Isaiah 60:17
For brass H5178 I will bring H935 gold, H2091 and for iron H1270 I will bring H935 silver, H3701 and for wood H6086 brass, H5178 and for stones H68 iron: H1270 I will also make H7760 your officers H6486 peace, H7965 and your exactors H5065 righteousness. H6666
Isaiah 66:21
And I will also H1571 take H3947 of them for priests H3548 and for Levites, H3881 said H559 the LORD. H3068
Exodus 19:6
And you shall be to me a kingdom H4467 of priests, H3548 and an holy H6918 nation. H1471 These H428 are the words H1697 which H834 you shall speak H1696 to the children H1121 of Israel. H3478
Romans 12:1
I beseech G3870 you therefore, G3767 brothers, G80 by the mercies G3628 of God, G2316 that you present G3936 your G5216 bodies G4983 a living G2198 sacrifice, G2378 holy, G40 acceptable G2101 to God, G2316 which is your G5216 reasonable G3050 service. G2999
1 Peter 2:5
You also, G2532 as lively G2198 stones, G3037 are built G3618 up a spiritual G4152 house, G3624 an holy G40 priesthood, G2406 to offer G399 up spiritual G4152 sacrifices, G2378 acceptable G2144 to God G2316 by Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen G1588 generation, G1085 a royal G934 priesthood, G2406 an holy G40 nation, G1484 a peculiar G1519 G4047 people; G2992 that you should show G1804 forth G1804 the praises G703 of him who has called G2564 you out of darkness G4655 into G1519 his marvelous G2298 light; G5457
Revelation 1:6
And has made G4160 us kings G935 and priests G2409 to God G2316 and his Father; G3962 to him be glory G1391 and dominion G2904 for ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281
Revelation 5:10
And have made G4160 us to our God G2316 kings G935 and priests: G2409 and we shall reign G936 on G1909 the earth. G1093
Revelation 20:6
Blessed G3107 and holy G40 is he that has G2192 part G3313 in the first G4413 resurrection: G386 on G1909 such G5130 the second G1208 death G2288 has G2192 no G3756 power, G1849 but they shall be priests G2409 of God G2316 and of Christ, G5547 and shall reign G936 with him a thousand G5507 years. G2094
Ezekiel 14:11
That the house H1004 of Israel H3478 may go H8582 no H3808 more H5750 astray H8582 from me, neither H3808 be polluted H2930 any H3605 more H5750 with all H3605 their transgressions; H6588 but that they may be my people, H5971 and I may be their God, H430 said H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069
1 Corinthians 3:5
Who G5101 then G3767 is Paul, and who G5101 is Apollos, G625 but ministers G1249 by whom G3739 you believed, G4100 even G2532 as the Lord G2962 gave G1325 to every G1538 man?
1 Corinthians 4:1
Let a man G444 so G3779 account G3049 of us, as of the ministers G5257 of Christ, G5547 and stewards G3623 of the mysteries G3466 of God. G2316
2 Corinthians 6:4
But in all G3956 things approving G4921 ourselves G1438 as the ministers G1249 of God, G2316 in much G4183 patience, G5281 in afflictions, G2347 in necessities, G318 in distresses, G4730
2 Corinthians 11:23
Are they ministers G1249 of Christ? G5547 (I speak G2980 as a fool) G3912 I am more; G5228 in labors G2873 more G4056 abundant, G4056 in stripes G4127 above G5234 measure, G5234 in prisons G5438 more G4056 frequent, G4056 in deaths G2288 oft. G4178
Ephesians 4:11
And he gave G1325 some, G3588 apostles; G652 and some, G3588 prophets; G4396 and some, G3588 evangelists; G2099 and some, G3588 pastors G4166 and teachers; G1320
Ephesians 4:12
For the perfecting G2677 of the saints, G40 for the work G2041 of the ministry, G1248 for the edifying G3619 of the body G4983 of Christ: G5547
Isaiah 23:18
And her merchandise H5504 and her hire H868 shall be holiness H6944 to the LORD: H3068 it shall not be treasured H686 nor H3808 laid H2630 up; for her merchandise H5504 shall be for them that dwell H3427 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 to eat H398 sufficiently, H7654 and for durable H6266 clothing. H4374
Isaiah 60:5-7
Then H227 you shall see, H3372 H7200 and flow H5102 together, and your heart H3824 shall fear, H6342 and be enlarged; H7337 because H3588 the abundance H1995 of the sea H3220 shall be converted H2015 to you, the forces H2428 of the Gentiles H1471 shall come H935 to you.
The multitude H8229 of camels H1581 shall cover H3680 you, the dromedaries H1070 of Midian H4080 and Ephah; H5891 all H3605 they from Sheba H7614 shall come: H935 they shall bring H5375 gold H2091 and incense; H3828 and they shall show H1319 forth the praises H8416 of the LORD. H3068
All H3605 the flocks H6629 of Kedar H6938 shall be gathered H6908 together to you, the rams H352 of Nebaioth H5032 shall minister H8334 to you: they shall come H5927 up with acceptance H7522 on H5921 my altar, H4196 and I will glorify H6286 the house H1004 of my glory. H8597
Isaiah 60:10-7
Isaiah 60:11-7
Isaiah 60:16-7
Isaiah 66:12
For thus H3541 said H559 the LORD, H3068 Behold, H2005 I will extend H5186 peace H7965 to her like a river, H5104 and the glory H3519 of the Gentiles H1471 like a flowing H7857 stream: H5158 then shall you suck, H3243 you shall be borne H5375 on her sides, H6654 and be dandled H8173 on her knees. H1290
Acts 11:28-30
And there stood G450 up one G1520 of them named G3686 Agabus, G13 and signified G4591 by the Spirit G4151 that there should G3195 be great G3173 dearth G3042 throughout G1909 all G3650 the world: G3625 which G3748 came G1096 to pass in the days G1909 of Claudius G2804 Caesar. G2541
Then G1161 the disciples, G3101 every G1538 man G1538 according G2531 to his ability, G2141 determined G3724 to send G3992 relief G1248 to the brothers G80 which dwelled G2730 in Judaea: G2449
Which G3739 also G2532 they did, G4160 and sent G649 it to the elders G4245 by the hands G5495 of Barnabas G921 and Saul. G4569
Romans 15:26
For it has pleased G2106 them of Macedonia G3109 and Achaia G882 to make G4160 a certain G5100 contribution G2842 for the poor G4434 saints G40 which G3588 are at G1722 Jerusalem. G2419
Romans 15:27
It has pleased G2106 them truly; G1063 and their debtors G3781 they are. For if G1487 the Gentiles G1484 have been made G2841 partakers G2841 of their spiritual G4152 things, their duty G3784 is also G2532 to minister G3008 to them in carnal G4559 things.