 on G1519 his feet: G4228
Romans 3:22
Even G1161 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 which is by faith G4102 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 to all G3956 and on all G3956 them that believe: G4100 for there is no G3756 difference: G1293
Romans 13:14
But put G1746 you on G1746 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and make G4160 not provision G4307 for the flesh, G4561 to fulfill the lusts G1939 thereof.
Romans 14:17
For the kingdom G932 of God G2316 is not meat G1035 and drink; G4213 but righteousness, G1343 and peace, G1515 and joy G5479 in the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
Galatians 3:27
For as many G3745 of you as have been baptized G907 into G1519 Christ G5547 have put G1746 on G1746 Christ. G5547
Philippians 3:9
And be found G2147 in him, not having G2192 my G1699 own G1699 righteousness, G1343 which G3588 is of the law, G3551 but that which G3588 is through G1223 the faith G4102 of Christ, G5547 the righteousness G1343 which G3588 is of God G2316 by faith: G4102
Revelation 4:4
And round G2943 about G2943 the throne G2362 were four G5064 and twenty G1501 seats: G2362 and on the seats G2362 I saw G1492 four G5064 and twenty G1501 elders G4245 sitting, G2521 clothed G4016 in white G3022 raiment; G2440 and they had G2192 on G1909 their heads G2776 crowns G4735 of gold. G5552
Revelation 7:9-14
After G3326 this G5023 I beheld, G1492 and, see, G2400 a great G4183 multitude, G3793 which G3739 no G3762 man G3762 could G1410 number, G705 of all G3956 nations, G1484 and kindreds, G5443 and people, G2992 and tongues, G1100 stood G2476 before G1799 the throne, G2362 and before G1799 the Lamb, G721 clothed G4016 with white G3022 robes, G4749 and palms G5404 in their hands; G5495
And cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 Salvation G4991 to our God G2316 which G3588 sits G2521 on the throne, G2362 and to the Lamb. G721
And all G3956 the angels G32 stood G2476 round G2943 about G2943 the throne, G2362 and about the elders G4245 and the four G5064 beasts, G2226 and fell G4098 before G1799 the throne G2362 on G1909 their faces, G4383 and worshipped G4352 God, G2316
Saying, G3004 Amen: G281 Blessing, G2129 and glory, G1391 and wisdom, G4678 and thanksgiving, G2169 and honor, G5092 and power, G1411 and might, G2479 be to our God G2316 for ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281
And one G1520 of the elders G4245 answered, G611 saying G3004 to me, What G5101 are these G3778 which G3588 are arrayed G4016 in white G3022 robes? G4749 and from where G4159 came G2064 they?
And I said G2046 to him, Sir, G2962 you know. G1492 And he said G2036 to me, These G3778 are they which came G2064 out of great G3173 tribulation, G2347 and have washed G4150 their robes, G4749 and made G3021 them white G3021 in the blood G129 of the Lamb. G721
Revelation 21:2
And I John G2491 saw G1492 the holy G40 city, G4172 new G2537 Jerusalem, G2419 coming G2597 down G2597 from God G2316 out of heaven, G3772 prepared G2090 as a bride G3565 adorned G2885 for her husband. G435
Isaiah 49:18
Lift H5375 up your eyes H5869 round H5439 about, and behold: H7200 all H3605 these gather H6908 themselves together, and come H935 to you. As I live, H2416 said H5002 the LORD, H3068 you shall surely H3588 clothe H3847 you with them all, H3605 as with an ornament, H5716 and bind H7194 them on you, as a bride H3618 does.
Psalm 45:8
All H3605 your garments H899 smell of myrrh, H4753 and aloes, H174 and cassia, H7102 out of the ivory H8127 palaces, H1964 whereby H4482 they have made you glad. H8056
Psalm 45:9
Kings' H4428 daughters H1323 were among your honorable H3368 women: on your right H3225 hand H3225 did stand H5324 the queen H7694 in gold H3800 of Ophir. H211
Psalm 45:13
The king's H4428 daughter H1323 is all H3605 glorious H3520 within: H6441 her clothing H3830 is of worked H4865 gold. H2091
Psalm 45:14
She shall be brought H2986 to the king H4428 in raiment H7553 of needlework: H7553 the virgins H1330 her companions H7464 that follow H310 her shall be brought H935 to you.
