John 1:2
The same G3778 was in the beginning G746 with God. G2316
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning H7225 God H430 created H1254 the heaven H8064 and the earth. H776
Proverbs 8:22-31
The LORD H3068 possessed H7069 me in the beginning H7225 of his way, H1870 before H6924 his works H4659 of old. H227
I was set H5258 up from everlasting, H5769 from the beginning, H7218 or ever H6924 the earth H776 was.
When there were no H369 depths, H8415 I was brought H2342 forth; H2342 when there were no H369 fountains H4599 abounding H3513 with water. H4325
Before H2962 the mountains H2022 were settled, H2883 before H6440 the hills H1389 was I brought H2342 forth: H2342
While as yet H5704 he had not made H6213 the earth, H776 nor the fields, H2351 nor the highest H7218 part of the dust H6083 of the world. H8398
When he prepared H3559 the heavens, H8064 I was there: H8033 when he set H2710 a compass H2329 on the face H6440 of the depth: H8415
When he established H553 the clouds H7834 above: H4605 when he strengthened H5810 the fountains H5869 of the deep: H8415
When he gave H7760 to the sea H3220 his decree, H2706 that the waters H4325 should not pass H5674 his commandment: H6310 when he appointed H2710 the foundations H4146 of the earth: H776
Then I was by him, as one brought H539 up with him: and I was daily H3117 his delight, H8191 rejoicing H7832 always H3605 H6256 before H6440 him;
Rejoicing H7832 in the habitable H8398 part of his earth; H776 and my delights H8191 were with the sons H1121 of men. H120
Ephesians 3:9
And to make G5461 all G3956 men see G5461 what G5101 is the fellowship G2842 of the mystery, G3466 which G3588 from the beginning of the world G165 has been hid G614 in God, G2316 who G3588 created G2936 all G3956 things by Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547
Colossians 1:17
And he is before G4253 all G3956 things, and by him all G3956 things consist. G4921
Hebrews 1:10
And, You, Lord, G2962 in the beginning G746 have laid the foundation G2311 of the earth; G1093 and the heavens G3772 are the works G2041 of your G4675 hands: G5495
Hebrews 7:3
Without G282 father, G540 without G282 mother, G282 without G35 descent, G35 having G2192 neither G3383 beginning G746 of days, G2250 nor G3383 end G5056 of life; G2222 but made G871 like G871 to the Son G5207 of God; G2316 stays G3306 a priest G2409 continually. G1519 G1336
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 the same G846 yesterday, G5504 and to day, G4594 and for ever. G165
Revelation 1:2
Who G3739 bore G3140 record G3140 of the word G3056 of God, G2316 and of the testimony G3141 of Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and of all G3745 things that he saw. G1492
Revelation 1:8
I am G1510 Alpha G1 and Omega, G5598 the beginning G746 and the ending, G5056 said G3004 the Lord, G2962 which G3588 is, and which G3588 was, and which G3588 is to come, G2064 the Almighty. G3841
Revelation 1:11
Saying, G3004 I am G1510 Alpha G1 and Omega, G5598 the first G4413 and the last: G2078 and, What G3739 you see, G991 write G1125 in a book, G975 and send G3992 it to the seven G2033 churches G1577 which G3588 are in Asia; G773 to Ephesus, G2181 and to Smyrna, G4667 and to Pergamos, G4010 and to Thyatira, G2363 and to Sardis, G4554 and to Philadelphia, G5359 and to Laodicea. G2993
Revelation 2:8
And to the angel G32 of the church G1577 in Smyrna G4668 write; G1125 These G3592 things said G3004 the first G4413 and the last, G2078 which G3739 was dead, G3498 and is alive; G2198
Revelation 21:6
And he said G2036 to me, It is done. G1096 I am G1510 Alpha G1 and Omega, G5598 the beginning G746 and the end. G5056 I will give G1325 to him that is thirsty G1372 of the fountain G4077 of the water G5204 of life G2222 freely. G1432
Revelation 22:13
I am G1510 Alpha G1 and Omega, G5598 the beginning G746 and the end, G5056 the first G4413 and the last. G2078
John 1:14
And the Word G3056 was made G1096 flesh, G4561 and dwelled G4637 among G1722 us, (and we beheld G2300 his glory, G1391 the glory G1391 as of the only G3439 begotten G3439 of the Father, G3962 ) full G4134 of grace G5485 and truth. G225
1 John 1:1
That which G3739 was from the beginning, G746 which G3739 we have heard, G191 which G3739 we have seen G3708 with our eyes, G3788 which G3739 we have looked G2300 on, and our hands G5495 have handled, G5584 of the Word G3056 of life; G2222
1 John 1:2
(For the life G2222 was manifested, G5319 and we have seen G3708 it, and bear G3140 witness, G3140 and show G518 to you that eternal G166 life, G2222 which G3748 was with the Father, G3962 and was manifested G5319 to us;)
1 John 5:7
For there are three G5140 that bear G3140 record G3140 in heaven, G3772 the Father, G3962 the Word, G3056 and the Holy G40 Ghost: G4151 and these G3778 three G5140 are one. G1520
Revelation 19:13
And he was clothed G4016 with a clothing G2440 dipped G911 in blood: G129 and his name G3686 is called G2564 The Word G3056 of God. G2316
John 1:18
No G3762 man G3762 has seen G3708 God G2316 at G4455 any G4455 time, G4455 the only G3439 begotten G3439 Son, G5207 which G3588 is in the bosom G2859 of the Father, G3962 he has declared G1834 him.
