Leviticus 25:9-13
Then shall you cause the trumpet H7782 of the jubilee H8643 to sound H5674 on the tenth H6218 day of the seventh H7637 month, H2320 in the day H3117 of atonement H3725 shall you make the trumpet H7782 sound H5674 throughout all H3605 your land. H776
And you shall hallow H6942 the fiftieth H2572 year, H8141 and proclaim H7121 liberty H1865 throughout all the land H776 to all H3605 the inhabitants H3427 thereof: it shall be a jubilee H3104 to you; and you shall return H7725 every man H376 to his possession, H272 and you shall return H7725 every man H376 to his family. H4940
A jubilee H3104 shall that fiftieth H2572 year H8141 be to you: you shall not sow, H2232 neither H3808 reap H7114 that which grows H5599 of itself in it, nor H3808 gather H1219 the grapes in it of your vine H5139 undressed. H5139
For it is the jubilee; H3104 it shall be holy H6944 to you: you shall eat H398 the increase H8393 thereof out of the field. H7704
In the year H8141 of this H2063 jubilee H3104 you shall return H7725 every man H376 to his possession. H272
Luke 4:19
To preach G2784 the acceptable G1184 year G1763 of the Lord. G2962
2 Corinthians 6:2
(For he said, G3004 I have heard G1873 you in a time G2540 accepted, G1184 and in the day G2250 of salvation G4991 have I succored G997 you: behold, G2400 now G3568 is the accepted G2144 time; G2540 behold, G2400 now G3568 is the day G2250 of salvation. G4991 )
Isaiah 34:8
For it is the day H3117 of the LORD's H3068 vengeance, H5359 and the year H8141 of recompenses H7966 for the controversy H7379 of Zion. H6726
Isaiah 35:4
Say H559 to them that are of a fearful H4116 heart, H3820 Be strong, H2388 fear H3372 not: behold, H2009 your God H430 will come H935 with vengeance, H5359 even God H430 with a recompense; H1576 he will come H935 and save H3467 you.
Isaiah 59:17
For he put H3847 on righteousness H6666 as a breastplate, H8302 and an helmet H3553 of salvation H3444 on his head; H7218 and he put H3847 on the garments H899 of vengeance H5359 for clothing, H8516 and was clad H5844 with zeal H7068 as a cloak. H4598
Isaiah 59:18
According H5921 to their deeds, H1578 accordingly H5922 he will repay, H7999 fury H2534 to his adversaries, H6862 recompense H1576 to his enemies; H341 to the islands H339 he will repay H7999 recompense. H1576
Isaiah 63:1-6
Who H4310 is this H2088 that comes H935 from Edom, H123 with dyed H2556 garments H899 from Bozrah? H1224 this H2088 that is glorious H1921 in his apparel, H3830 traveling H6808 in the greatness H7230 of his strength? H3581 I that speak H1696 in righteousness, H6666 mighty H7227 to save. H3467
Why H4069 are you red H122 in your apparel, H3830 and your garments H899 like him that treads H1869 in the winefat? H1660
I have trodden H1869 the wine press H6333 alone; H905 and of the people H5971 there was none H369 H376 with me: for I will tread H1869 them in my anger, H639 and trample H7429 them in my fury; H2534 and their blood H5332 shall be sprinkled H5137 on my garments, H899 and I will stain H1351 all H3605 my raiment. H4403
For the day H3117 of vengeance H5359 is in my heart, H3820 and the year H8141 of my redeemed H1350 is come. H935
And I looked, H5027 and there was none H369 to help; H5826 and I wondered H8074 that there was none H369 to uphold: H5564 therefore my own arm H2220 brought H3467 salvation H3467 to me; and my fury, H2534 it upheld H5564 me.