Jeremiah 2:32
Can a maid H1330 forget H7911 her ornaments, H5716 or a bride H3618 her attire? H7196 yet my people H5971 have forgotten H7911 me days H3117 without H369 number. H4557
Ezekiel 16:8-16
Now when I passed H5674 by you, and looked H7200 on you, behold, H2009 your time H6256 was the time H6256 of love; H1730 and I spread H6566 my skirt H3671 over H5921 you, and covered H3680 your nakedness: H6172 yes, I swore H7650 to you, and entered H935 into a covenant H1285 with you, said H5002 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 and you became H1961 mine.
Then washed H7364 I you with water; H4325 yes, I thoroughly washed H7857 away your blood H1818 from you, and I anointed H5480 you with oil. H8081
I clothed H3847 you also with broidered H7553 work, H7553 and shod H5274 you with badgers' H8476 skin, and I girded H2280 you about with fine linen, H8336 and I covered H3680 you with silk. H4897
I decked H5710 you also with ornaments, H5716 and I put H5414 bracelets H6781 on your hands, H3027 and a chain H7242 on H5921 your neck. H1627
And I put H5414 a jewel H5141 on H5921 your forehead, H639 and earrings H5694 in your ears, H241 and a beautiful H8597 crown H5850 on your head. H7218
Thus were you decked H5710 with gold H2091 and silver; H3701 and your raiment H4403 was of fine linen, H8336 and silk, H4897 and broidered H7553 work; H7553 you did eat H398 fine flour, H5560 and honey, H1706 and oil: H8081 and you were exceeding H3966 beautiful, H3303 and you did prosper H6743 into a kingdom. H4410
And your renown H8034 went H3318 forth H3318 among the heathen H1471 for your beauty: H3308 for it was perfect H3632 through my comeliness, H1926 which H834 I had put H7760 on you, said H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069
But you did trust H982 in your own beauty, H3308 and played the harlot H2181 because H5921 of your renown, H8034 and poured H8210 out your fornications H8457 on every H3605 one that passed H5674 by; his it was.
And of your garments H899 you did take, H3947 and decked H6213 your high H1116 places with divers H2921 colors, H2921 and played the harlot H2181 thereupon: the like things shall not come, H935 neither H3808 shall it be so.
Revelation 19:7
Let us be glad G5463 and rejoice, G21 and give G1325 honor G1391 to him: for the marriage G1062 of the Lamb G721 is come, G2064 and his wife G1135 has made G2090 herself G1438 ready. G2090
Revelation 19:8
And to her was granted G1325 that she should be arrayed G4016 in fine linen, G1039 clean G2513 and white: G2986 for the fine linen G1039 is the righteousness G1345 of saints. G40
Revelation 21:2
And I John G2491 saw G1492 the holy G40 city, G4172 new G2537 Jerusalem, G2419 coming G2597 down G2597 from God G2316 out of heaven, G3772 prepared G2090 as a bride G3565 adorned G2885 for her husband. G435
Revelation 21:9
And there came G2064 to me one G1520 of the seven G2033 angels G32 which G3588 had G2192 the seven G2033 vials G5357 full G1073 of the seven G2033 last G2078 plagues, G4127 and talked G2980 with me, saying, G3004 Come G1204 here, G1204 I will show G1166 you the bride, G3565 the Lamb's G721 wife. G1135
Exodus 28:2-43
And you shall make H6213 holy H6944 garments H899 for Aaron H175 your brother H251 for glory H3519 and for beauty. H8597
And you shall speak H1696 to all H3605 that are wise H2450 hearted, H3820 whom H834 I have filled H4390 with the spirit H7307 of wisdom, H2451 that they may make H6213 Aaron's H175 garments H899 to consecrate H6942 him, that he may minister to me in the priest's H3547 office.
And these H428 are the garments H899 which H834 they shall make; H6213 a breastplate, H2833 and an ephod, H646 and a robe, H4598 and a broidered H8665 coat, H3801 a turban, H4701 and a girdle: H73 and they shall make H6213 holy H6944 garments H899 for Aaron H175 your brother, H251 and his sons, H1121 that he may minister to me in the priest's H3547 office.