John 16:28
I came G1831 forth G1831 from the Father, G3962 and am come G2064 into G1519 the world: G2889 again, G3825 I leave G863 the world, G2889 and go G4198 to the Father. G3962
John 17:5
And now, G3568 O Father, G3962 glorify G1392 you me with your G4572 own G4572 self G4572 with the glory G1391 which G3739 I had G2192 with you before G4253 the world G2889 was.
Proverbs 8:22-30
The LORD H3068 possessed H7069 me in the beginning H7225 of his way, H1870 before H6924 his works H4659 of old. H227
I was set H5258 up from everlasting, H5769 from the beginning, H7218 or ever H6924 the earth H776 was.
When there were no H369 depths, H8415 I was brought H2342 forth; H2342 when there were no H369 fountains H4599 abounding H3513 with water. H4325
Before H2962 the mountains H2022 were settled, H2883 before H6440 the hills H1389 was I brought H2342 forth: H2342
While as yet H5704 he had not made H6213 the earth, H776 nor the fields, H2351 nor the highest H7218 part of the dust H6083 of the world. H8398
When he prepared H3559 the heavens, H8064 I was there: H8033 when he set H2710 a compass H2329 on the face H6440 of the depth: H8415
When he established H553 the clouds H7834 above: H4605 when he strengthened H5810 the fountains H5869 of the deep: H8415
When he gave H7760 to the sea H3220 his decree, H2706 that the waters H4325 should not pass H5674 his commandment: H6310 when he appointed H2710 the foundations H4146 of the earth: H776
Then I was by him, as one brought H539 up with him: and I was daily H3117 his delight, H8191 rejoicing H7832 always H3605 H6256 before H6440 him;
1 John 1:2
(For the life G2222 was manifested, G5319 and we have seen G3708 it, and bear G3140 witness, G3140 and show G518 to you that eternal G166 life, G2222 which G3748 was with the Father, G3962 and was manifested G5319 to us;)
John 10:30-33
I and my Father G3962 are one. G1520
Then G3767 the Jews G2453 took G941 up stones G3037 again G3825 to stone G3034 him.
Jesus G2424 answered G611 them, Many G4183 good G2570 works G2041 have I showed G1166 you from my Father; G3962 for which G4169 of those G846 works G2041 do you stone G3034 me?