And I will tread H947 down the people H5971 in my anger, H639 and make them drunk H7937 in my fury, H2534 and I will bring H3381 down their strength H5332 to the earth. H776
Isaiah 66:14
And when you see H7200 this, your heart H3820 shall rejoice, H7797 and your bones H6106 shall flourish H6524 like an herb: H1877 and the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 shall be known H3045 toward H854 his servants, H5650 and his indignation H2194 toward H854 his enemies. H341
Psalm 110:5
The Lord H136 at H5921 your right H3225 hand H3225 shall strike H4272 through kings H4428 in the day H3117 of his wrath. H639
Psalm 110:6
He shall judge H1777 among the heathen, H1471 he shall fill H4390 the places with the dead H1472 bodies; H1472 he shall wound H4272 the heads H7218 over H5921 many H7227 countries. H776
Jeremiah 46:10
For this H1931 is the day H3117 of the Lord H136 GOD H3069 of hosts, H6635 a day H3117 of vengeance, H5360 that he may avenge H5358 him of his adversaries: H6862 and the sword H2719 shall devour, H398 and it shall be satiate H7646 and made drunk H7301 with their blood: H1818 for the Lord H136 GOD H3069 of hosts H6635 has a sacrifice H2077 in the north H6828 country H776 by the river H5104 Euphrates. H6578
Malachi 4:1-3
For, behold, H2009 the day H3117 comes, H935 that shall burn H1197 as an oven; H8574 and all H3605 the proud, H2086 yes, and all H3605 that do H6213 wickedly, H7564 shall be stubble: H7179 and the day H3117 that comes H935 shall burn H3857 them up, said H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 that it shall leave H5800 them neither root H8328 nor branch. H6057
But to you that fear H3373 my name H8034 shall the Sun H8121 of righteousness H6666 arise H2224 with healing H4832 in his wings; H3671 and you shall go H3318 forth, H3318 and grow H6335 up as calves H5695 of the stall. H4770
And you shall tread H6072 down the wicked; H7563 for they shall be ashes H665 under H8478 the soles H3709 of your feet H7272 in the day H3117 that I shall do H6213 this, said H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635
Luke 21:22-24
For these G3778 be the days G2250 of vengeance, G1557 that all G3956 things which G3588 are written G1125 may be fulfilled. G4137
But woe G3759 to them that are with child, G1722 G1064 G2192 and to them that give suck, G2337 in those G1565 days! G2250 for there shall be great G3173 distress G318 in the land, G1093 and wrath G3709 on this G5129 people. G2992
And they shall fall G4098 by the edge G4750 of the sword, G3162 and shall be led G163 away captive G163 into G1519 all G3956 nations: G1484 and Jerusalem G2419 shall be trodden G3961 down of the Gentiles, G1484 until G891 the times G2540 of the Gentiles G1484 be fulfilled. G4137
1 Thessalonians 2:16
Forbidding G2967 us to speak G2980 to the Gentiles G1484 that they might be saved, G4982 to fill G378 up their sins G266 always: G104 for the wrath G3709 is come G5348 on them to the uttermost. G5056
2 Thessalonians 1:7-9
And to you who are troubled G2346 rest G425 with us, when G1722 G3739 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 shall be revealed G602 from heaven G3772 with his mighty G1411 angels, G32
In flaming G5395 fire G4442 taking G1325 vengeance G1557 on them that know G1492 not God, G2316 and that obey G5219 not the gospel G2098 of our Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547
Who G3748 shall be punished G1349 G5099 with everlasting G166 destruction G3639 from the presence G4383 of the Lord, G2962 and from the glory G1391 of his power; G2479
Isaiah 25:8
He will swallow H1104 up death H4194 in victory; H5331 and the Lord H136 GOD H3069 will wipe H4229 away tears H1832 from off H5921 all H3605 faces; H6440 and the rebuke H2781 of his people H5971 shall he take H5493 away H5493 from off H5921 all H3605 the earth: H776 for the LORD H3068 has spoken H1696 it.
