Matthew 15:24
But he answered G611 and said, G2036 I am not sent G649 but to the lost G622 sheep G4263 of the house G3624 of Israel. G2474
Acts 3:25
You are the children G5207 of the prophets, G4396 and of the covenant G1242 which G3739 God G2316 made G1303 with our fathers, G3962 saying G3004 to Abraham, G11 And in your seed G4690 shall all G3956 the kindreds G3965 of the earth G1093 be blessed. G1757
Acts 3:26
To you first G4412 God, G2316 having raised G450 up his Son G3816 Jesus, G2424 sent G649 him to bless G2127 you, in turning G654 away G654 every G1538 one of you from his iniquities. G4189
Acts 13:26
Men G435 and brothers, G80 children G5207 of the stock G1085 of Abraham, G11 and whoever G3588 among G1722 you fears G5399 God, G2316 to you is the word G3056 of this G5026 salvation G4991 sent. G649
Acts 13:26
Men G435 and brothers, G80 children G5207 of the stock G1085 of Abraham, G11 and whoever G3588 among G1722 you fears G5399 God, G2316 to you is the word G3056 of this G5026 salvation G4991 sent. G649
Acts 13:46
Then G1161 Paul G3972 and Barnabas G921 waxed G3955 bold, G3955 and said, G2036 It was necessary G316 that the word G3056 of God G2316 should first G4412 have been spoken G2980 to you: but seeing G1894 you put G683 it from you, and judge G2919 yourselves G1438 unworthy G3756 G514 of everlasting G166 life, G2222 see, G2400 we turn G4762 to the Gentiles. G1484
Romans 9:1
I say G3004 the truth G225 in Christ, G5547 I lie G5574 not, my conscience G4893 also G4828 bearing G4828 me witness G4828 in the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151
Romans 9:5
Whose G3739 are the fathers, G3962 and of whom G3739 as concerning G2596 the flesh G4561 Christ G5547 came, who G3588 is over G1909 all, G3956 God G2316 blessed G2128 for ever. G165 Amen. G281
Romans 15:8
Now G1063 I say G3004 that Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 was a minister G1249 of the circumcision G4061 for the truth G225 of God, G2316 to confirm G950 the promises G1860 made to the fathers: G3962
Galatians 4:4
But when G3753 the fullness G4138 of the time G5550 was come, G2064 God G2316 sent G1821 forth G1821 his Son, G5207 made G1096 of a woman, G1135 made G1096 under G5259 the law, G3551
John 3:32
And what G3739 he has seen G3708 and heard, G191 that he testifies; G3140 and no G3762 man G3762 receives G2983 his testimony. G3141
Isaiah 53:2
For he shall grow H5927 up before H6440 him as a tender H3126 plant, and as a root H8328 out of a dry H6723 ground: H776 he has no H3808 form H8389 nor H3808 comeliness; H1926 and when we shall see H7200 him, there is no H3808 beauty H4758 that we should desire H2530 him.
Isaiah 53:3
He is despised H959 and rejected H2310 of men; H376 a man H376 of sorrows, H4341 and acquainted H3045 with grief: H2483 and we hid H5641 as it were our faces H6440 from him; he was despised, H959 and we esteemed H2803 him not.
Luke 19:14
But his citizens G4177 hated G3404 him, and sent G649 a message G4242 after G3694 him, saying, G3004 We will G2309 not have this G5126 man to reign G936 over G1909 us.
Luke 20:13-15
Then G1161 said G2036 the lord G2962 of the vineyard, G290 What G5101 shall I do? G4160 I will send G3992 my beloved G27 son: G5207 it may G2481 be they will reverence G1788 him when they see G1492 him.
But when the farmers G1092 saw G1492 him, they reasoned G1260 among G4314 themselves, G1438 saying, G3004 This G3778 is the heir: G2818 come, G1205 let us kill G615 him, that the inheritance G2817 may be ours. G2257
So G2532 they cast G1544 him out of the vineyard, G290 and killed G615 him. What G5101 therefore G3767 shall the lord G2962 of the vineyard G290 do G4160 to them?
Acts 7:51
You stiff necked G4644 and uncircumcised G564 in heart G2588 and ears, G3775 you do always G104 resist G496 the Holy G40 Ghost: G4151 as your G5216 fathers G3962 did, so G2532 do you.
Acts 7:52
Which G5101 of the prophets G4396 have not your G5216 fathers G3962 persecuted? G1377 and they have slain G615 them which G3588 showed G4293 before G4293 of the coming G1660 of the Just G1342 One; of whom G3739 you have been G1096 now G3568 the betrayers G4273 and murderers: G5406