Isaiah 14:1
For the LORD H3068 will have mercy H7355 on Jacob, H3290 and will yet H5750 choose H977 Israel, H3478 and set H3240 them in their own land: H127 and the strangers H1616 shall be joined H3867 with them, and they shall join H5596 to the house H1004 of Jacob. H3290
Isaiah 14:2
And the people H5971 shall take H3947 them, and bring H935 them to their place: H4725 and the house H1004 of Israel H3478 shall possess H5157 them in the land H127 of the LORD H3068 for servants H5650 and handmaids: H8198 and they shall take them captives, H7617 whose captives H7617 they were; and they shall rule H7287 over their oppressors. H5065
Isaiah 60:10-14
And the sons H1121 of strangers H5236 shall build H1129 up your walls, H2346 and their kings H4428 shall minister H8334 to you: for in my wrath H7110 I smote H5221 you, but in my favor H7522 have I had mercy H7355 on you.
Therefore your gates H8179 shall be open H6605 continually; H8548 they shall not be shut H5462 day H3119 nor night; H3915 that men may bring H935 to you the forces H2428 of the Gentiles, H1471 and that their kings H4428 may be brought. H5090
For the nation H1471 and kingdom H4467 that will not serve H5647 you shall perish; H6 yes, those nations H1471 shall be utterly wasted. H2717
The glory H3519 of Lebanon H3844 shall come H935 to you, the fir H1265 tree, the pine H8410 tree, and the box H8391 together, H3162 to beautify H6286 the place H4725 of my sanctuary; H4720 and I will make H7760 the place H4725 of my feet H7272 glorious. H3513
The sons H1121 also of them that afflicted H6031 you shall come H1980 bending H7817 to you; and all H3605 they that despised H5006 you shall bow H7812 themselves down H7812 at H5921 the soles H3709 of your feet; H7272 and they shall call H7121 you; The city H5892 of the LORD, H3068 The Zion H6726 of the Holy H6918 One of Israel. H3478
Ephesians 2:12-20
That at G1722 that time G2540 you were without G5565 Christ, G5547 being aliens G526 from the commonwealth G4174 of Israel, G2474 and strangers G3581 from the covenants G1242 of promise, G1860 having G2192 no G3361 hope, G1680 and without G112 God G112 in the world: G2889
But now G3570 in Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 you who G3739 sometimes G4218 were far G3112 off G3112 are made G1096 near G1451 by the blood G129 of Christ. G5547
For he is our peace, G1515 who G3739 has made G4160 both G297 one, G1520 and has broken G3089 down the middle G3320 wall of partition G5418 between us;
Having abolished G2673 in his flesh G4561 the enmity, G2189 even the law G3551 of commandments G1785 contained in ordinances; G1378 for to make G2936 in himself G1438 of two G1417 one G1520 new G2537 man, G444 so making G4160 peace; G1515
And that he might reconcile G604 both G297 to God G2316 in one G1520 body G4983 by the cross, G4716 having slain G615 the enmity G2189 thereby: G1722
And came G2064 and preached G2097 peace G1515 to you which G3588 were afar G3112 off, and to them that were near. G1451
For through G1223 him we both G297 have G2192 access G4318 by one G1520 Spirit G4151 to the Father. G3962
Now G3767 therefore G686 you are no G3765 more G3765 strangers G3581 and foreigners, G3941 but fellow citizens G4847 with the saints, G40 and of the household G3609 of God; G2316
And are built G2026 on the foundation G2310 of the apostles G652 and prophets, G4396 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 himself G848 being G5607 the chief G204 corner G204 stone;