And they shall take H3947 gold, H2091 and blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine linen. H8336
And they shall make H6213 the ephod H646 of gold, H2091 of blue, H8504 and of purple, H713 of scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine twined H7806 linen, H8336 with cunning H2803 work. H4639
It shall have H1961 the two H8147 shoulder pieces H3802 thereof joined H2266 at H413 the two H8147 edges H7098 thereof; and so it shall be joined H2266 together.
And the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod, H642 which H834 is on it, shall be of the same, according to the work H4639 thereof; even of gold, H2091 of blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet, H8144 H8438 and fine twined H7806 linen. H8336
And you shall take H3947 two H8147 onyx H7718 stones, H68 and grave H6605 on H5921 them the names H8034 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478
Six H8337 of their names H8034 on H5921 one H259 stone, H68 and the other six H8337 names H8034 of the rest H3498 on H5921 the other stone, H68 according to their birth. H8435
With the work H4639 of an engraver H2796 in stone, H68 like the engravings H6603 of a signet, H2368 shall you engrave H6605 the two H8147 stones H68 with the names H8034 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 you shall make H6213 them to be set H4142 in ouches H4865 of gold. H2091
And you shall put H7760 the two H8147 stones H68 on the shoulders H3802 of the ephod H646 for stones H68 of memorial H2146 to the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 and Aaron H175 shall bear H5375 their names H8034 before H6440 the LORD H3068 on his two H8147 shoulders H3802 for a memorial. H2146
And you shall make H6213 ouches H4865 of gold; H2091
And two H8147 chains H8333 of pure H2889 gold H2091 at the ends; H4020 of wreathen H5688 work H4639 shall you make H6213 them, and fasten H5414 the wreathen H5688 chains H8333 to the ouches. H4865
And you shall make H6213 the breastplate H2833 of judgment H4941 with cunning H2803 work; H4639 after the work H4639 of the ephod H646 you shall make H6213 it; of gold, H2091 of blue, H8504 and of purple, H713 and of scarlet, H8144 H8438 and of fine twined H7806 linen, H8336 shall you make H6213 it.
Foursquare H7251 it shall be being doubled; H3717 a span H2239 shall be the length H753 thereof, and a span H2239 shall be the breadth H7341 thereof.
And you shall set H4390 in it settings H4396 of stones, H68 even four H702 rows H2905 of stones: H68 the first row H2905 shall be a sardius, H124 a topaz, H6357 and a carbuncle: H1304 this shall be the first H259 row. H2905
And the second H8145 row H2905 shall be an emerald, H5306 a sapphire, H5601 and a diamond. H3095
And the third H7992 row H2905 a ligure, H3958 an agate, H7618 and an amethyst. H306
And the fourth H7243 row H2905 a beryl, H8658 and an onyx, H7718 and a jasper: H3471 they shall be set H7660 in gold H2091 in their settings. H4396
And the stones H68 shall be with the names H8034 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 twelve, H8147 H6240 according H5921 to their names, H8034 like the engravings H6603 of a signet; H2368 every H376 one H376 with his name H8034 shall they be according to the twelve H8147 H6240 tribes. H7626
And you shall make H6213 on the breastplate H2833 chains H8331 at the ends H1383 of wreathen H5688 work H4639 of pure H2889 gold. H2091
And you shall make H6213 on the breastplate H2833 two H8147 rings H2885 of gold, H2091 and shall put H5414 the two H8147 rings H2885 on H5921 the two H8147 ends H7098 of the breastplate. H2833
And you shall put H5414 the two H8147 wreathen H5688 chains H5688 of gold H2091 in the two H8147 rings H2885 which are on H413 the ends H7098 of the breastplate. H2833
And the other two H8147 ends H7098 of the two H8147 wreathen H5688 chains you shall fasten H5414 in the two H8147 ouches, H4865 and put H5414 them on H5921 the shoulder pieces H3802 of the ephod H646 before H434 it.
