Psalm 11:7
For the righteous H6662 LORD H3068 loves H157 righteousness; H6666 his countenance H6440 does behold H2372 the upright. H3477
Psalm 33:5
He loves H157 righteousness H6666 and judgment: H4941 the earth H776 is full H4390 of the goodness H2617 of the LORD. H3068
Psalm 37:28
For the LORD H3068 loves H157 judgment, H4941 and forsakes H5800 not his saints; H2623 they are preserved H8104 for ever: H5769 but the seed H2233 of the wicked H7563 shall be cut H3772 off.
Psalm 45:7
You love H157 righteousness, H6664 and hate H8130 wickedness: H7562 therefore H5921 H3651 God, H430 your God, H430 has anointed H4886 you with the oil H8081 of gladness H8342 above your fellows. H2270
Psalm 99:4
The king's H4428 strength H5797 also loves H157 judgment; H4941 you do establish H3559 equity, H4339 you execute H6213 judgment H4941 and righteousness H6666 in Jacob. H3290
Jeremiah 9:24
But let him that glories H1984 glory H1984 in this, H2063 that he understands H7919 and knows H3045 me, that I am the LORD H3068 which exercise H6213 loving kindness, H2617 judgment, H4941 and righteousness, H6666 in the earth: H776 for in these H428 things I delight, H2654 said H5002 the LORD. H3068
Zechariah 8:16
These H428 are the things that you shall do; H6213 Speak H1696 you every man H376 the truth H571 to his neighbor; H7453 execute H8199 the judgment H4941 of truth H571 and peace H7965 in your gates: H8179
Zechariah 8:17
And let none H408 of you imagine evil H7451 in your hearts H3820 against his neighbor; H7453 and love H157 no H3808 false H8267 oath: H7621 for all H3605 these H428 are things that I hate, H8130 said H5002 the LORD. H3068
Isaiah 1:11-13
To what H4100 purpose is the multitude H7230 of your sacrifices H2077 to me? said H559 the LORD: H3068 I am full H7646 of the burnt H5930 offerings of rams, H352 and the fat H2459 of fed H4806 beasts; H4806 and I delight H2654 not in the blood H1818 of bullocks, H6499 or of lambs, H3532 or of he goats. H6260
When H3588 you come H935 to appear H7200 before H6440 me, who H4310 has required H1245 this H2063 at your hand, H3027 to tread H7429 my courts? H2691
Bring H935 no H3808 more vain H7723 oblations; H4503 incense H7004 is an abomination H8441 to me; the new H2320 moons H2320 and sabbaths, H7676 the calling H7121 of assemblies, H4744 I cannot H3808 H3201 away with; it is iniquity, H205 even the solemn H6116 meeting. H6116
1 Samuel 15:21-24
But the people H5971 took H3947 of the spoil, H7998 sheep H6629 and oxen, H1241 the chief H7225 of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, H2764 to sacrifice H2076 to the LORD H3068 your God H430 in Gilgal. H1537
And Samuel H8050 said, H559 Has the LORD H3068 as great delight H2656 in burnt H5930 offerings and sacrifices, H2077 as in obeying H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD? H3068 Behold, H2009 to obey H8085 is better H2896 than sacrifice, H2077 and to listen H7181 than the fat H2459 of rams. H352
For rebellion H4805 is as the sin H2403 of witchcraft, H7081 and stubbornness H6484 is as iniquity H205 and idolatry. H8655 Because H3282 you have rejected H3988 the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 he has also rejected H3988 you from being king. H4428
And Saul H7586 said H559 to Samuel, H8050 I have sinned: H2398 for I have transgressed H5674 the commandment H6310 of the LORD, H3068 and your words: H1697 because H3588 I feared H3372 the people, H5971 and obeyed H8085 their voice. H6963
Jeremiah 7:8-11
Behold, H2009 you trust H982 in lying H8267 words, H1697 that cannot H1115 profit. H3276
Will you steal, H1589 murder, H7523 and commit H5003 adultery, H5003 and swear H7650 falsely, H8267 and burn H6999 incense H6999 to Baal, H1168 and walk H1980 after H310 other H312 gods H430 whom H834 you know H3045 not;
And come H935 and stand H5975 before H6440 me in this H2088 house, H1004 which H834 is called H7121 by my name, H8034 and say, H559 We are delivered H5337 to do H6213 all H3605 these H428 abominations? H8441
