Isaiah 12:1
And in that day H3117 you shall say, H559 O LORD, H3068 I will praise H3034 you: though H3588 you were angry H599 with me, your anger H639 is turned H7725 away, and you comforted H5162 me.
Esther 4:1-3
When Mordecai H4782 perceived H3045 all H3605 that was done, H6213 Mordecai H4782 rent H7167 his clothes, H899 and put H3847 on sackcloth H8242 with ashes, H665 and went H3318 out into the middle H8432 of the city, H5892 and cried H2199 with a loud H1419 and a bitter H4751 cry; H2201
And came H935 even H5704 before H6440 the king's H4428 gate: H8179 for none H369 might enter H935 into H413 the king's H4428 gate H8179 clothed H3830 with sackcloth. H8242
And in every H3605 province, H4082 wherever H4725 H834 the king's H4428 commandment H1697 and his decree H1881 came, H5060 there was great H1419 mourning H60 among the Jews, H3064 and fasting, H6685 and weeping, H1065 and wailing; H4553 and many H7227 lay H3331 in sackcloth H8242 and ashes. H665
Esther 8:15
And Mordecai H4782 went H3318 out from the presence H6440 of the king H4428 in royal H4438 apparel H3830 of blue H8504 and white, H2353 and with a great H1419 crown H5850 of gold, H2091 and with a garment H8509 of fine linen H948 and purple: H713 and the city H5892 of Shushan H7800 rejoiced H6670 and was glad. H8056
Esther 9:22
As the days H3117 wherein H834 the Jews H3064 rested H5117 from their enemies, H341 and the month H2320 which H834 was turned H2015 to them from sorrow H3015 to joy, H8057 and from mourning H60 into a good H2896 day: H3117 that they should make H6213 them days H3117 of feasting H4960 and joy, H8057 and of sending H4916 portions H4490 one H376 to another, H7453 and gifts H4979 to the poor. H34
Psalm 30:11
You have turned H2015 for me my mourning H4553 into dancing: H4234 you have put H6605 off my sackcloth, H8242 and girded H247 me with gladness; H8057
Ezekiel 16:8-13
Now when I passed H5674 by you, and looked H7200 on you, behold, H2009 your time H6256 was the time H6256 of love; H1730 and I spread H6566 my skirt H3671 over H5921 you, and covered H3680 your nakedness: H6172 yes, I swore H7650 to you, and entered H935 into a covenant H1285 with you, said H5002 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 and you became H1961 mine.
Then washed H7364 I you with water; H4325 yes, I thoroughly washed H7857 away your blood H1818 from you, and I anointed H5480 you with oil. H8081
I clothed H3847 you also with broidered H7553 work, H7553 and shod H5274 you with badgers' H8476 skin, and I girded H2280 you about with fine linen, H8336 and I covered H3680 you with silk. H4897
I decked H5710 you also with ornaments, H5716 and I put H5414 bracelets H6781 on your hands, H3027 and a chain H7242 on H5921 your neck. H1627
And I put H5414 a jewel H5141 on H5921 your forehead, H639 and earrings H5694 in your ears, H241 and a beautiful H8597 crown H5850 on your head. H7218
Thus were you decked H5710 with gold H2091 and silver; H3701 and your raiment H4403 was of fine linen, H8336 and silk, H4897 and broidered H7553 work; H7553 you did eat H398 fine flour, H5560 and honey, H1706 and oil: H8081 and you were exceeding H3966 beautiful, H3303 and you did prosper H6743 into a kingdom. H4410
Psalm 23:5
You prepare H6186 a table H7979 before H6440 me in the presence H5048 of my enemies: H6887 you anoint H1878 my head H7218 with oil; H8081 my cup H3563 runs H7310 over.
Psalm 45:7
You love H157 righteousness, H6664 and hate H8130 wickedness: H7562 therefore H5921 H3651 God, H430 your God, H430 has anointed H4886 you with the oil H8081 of gladness H8342 above your fellows. H2270
Psalm 104:15
And wine H3196 that makes glad H8056 the heart H3824 of man, H582 and oil H8081 to make his face H6440 to shine, H6670 and bread H3899 which strengthens H5582 man's H582 heart. H3824
Ecclesiastes 9:8
Let your garments H899 be always H3605 H6256 white; H3836 and let your head H7218 lack H2637 no H408 ointment. H8081
John 16:20
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, That you shall weep G2799 and lament, G2354 but the world G2889 shall rejoice: G5463 and you shall be sorrowful, G3076 but your G5216 sorrow G3077 shall be turned G1096 into G1519 joy. G5479
Isaiah 61:10
I will greatly rejoice H7797 in the LORD, H3068 my soul H5315 shall be joyful H1523 in my God; H430 for he has clothed H3847 me with the garments H899 of salvation, H3468 he has covered H3271 me with the robe H4598 of righteousness, H6666 as a bridegroom H2860 decks H3547 himself with ornaments, H6287 and as a bride H3618 adorns H5710 herself with her jewels. H3627
Zechariah 3:5
And I said, H559 Let them set H7760 a fair H2889 turban H6797 on his head. H7218 So they set H7760 a fair H2889 turban H6797 on his head, H7218 and clothed H3847 him with garments. H899 And the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 stood H5975 by.
