Isaiah 55:10
For as the rain H1653 comes H3381 down, H3381 and the snow H7950 from heaven, H8064 and returns H7725 not thither, H8033 but waters H7301 the earth, H776 and makes it bring H3205 forth H3205 and bud, H6779 that it may give H5414 seed H2233 to the sower, H2232 and bread H3899 to the eater: H398
Isaiah 55:11
So H3651 shall my word H1697 be that goes H3318 forth H3318 out of my mouth: H6310 it shall not return H7725 to me void, H7387 but it shall accomplish H6213 that which H834 I please, H2654 and it shall prosper H6743 in the thing whereto H834 I sent H7971 it.
Isaiah 58:11
And the LORD H3068 shall guide H5148 you continually, H8548 and satisfy H7646 your soul H5315 in drought, H6710 and make fat H2502 your bones: H6106 and you shall be like a watered H7302 garden, H1588 and like a spring H4161 of water, H4325 whose H834 waters H4325 fail H3576 not.
Song of Songs 4:16
Awake, H5782 O north H6828 wind; and come, H935 you south; H8486 blow H6315 on my garden, H1588 that the spices H1314 thereof may flow H5140 out. Let my beloved H1730 come H935 into his garden, H1588 and eat H398 his pleasant H4022 fruits. H6529
Song of Songs 5:1
I am come H935 into my garden, H1588 my sister, H269 my spouse: H3618 I have gathered H717 my myrrh H4753 with my spice; H1313 I have eaten H398 my honeycomb H3293 with my honey; H1706 I have drunk H8354 my wine H3196 with my milk: H2461 eat, H398 O friends; H7453 drink, H8354 yes, drink H7937 abundantly, H7937 O beloved. H1730
Matthew 13:3
And he spoke G2980 many G4183 things to them in parables, G3850 saying, G3004 Behold, G2400 a sower G4687 went G1831 forth G1831 to sow; G4687
Matthew 13:8
But other G243 fell G4098 into G1909 good G2570 ground, G1093 and brought G1325 forth fruit, G2590 some G3588 G3303 an hundred times, G1540 some G3588 G1161 sixty times, G1835 some G3588 G1161 thirty times. G5144
Matthew 13:23
But he that received G4687 seed G4687 into G1909 the good G2570 ground G1093 is he that hears G191 the word, G3056 and understands G4920 it; which G3739 also G1211 bears G2592 fruit, G2592 and brings G4160 forth, G4160 some G3588 G3033 an hundred times, G1540 some G3588 G1161 sixty, G1835 some G3588 G1161 thirty. G5144
Mark 4:26-32
And he said, G3004 So G3779 is the kingdom G932 of God, G2316 as if G1487 a man G444 should cast G906 seed G4703 into G1909 the ground; G1093
And should sleep, G2518 and rise G1453 night G3571 and day, G2250 and the seed G4703 should spring G985 and grow G3373 up, he knows G1492 not how. G5613
For the earth G1093 brings G2592 forth G2592 fruit G2592 of herself; G844 first G4412 the blade, G5528 then G1534 the ear, G4719 after G1534 that the full G4134 corn G4621 in the ear. G4719
But when the fruit G2590 is brought G3860 forth, G3860 immediately G2112 he puts G649 in the sickle, G1407 because G3754 the harvest G2326 is come. G3936
And he said, G3004 Whereunto G5101 shall we liken G3666 the kingdom G932 of God? G2316 or G2228 with what G4169 comparison G3850 shall we compare G3846 it?
It is like G5613 a grain G2848 of mustard G4615 seed, G4690 which, G3739 when it is sown G4687 in the earth, G1093 is less G3398 than all G3956 the seeds G4690 that be in the earth: G1093
But when it is sown, G4687 it grows G305 up, and becomes G1096 greater G3187 than all G3956 herbs, G3001 and shoots G4160 out great G3173 branches; G2798 so G5620 that the fowls G4071 of the air G3772 may G1410 lodge G2681 under G5259 the shadow G4639 of it.
Isaiah 45:8
Drop H7491 down, you heavens, H8064 from above, H4605 and let the skies H7834 pour H5140 down righteousness: H6664 let the earth H776 open, H6605 and let them bring H6509 forth H6509 salvation, H3468 and let righteousness H6666 spring H6779 up together; H3162 I the LORD H3068 have created H1254 it.
Isaiah 62:1
For Zion's H6726 sake H4616 will I not hold H2814 my peace, H2814 and for Jerusalem's H3389 sake H4616 I will not rest, H8252 until H5704 the righteousness H6664 thereof go H3318 forth H3318 as brightness, H5051 and the salvation H3444 thereof as a lamp H3940 that burns. H1197
Psalm 72:3
The mountains H2022 shall bring H5375 peace H7965 to the people, H5971 and the little hills, H1389 by righteousness. H6666
Psalm 72:16
There shall be an handful H6451 of corn H1250 in the earth H776 on the top H7218 of the mountains; H2022 the fruit H6529 thereof shall shake H7493 like Lebanon: H3844 and they of the city H5892 shall flourish H6692 like grass H6212 of the earth. H776
Psalm 85:11
Truth H571 shall spring H6779 out of the earth; H776 and righteousness H6664 shall look H8259 down from heaven. H8064
Isaiah 60:18
Violence H2555 shall no H3808 more H5750 be heard H8085 in your land, H776 wasting H7701 nor destruction H7667 within your borders; H1366 but you shall call H7121 your walls H2346 Salvation, H3444 and your gates H8179 Praise. H8416
Isaiah 62:7
And give H5414 him no H408 rest, H1824 till H5704 he establish, H3559 and till H5704 he make H7760 Jerusalem H3389 a praise H8416 in the earth. H776
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen G1588 generation, G1085 a royal G934 priesthood, G2406 an holy G40 nation, G1484 a peculiar G1519 G4047 people; G2992 that you should show G1804 forth G1804 the praises G703 of him who has called G2564 you out of darkness G4655 into G1519 his marvelous G2298 light; G5457