Is this H2088 house, H1004 which H834 is called H7121 by my name, H8034 become H1961 a den H4631 of robbers H6530 in your eyes? H5869 Behold, H2009 even H1571 I have seen H7200 it, said H5002 the LORD. H3068
Amos 5:21-24
I hate, H8130 I despise H3988 your feast H2282 days, and I will not smell H7306 in your solemn H6116 assemblies. H6116
Though H3588 H518 you offer H5927 me burnt H5930 offerings H4503 and your meat offerings, I will not accept H7521 them: neither H3808 will I regard H5027 the peace H8002 offerings of your fat H4806 beasts. H4806
Take H5493 you away H5493 from me the noise H1995 of your songs; H7892 for I will not hear H8085 the melody H2172 of your viols. H5035
But let judgment H4941 run H1556 down as waters, H4325 and righteousness H6666 as a mighty H386 stream. H5158
Matthew 23:14
Woe G3759 to you, scribes G1122 and Pharisees, G5330 hypocrites! G5273 for you devour G2719 widows' G5503 houses, G3614 and for a pretense G4392 make G4336 long G3117 prayer: G4336 therefore G1223 G5124 you shall receive G2983 the greater G4055 damnation. G2917
Psalm 25:8-12
Good H2896 and upright H3477 is the LORD: H3068 therefore H5921 H3651 will he teach H3384 sinners H2400 in the way. H1870
The meek H6035 will he guide H1869 in judgment: H4941 and the meek H6035 will he teach H3925 his way. H1870
All H3605 the paths H734 of the LORD H3068 are mercy H2617 and truth H571 to such as keep H5341 his covenant H1285 and his testimonies. H5713
For your name's H8034 sake, H4616 O LORD, H3068 pardon H5545 my iniquity; H5771 for it is great. H7227
What H4310 man H376 is he that fears H3373 the LORD? H3068 him shall he teach H3384 in the way H1870 that he shall choose. H977
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct H7919 you and teach H3384 you in the way H1870 which H2098 you shall go: H3212 I will guide H3289 you with my eye. H5869
Proverbs 3:6
In all H3605 your ways H1870 acknowledge H3045 him, and he shall direct H3474 your paths. H734
Proverbs 8:20
I lead H1980 in the way H734 of righteousness, H6666 in the middle H8432 of the paths H5410 of judgment: H4941
2 Thessalonians 3:5
And the Lord G2962 direct G2720 your G5216 hearts G2588 into G1519 the love G26 of God, G2316 and into G1519 the patient G5281 waiting for Christ. G5547
Isaiah 55:3
Incline H5186 your ear, H241 and come H3212 to me: hear, H8085 and your soul H5315 shall live; H2421 and I will make H3772 an everlasting H5769 covenant H1285 with you, even the sure H539 mercies H2617 of David. H1732
Genesis 17:7
And I will establish H6965 my covenant H1285 between H996 me and you and your seed H2233 after H310 you in their generations H1755 for an everlasting H5769 covenant, H1285 to be a God H430 to you, and to your seed H2233 after H310 you.
2 Samuel 23:5
Although H3588 my house H1004 be not so H3651 with God; H410 yet H3588 he has made H7760 with me an everlasting H5769 covenant, H1285 ordered H6186 in all H3605 things, and sure: H8104 for this is all H3605 my salvation, H3468 and all H3605 my desire, H2656 although H3588 he make it not to grow. H6779
Psalm 50:5
Gather H622 my saints H2623 together to me; those that have made H3772 a covenant H1285 with me by sacrifice. H2077
Jeremiah 32:40
And I will make H3772 an everlasting H5769 covenant H1285 with them, that I will not turn H7725 away from them, to do them good; H3190 but I will put H5414 my fear H3374 in their hearts, H3824 that they shall not depart H5493 from me.
Hebrews 13:20
Now G1161 the God G2316 of peace, G1515 that brought G321 again G321 from the dead G3498 our Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 that great G3173 shepherd G4166 of the sheep, G4263 through G1722 the blood G129 of the everlasting G166 covenant, G1242
Hebrews 13:21
Make G2675 you perfect G2675 in every G3956 good G18 work G2041 to do G4160 his will, G2307 working G4160 in you that which is well pleasing G2101 in his sight, G1799 through G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547 to whom G3739 be glory G1391 for ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281