Isaiah 62:12
And they shall call H7121 them, The holy H6944 people, H5971 The redeemed H1350 of the LORD: H3068 and you shall be called, H7121 Sought H1875 out, A city H5892 not forsaken. H5800
Isaiah 32:14
Because H3588 the palaces H759 shall be forsaken; H5203 the multitude H1995 of the city H5892 shall be left; H5800 the forts H6076 and towers H975 shall be for dens H4631 for ever, H5769 a joy H4885 of wild H6501 asses, H6501 a pasture H4829 of flocks; H5739
Isaiah 32:15
Until H5704 the spirit H7307 be poured H6168 on us from on high, H4791 and the wilderness H4057 be a fruitful H3759 field, and the fruitful H3759 field be counted H2803 for a forest. H3293
Isaiah 49:14
But Zion H6726 said, H559 The LORD H3068 has forsaken H5800 me, and my Lord H136 has forgotten H7913 me.
Isaiah 54:1
Sing, H7442 O barren, H6135 you that did not bear; H3205 break H6476 forth into singing, H7440 and cry H6670 aloud, H6670 you that did not travail H2342 with child: for more H7227 are the children H1121 of the desolate H8074 than the children H1121 of the married H1166 wife, H802 said H559 the LORD. H3068
Isaiah 54:6
For the LORD H3068 has called H7121 you as a woman H802 forsaken H5800 and grieved H6087 in spirit, H7307 and a wife H802 of youth, H5271 when H3588 you were refused, H3988 said H559 your God. H430
Isaiah 54:7
For a small H6996 moment H7281 have I forsaken H5800 you; but with great H1419 mercies H7356 will I gather H6908 you.
Hosea 1:9
Then said H559 God, Call H7121 his name H8034 Loammi: H3818 for you are not my people, H5971 and I will not be your God.
Hosea 1:10
Yet the number H4557 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall be as the sand H2344 of the sea, H3220 which H834 cannot H3808 be measured H4058 nor H3808 numbered; H5608 and it shall come H1961 to pass, that in the place H4725 where H834 it was said H559 to them, You are not my people, H5971 there it shall be said H559 to them, You are the sons H1121 of the living H2416 God. H410
Romans 9:25-27
As he said G3004 also G2532 in Osee, G5617 I will call G2564 them my people, G2992 which were not my people; G2992 and her beloved, G25 which was not beloved. G25
And it shall come G1511 to pass, that in the place G5117 where G3757 it was said G4483 to them, You are not my people; G2992 there G1563 shall they be called G2564 the children G5207 of the living G2198 God. G2316
Esaias G2268 also G1161 cries G2896 concerning G5228 Israel, G2474 Though G1437 the number G706 of the children G5207 of Israel G2474 be as the sand G285 of the sea, G2281 a remnant G2640 shall be saved: G4982
Hebrews 13:5
Let your G3588 conversation G5158 be without G866 covetousness; G866 and be content G714 with such G3588 things as you have: G3918 for he has said, G2046 I will never G3364 leave G447 you, nor G3761 G3364 forsake G1459 you.
1 Peter 2:10
Which G3588 in time G4218 past were not a people, G2992 but are now G3568 the people G2992 of God: G2316 which G3588 had not obtained G1653 mercy, G1653 but now G3568 have obtained G1653 mercy. G1653
Isaiah 62:5
For as a young H5288 H970 man marries H1166 a virgin, H1330 so shall your sons H1121 marry H1166 you: and as the bridegroom H2860 rejoices H4885 over H5921 the bride, H3618 so shall your God H430 rejoice H7797 over H5921 you.
Psalm 149:4
For the LORD H3068 takes pleasure H7521 in his people: H5971 he will beautify H6286 the meek H6035 with salvation. H3444
Jeremiah 32:41
Yes, I will rejoice H7797 over H5921 them to do them good, H2895 and I will plant H5193 them in this H2063 land H776 assuredly H571 with my whole H3605 heart H3820 and with my whole H3605 soul. H5315
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD H3068 your God H430 in the middle H7130 of you is mighty; H1368 he will save, H3467 he will rejoice H7797 over H5921 you with joy; H8057 he will rest H2790 in his love, H160 he will joy H1523 over H5921 you with singing. H7440
Isaiah 54:5
For your Maker H6213 is your husband; H1167 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is his name; H8034 and your Redeemer H1350 the Holy H6918 One of Israel; H3478 The God H430 of the whole H3605 earth H776 shall he be called. H7121
Isaiah 61:10
I will greatly rejoice H7797 in the LORD, H3068 my soul H5315 shall be joyful H1523 in my God; H430 for he has clothed H3847 me with the garments H899 of salvation, H3468 he has covered H3271 me with the robe H4598 of righteousness, H6666 as a bridegroom H2860 decks H3547 himself with ornaments, H6287 and as a bride H3618 adorns H5710 herself with her jewels. H3627
Jeremiah 3:14
Turn, H7725 O backsliding H7726 children, H1121 said H5002 the LORD; H3068 for I am married H1166 to you: and I will take H3947 you one H259 of a city, H5892 and two H8147 of a family, H4940 and I will bring H935 you to Zion: H6726
Hosea 2:19
And I will betroth H781 you to me for ever; H5769 yes, I will betroth H781 you to me in righteousness, H6664 and in judgment, H4941 and in loving kindness, H2617 and in mercies. H7356
Hosea 2:20
I will even betroth H781 you to me in faithfulness: H530 and you shall know H3045 the LORD. H3068
John 3:29
He that has G2192 the bride G3565 is the bridegroom: G3566 but the friend G5384 of the bridegroom, G3566 which G3588 stands G2476 and hears G191 him, rejoices G5463 greatly G5479 because G1223 of the bridegroom's G3566 voice: G5456 this G3778 my joy G5479 therefore G3767 is fulfilled. G4137
2 Corinthians 11:2
For I am jealous G2206 over you with godly G2596 G2316 jealousy: G2205 for I have espoused G718 you to one G1520 husband, G435 that I may present G3936 you as a chaste G53 virgin G3933 to Christ. G5547
Ephesians 5:25-27
Husbands, G435 love G25 your G1438 wives, G1135 even G2531 as Christ G5547 also G2532 loved G25 the church, G1577 and gave G3860 himself G1438 for it;
That he might sanctify G37 and cleanse G2511 it with the washing G3067 of water G5204 by the word, G4487
That he might present G3936 it to himself G1438 a glorious G1741 church, G1577 not having G2192 spot, G4696 or G2228 wrinkle, G4512 or G2228 any G5100 such G5108 thing; but that it should be holy G40 and without G299 blemish. G299
Revelation 21:2
And I John G2491 saw G1492 the holy G40 city, G4172 new G2537 Jerusalem, G2419 coming G2597 down G2597 from God G2316 out of heaven, G3772 prepared G2090 as a bride G3565 adorned G2885 for her husband. G435
Revelation 21:9
And there came G2064 to me one G1520 of the seven G2033 angels G32 which G3588 had G2192 the seven G2033 vials G5357 full G1073 of the seven G2033 last G2078 plagues, G4127 and talked G2980 with me, saying, G3004 Come G1204 here, G1204 I will show G1166 you the bride, G3565 the Lamb's G721 wife. G1135
Revelation 21:10
And he carried G667 me away G667 in the spirit G4151 to a great G3173 and high G5308 mountain, G3735 and showed G1166 me that great G3173 city, G4172 the holy G40 Jerusalem, G2419 descending G2597 out of heaven G3772 from God, G2316