Isaiah 57:18
I have seen H7200 his ways, H1870 and will heal H7495 him: I will lead H5148 him also, and restore H7999 comforts H5150 to him and to his mourners. H57
Isaiah 66:10-12
Rejoice H8055 you with Jerusalem, H3389 and be glad H1523 with her, all H3605 you that love H157 her: rejoice H7797 for joy H4885 with her, all H3605 you that mourn H56 for her:
That you may suck, H3243 and be satisfied H7646 with the breasts H7699 of her consolations; H8575 that you may milk H4711 out, and be delighted H6026 with the abundance H2123 of her glory. H3519
For thus H3541 said H559 the LORD, H3068 Behold, H2005 I will extend H5186 peace H7965 to her like a river, H5104 and the glory H3519 of the Gentiles H1471 like a flowing H7857 stream: H5158 then shall you suck, H3243 you shall be borne H5375 on her sides, H6654 and be dandled H8173 on her knees. H1290
Jeremiah 31:13
Then shall the virgin H1330 rejoice H8057 in the dance, H4234 both young H970 men and old H2205 together: H3162 for I will turn H2015 their mourning H60 into joy, H8342 and will comfort H5162 them, and make them rejoice H8057 from their sorrow. H3015
Matthew 5:4
Blessed G3107 are they that mourn: G3996 for they shall be comforted. G3870
Luke 6:21
Blessed G3107 are you that hunger G3983 now: G3568 for you shall be filled. G5526 Blessed G3107 are you that weep G2799 now: G3568 for you shall laugh. G1070
Luke 7:44-50
And he turned G4762 to the woman, G1135 and said G5346 to Simon, G4613 See G991 you this G5026 woman? G1135 I entered G1525 into G1519 your G4675 house, G3614 you gave G1325 me no G3756 water G5204 for my feet: G4228 but she has washed G1026 my feet G4228 with tears, G1144 and wiped G1591 them with the hairs G2359 of her head. G2776
You gave G1325 me no G3756 kiss: G5370 but this G3778 woman since G575 the time I came G1525 in has not ceased G1257 to kiss G2705 my feet. G4228
My head G2776 with oil G1637 you did not anoint: G218 but this G3778 woman has anointed G218 my feet G4228 with ointment. G3464
Why G3739 G5484 I say G3004 to you, Her sins, G266 which G3588 are many, G4183 are forgiven; G863 for she loved G25 much: G4183 but to whom G3739 little G3641 is forgiven, G863 the same loves G25 little. G3641
And he said G2036 to her, Your sins G266 are forgiven. G863
And they that sat G4873 at G345 meat with him began G756 to say G3004 within G1722 themselves, G1438 Who G5101 is this G3778 that forgives G863 sins G266 also? G2532
And he said G2036 to the woman, G1135 Your faith G4102 has saved G4982 you; go G4198 in peace. G1515
John 16:20-22
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, That you shall weep G2799 and lament, G2354 but the world G2889 shall rejoice: G5463 and you shall be sorrowful, G3076 but your G5216 sorrow G3077 shall be turned G1096 into G1519 joy. G5479
A woman G1135 when G3752 she is in travail G5088 has G2192 sorrow, G3077 because G3754 her hour G5610 is come: G2064 but as soon G3752 as she is delivered G1080 of the child, G3813 she remembers G3421 no G3765 more G2089 the anguish, G2347 for joy G5479 that a man G444 is born G1080 into G1519 the world. G2889
And you now G3568 therefore G3767 have G2192 sorrow: G3077 but I will see G3700 you again, G3825 and your G5216 heart G2588 shall rejoice, G5463 and your G5216 joy G5479 no G3762 man G3762 takes G142 from you.
2 Corinthians 1:4
Who G3588 comforts G3870 us in all G3650 our tribulation, G2347 that we may be able G1410 to comfort G3870 them which are in any G3956 trouble, G2347 by the comfort G3874 with which G3739 we ourselves are comforted G3870 of God. G2316
2 Corinthians 1:5
For as the sufferings G3804 of Christ G5547 abound G4052 in us, so G3779 our consolation G3874 also G2532 abounds G4052 by Christ. G5547
2 Thessalonians 2:16
Now G1161 our Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 himself, G846 and God, G2316 even G2532 our Father, G3962 which G3588 has loved G25 us, and has given G1325 us everlasting G166 consolation G3874 and good G18 hope G1680 through G1722 grace, G5485
2 Thessalonians 2:17
Comfort G3870 your G5216 hearts, G2588 and establish G4741 you in every G3956 good G18 word G3056 and work. G2041