Luke 15:22
But the father G3962 said G2036 to his servants, G1401 Bring G1627 forth G1627 the best G4413 robe, G4749 and put G1746 it on G1746 him; and put G1325 a ring G1146 on G1519 his hand, G5495 and shoes G5266 on G1519 his feet: G4228
Revelation 7:9-14
After G3326 this G5023 I beheld, G1492 and, see, G2400 a great G4183 multitude, G3793 which G3739 no G3762 man G3762 could G1410 number, G705 of all G3956 nations, G1484 and kindreds, G5443 and people, G2992 and tongues, G1100 stood G2476 before G1799 the throne, G2362 and before G1799 the Lamb, G721 clothed G4016 with white G3022 robes, G4749 and palms G5404 in their hands; G5495
And cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 Salvation G4991 to our God G2316 which G3588 sits G2521 on the throne, G2362 and to the Lamb. G721
And all G3956 the angels G32 stood G2476 round G2943 about G2943 the throne, G2362 and about the elders G4245 and the four G5064 beasts, G2226 and fell G4098 before G1799 the throne G2362 on G1909 their faces, G4383 and worshipped G4352 God, G2316
Saying, G3004 Amen: G281 Blessing, G2129 and glory, G1391 and wisdom, G4678 and thanksgiving, G2169 and honor, G5092 and power, G1411 and might, G2479 be to our God G2316 for ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281
And one G1520 of the elders G4245 answered, G611 saying G3004 to me, What G5101 are these G3778 which G3588 are arrayed G4016 in white G3022 robes? G4749 and from where G4159 came G2064 they?
And I said G2046 to him, Sir, G2962 you know. G1492 And he said G2036 to me, These G3778 are they which came G2064 out of great G3173 tribulation, G2347 and have washed G4150 their robes, G4749 and made G3021 them white G3021 in the blood G129 of the Lamb. G721
Isaiah 60:21
Your people H5971 also shall be all H3605 righteous: H6662 they shall inherit H3423 the land H776 for ever, H5769 the branch H5342 of my planting, H4302 the work H4639 of my hands, H3027 that I may be glorified. H6286
Psalm 92:12-15
The righteous H6662 shall flourish H6524 like the palm H8558 tree: he shall grow H7685 like a cedar H730 in Lebanon. H3844
Those that be planted H8362 in the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 shall flourish H6524 in the courts H2691 of our God. H430
They shall still H5750 bring H5107 forth H5107 fruit H5107 in old H7872 age; H7872 they shall be fat H1879 and flourishing; H7488
To show H5046 that the LORD H3068 is upright: H3477 he is my rock, H6697 and there is no H3808 unrighteousness H5766 in him.
Jeremiah 17:7
Blessed H1288 is the man H1397 that trusts H982 in the LORD, H3068 and whose hope H4009 the LORD H3068 is.
Jeremiah 17:8
For he shall be as a tree H6086 planted H8362 by the waters, H4325 and that spreads H7971 out her roots H8328 by the river, H3105 and shall not see H7200 when H3588 heat H2527 comes, H935 but her leaf H5929 shall be green; H7488 and shall not be careful H1672 in the year H8141 of drought, H1226 neither H3808 shall cease H4185 from yielding H6213 fruit. H6529
Matthew 7:17-19
Even so G3779 every G3956 good G18 tree G1186 brings G4160 forth G4160 good G2570 fruit; G2590 but a corrupt G4550 tree G1186 brings G4160 forth G4160 evil G4190 fruit. G2590
A good G18 tree G1186 cannot G3756 G1410 bring G4160 forth G4160 evil G4190 fruit, G2590 neither G3761 can a corrupt G4550 tree G1186 bring G4160 forth G4160 good G2570 fruit. G2590
Every G3956 tree G1186 that brings G4160 not forth G4160 good G2570 fruit G2590 is hewn G1581 down, G1581 and cast G906 into G1519 the fire. G4442
Matthew 5:16
Let your G5216 light G5457 so G3779 shine G2989 before G1715 men, G444 that they may see G1492 your G5216 good G2570 works, G2041 and glorify G1392 your G5216 Father G3962 which G3588 is in heaven. G3772
John 15:8
Herein G1722 G5129 is my Father G3962 glorified, G1392 that you bear G5342 much G4183 fruit; G2590 so G2532 shall you be my disciples. G3101
1 Corinthians 6:20
For you are bought G59 with a price: G5092 therefore G1211 glorify G1392 God G2316 in your G5216 body, G4983 and in your G5216 spirit, G4151 which G3748 are God's. G2316
Philippians 1:11
Being filled G4137 with the fruits G2590 of righteousness, G1343 which G3588 are by Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 to the glory G1391 and praise G1868 of God. G2316
2 Thessalonians 1:10
When G3752 he shall come G2064 to be glorified G1740 in his saints, G40 and to be admired G2296 in all G3956 them that believe G4100 (because G3754 our testimony G3142 among G1909 you was believed) G4100 in that day. G2250
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen G1588 generation, G1085 a royal G934 priesthood, G2406 an holy G40 nation, G1484 a peculiar G1519 G4047 people; G2992 that you should show G1804 forth G1804 the praises G703 of him who has called G2564 you out of darkness G4655 into G1519 his marvelous G2298 light; G5457
1 Peter 4:9-11
Use G5382 hospitality G5382 one G240 to another G240 without G427 grudging. G1112
As every G1538 man has received G2983 the gift, G5486 even so minister G1247 the same G846 one G1438 to another, G1438 as good G2570 stewards G3623 of the manifold G4164 grace G5485 of God. G2316
If G1487 any G1536 man speak, G2980 let him speak G2980 as the oracles G3051 of God; G2316 if G1487 any G1536 man minister, G1247 let him do it as of the ability G2479 which G3739 God G2316 gives: G5524 that God G2316 in all G3956 things may be glorified G1392 through G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 to whom G3739 be praise G1391 and dominion G2904 for ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281
1 Peter 4:14-11