And you shall make H6213 two H8147 rings H2885 of gold, H2091 and you shall put H7760 them on the two H8147 ends H7098 of the breastplate H2833 in the border H8193 thereof, which H834 is in the side H5676 of the ephod H646 inward. H1004
And two H8147 other rings H2885 of gold H2091 you shall make, H6213 and shall put H5414 them on H5921 the two H8147 sides H3802 of the ephod H646 underneath, H4295 toward H4136 the forepart H6440 thereof, over H5980 against H5980 the other coupling H4225 thereof, above H4605 the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod. H646
And they shall bind H7405 the breastplate H2833 by the rings H2885 thereof to the rings H2885 of the ephod H646 with a lace H6616 of blue, H8504 that it may be above H4605 the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod, H646 and that the breastplate H2833 be not loosed H2118 from the ephod. H646
And Aaron H175 shall bear H5375 the names H8034 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 in the breastplate H2833 of judgment H4941 on his heart, H3820 when he goes H935 in to the holy H6944 place, for a memorial H2146 before H6440 the LORD H3068 continually. H8548
And you shall put H5414 in the breastplate H2833 of judgment H4941 the Urim H224 and the Thummim; H8550 and they shall be on Aaron's H175 heart, H3820 when he goes H935 in before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and Aaron H175 shall bear H5375 the judgment H4941 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 on his heart H3820 before H6440 the LORD H3068 continually. H8548
And you shall make H6213 the robe H4598 of the ephod H646 all H3632 of blue. H8504
And there shall be an hole H6310 in the top H7218 of it, in the middle H8432 thereof: it shall have H1961 a binding H8193 of woven H707 work H4639 round H5439 about the hole H6310 of it, as it were the hole H6310 of an habergeon, H8473 that it be not rent. H7167
And beneath on the hem H7757 of it you shall make H6213 pomegranates H7416 of blue, H8504 and of purple, H713 and of scarlet, H8144 H8438 round H5439 about the hem H7757 thereof; and bells H6472 of gold H2091 between H8432 them round H5439 about:
A golden H2091 bell H6472 and a pomegranate, H7416 a golden H2091 bell H6472 and a pomegranate, H7416 on the hem H7757 of the robe H4598 round H5439 about.
And it shall be on Aaron H175 to minister: H8334 and his sound H6963 shall be heard H8085 when he goes H935 in to the holy H6944 place before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and when he comes H3318 out, that he die H4191 not.
And you shall make H6213 a plate H6731 of pure H2889 gold, H2091 and grave H6605 on it, like the engravings H6603 of a signet, H2368 HOLINESS H6944 TO THE LORD. H3068
And you shall put H7760 it on H5921 a blue H8504 lace, H6616 that it may be on the turban; H4701 on the forefront H4136 H6440 of the turban H4701 it shall be.
And it shall be on Aaron's H175 forehead, H4696 that Aaron H175 may bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of the holy H6944 things, which H834 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall hallow H6942 in all their holy H6944 gifts; H4979 and it shall be always H8548 on his forehead, H4696 that they may be accepted H7522 before H6440 the LORD. H3068
And you shall embroider H7660 the coat H3801 of fine linen, H8336 and you shall make H6213 the turban H4701 of fine linen, H8336 and you shall make H6213 the girdle H73 of needlework. H7551
And for Aaron's H175 sons H1121 you shall make H6213 coats, H3801 and you shall make H6213 for them girdles, H73 and bonnets H4021 shall you make H6213 for them, for glory H3519 and for beauty. H8597
And you shall put H3847 them on Aaron H175 your brother, H251 and his sons H1121 with him; and shall anoint H4886 them, and consecrate H4390 H3027 them, and sanctify H6942 them, that they may minister to me in the priest's H3547 office.
And you shall make H6213 them linen H906 breeches H4370 to cover H3680 their nakedness; H6172 from the loins H4975 even to the thighs H3409 they shall reach: H1961
And they shall be on Aaron, H175 and on his sons, H1121 when they come H935 in to the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 or H176 when they come H5066 near H5066 to the altar H4196 to minister H8334 in the holy H6944 place; that they bear H5375 not iniquity, H5771 and die: H4191 it shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 to him and his seed H2233 after H310 him.
Genesis 24:53
And the servant H5650 brought H3318 forth H3318 jewels H3627 of silver, H3701 and jewels H3627 of gold, H2091 and raiment, H899 and gave H5414 them to Rebekah: H7259 he gave H5414 also to her brother H251 and to her mother H517 precious H4030 things. H1697