Psalm 98:1-3
A Psalm. H4210 O sing H7891 to the LORD H3068 a new H2319 song; H7892 for he has done H6213 marvelous H6381 things: his right H3225 hand, H3225 and his holy H6944 arm, H2220 has gotten him the victory. H3467
The LORD H3068 has made known H3045 his salvation: H3444 his righteousness H6666 has he openly showed H1540 in the sight H5869 of the heathen. H1471
He has remembered H2142 his mercy H2617 and his truth H530 toward the house H1004 of Israel: H3478 all H3605 the ends H657 of the earth H776 have seen H7200 the salvation H3444 of our God. H430
Mark 16:15
And he said G2036 to them, Go G4198 you into G1519 all G537 the world, G2889 and preach G2784 the gospel G2098 to every G3956 creature. G2937
Romans 10:11-18
For the scripture G1124 said, G3004 Whoever G3956 G3588 believes G4100 on G1909 him shall not be ashamed. G2617
For there is no G3756 difference G1293 between the Jew G2453 and the Greek: G1672 for the same G846 Lord G2962 over all G3956 is rich G4147 to all G3956 that call G1941 on him.
For whoever G3956 shall call G1941 on the name G3686 of the Lord G2962 shall be saved. G4982
How G4459 then G3767 shall they call G1941 on G1941 him in whom G3739 they have not believed? G4100 and how G4459 shall they believe G4100 in him of whom G3739 they have not heard? G191 and how G4459 shall they hear G191 without G5565 a preacher? G2784
And how G5613 shall they preach, G2784 except G3362 they be sent? G649 as it is written, G1125 How beautiful G5611 are the feet G4228 of them that preach G2097 the gospel G2097 of peace, G1515 and bring G2097 glad G2097 tidings G2097 of good G18 things! G18
But they have not all G3956 obeyed G5219 the gospel. G2098 For Esaias G2268 said, G3004 Lord, G2962 who G5101 has believed G4100 our report? G189
So G686 then G686 faith G4102 comes by hearing, G189 and hearing G189 by the word G4487 of God. G2316
But I say, G3004 Have they not heard? G191 Yes G3304 truly, G3304 their sound G5353 went G1831 into G1519 all G3956 the earth, G1093 and their words G4487 to the ends G4009 of the world. G3625
Isaiah 40:9
O Zion, H6726 that bring H1319 good H1319 tidings, H1319 get H5927 you up into H5921 the high H1364 mountain; H2022 O Jerusalem, H3389 that bring H1319 good H1319 tidings, H1319 lift H7311 up your voice H6963 with strength; H3581 lift H7311 it up, be not afraid; H3372 say H559 to the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 Behold H2009 your God! H430
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice H1523 greatly, H3966 O daughter H1323 of Zion; H6726 shout, H7321 O daughter H1323 of Jerusalem: H3389 behold, H2009 your King H4428 comes H935 to you: he is just, H6662 and having salvation; H3467 lowly, H6041 and riding H7392 on an ass, H2543 and on a colt H5895 the foal H1121 of an ass. H860
Matthew 21:5
Tell G2036 you the daughter G2364 of Sion, G4622 Behold, G2400 your King G935 comes G2064 to you, meek, G4239 and sitting G1910 on an ass, G3688 and a colt G4454 the foal G5207 of an ass. G5268
John 12:15
Fear G5399 not, daughter G2364 of Sion: G4622 behold, G2400 your King G935 comes, G2064 sitting G2521 on G1909 an ass's G3688 colt. G4454
Isaiah 40:10
Behold, H2009 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 will come H935 with strong H2389 hand, and his arm H2220 shall rule H4910 for him: behold, H2009 his reward H7939 is with him, and his work H6468 before H6440 him.
Isaiah 49:4
Then I said, H559 I have labored H3021 in vain, H7385 I have spent H3615 my strength H3581 for nothing, H8414 and in vain: H1892 yet surely H403 my judgment H4941 is with the LORD, H3068 and my work H6468 with my God. H430
Revelation 22:12
And, behold, G2400 I come G2064 quickly; G5035 and my reward G3408 is with me, to give G591 every G1538 man according G5613 as his work G2041 shall be.