The Jews G2453 answered G611 him, saying, G3004 For a good G2570 work G2041 we stone G3034 you not; but for blasphemy; G988 and because G3754 that you, being G5607 a man, G444 make G4160 yourself G4572 God. G2316
John 20:28
And Thomas G2381 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, My LORD G2962 and my God. G2316
Psalm 45:6
Your throne, H3678 O God, H430 is for ever H5769 and ever: H5703 the scepter H7626 of your kingdom H4438 is a right H4334 scepter. H7626
Isaiah 7:14
Therefore H3651 the Lord H136 himself H1931 shall give H5414 you a sign; H226 Behold, H2009 a virgin H5959 shall conceive, H2030 and bear H3205 a son, H1121 and shall call H7121 his name H8034 Immanuel. H6005
Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child H3206 is born, H3205 to us a son H1121 is given: H5414 and the government H4951 shall be on his shoulder: H7926 and his name H8034 shall be called H7121 Wonderful, H6382 Counselor, H3289 The mighty H1368 God, H410 The everlasting H5703 Father, H1 The Prince H8269 of Peace. H7965
Isaiah 40:9-11
O Zion, H6726 that bring H1319 good H1319 tidings, H1319 get H5927 you up into H5921 the high H1364 mountain; H2022 O Jerusalem, H3389 that bring H1319 good H1319 tidings, H1319 lift H7311 up your voice H6963 with strength; H3581 lift H7311 it up, be not afraid; H3372 say H559 to the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 Behold H2009 your God! H430
Behold, H2009 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 will come H935 with strong H2389 hand, and his arm H2220 shall rule H4910 for him: behold, H2009 his reward H7939 is with him, and his work H6468 before H6440 him.
He shall feed H7462 his flock H5739 like a shepherd: H7462 he shall gather H6908 the lambs H2922 with his arm, H2220 and carry H5375 them in his bosom, H2436 and shall gently lead H5095 those that are with young. H5763
Matthew 1:23
Behold, G2400 a virgin G3933 shall be with child, G1722 G1064 G2192 and shall bring G5088 forth G5088 a son, G5207 and they shall G2564 call his name G3686 Emmanuel, G1694 which G3739 being interpreted G3177 is, God G2316 with us.
Romans 9:5
Whose G3739 are the fathers, G3962 and of whom G3739 as concerning G2596 the flesh G4561 Christ G5547 came, who G3588 is over G1909 all, G3956 God G2316 blessed G2128 for ever. G165 Amen. G281
Philippians 2:6
Who, being G5225 in the form G3444 of God, G2316 thought G2233 it not robbery G725 to be equal G2470 with God: G2316
1 Timothy 3:16
And without G3672 controversy G3672 great G3173 is the mystery G3466 of godliness: G2150 God G2316 was manifest G5319 in the flesh, G4561 justified G1344 in the Spirit, G4151 seen G3700 of angels, G32 preached G2784 to the Gentiles, G1484 believed G4100 on in the world, G2889 received G353 up into G1722 glory. G1391
Titus 2:13
Looking G4327 for that blessed G3107 hope, G1680 and the glorious G1391 appearing G2015 of the great G3173 God G2316 and our Savior G4990 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547
Hebrews 1:8-13
But to the Son G5207 he said, Your throne, G2362 O God, G2316 is for ever G165 and ever: G165 a scepter G4464 of righteousness G2118 is the scepter G4464 of your kingdom. G932
You have loved G25 righteousness, G1343 and hated G3404 iniquity; G458 therefore G1223 G5124 God, G2316 even your God, G2316 has anointed G5548 you with the oil G1637 of gladness G20 above G3844 your fellows. G3353
And, You, Lord, G2962 in the beginning G746 have laid the foundation G2311 of the earth; G1093 and the heavens G3772 are the works G2041 of your G4675 hands: G5495
They shall perish; G622 but you remain; G1265 and they all G3956 shall wax G3822 old G3822 as does a garment; G2440
And as a clothing G4018 shall you fold G1667 them up, and they shall be changed: G236 but you are G1488 the same, G846 and your years G2094 shall not fail. G1587
But to which G5101 of the angels G32 said G2046 he at G4218 any G4218 time, G4218 Sit G2521 on G1537 my right G1188 hand, until G2193 I make G5087 your G4675 enemies G2190 your footstoo? G5286 G4228
2 Peter 1:1
Simon G4613 Peter, G4074 a servant G1401 and an apostle G652 of Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 to them that have obtained G2975 like G2472 precious G2472 faith G4102 with us through G1722 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 and our Savior G4990 Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547
1 John 5:7
For there are three G5140 that bear G3140 record G3140 in heaven, G3772 the Father, G3962 the Word, G3056 and the Holy G40 Ghost: G4151 and these G3778 three G5140 are one. G1520
1 John 5:20
And we know G1492 that the Son G5207 of God G2316 is come, G2240 and has given G1325 us an understanding, G1271 that we may know G1097 him that is true, G228 and we are in him that is true, G228 even in his Son G5207 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 This G3778 is the true G228 God, G2316 and eternal G166 life. G2222