Matthew 10:40
He that receives G1209 you receives G1209 me, and he that receives G1209 me receives G1209 him that sent G649 me.
Matthew 18:5
And whoever G3739 G302 shall receive G1209 one G1520 such G5108 little G3813 child G3813 in my name G3686 receives G1209 me.
Colossians 2:6
As you have therefore G3767 received G3880 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 the Lord, G2962 so walk G4043 you in him:
Isaiah 56:5
Even to them will I give H5414 in my house H1004 and within my walls H2346 a place H3027 and a name H8034 better H2896 than of sons H1121 and of daughters: H1323 I will give H5414 them an everlasting H5769 name, H8034 that shall not be cut H3772 off.
Jeremiah 3:19
But I said, H559 How H349 shall I put H7896 you among the children, H1121 and give H5414 you a pleasant H2532 land, H776 a goodly H6643 heritage H5159 of the hosts H6635 of nations? H1471 and I said, H559 You shall call H7121 me, My father; H1 and shall not turn H7725 away from me.
Hosea 1:10
Yet the number H4557 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall be as the sand H2344 of the sea, H3220 which H834 cannot H3808 be measured H4058 nor H3808 numbered; H5608 and it shall come H1961 to pass, that in the place H4725 where H834 it was said H559 to them, You are not my people, H5971 there it shall be said H559 to them, You are the sons H1121 of the living H2416 God. H410
Romans 8:14
For as many G3745 as are led G71 by the Spirit G4151 of God, G2316 they are the sons G5207 of God. G2316
2 Corinthians 6:17
Why G1352 come G1831 out from among G3319 them, and be you separate, G873 said G3004 the Lord, G2962 and touch G680 not the unclean G169 thing; and I will receive G1523 you.
2 Corinthians 6:18
And will be a Father G3962 to you, and you shall be my sons G5207 and daughters, G2364 said G3004 the Lord G2962 Almighty. G3841
Galatians 3:26
For you are all G3956 the children G5207 of God G2316 by faith G4102 in Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424
Galatians 4:6
And because G3754 you are sons, G5207 God G2316 has sent G1821 forth G1821 the Spirit G4151 of his Son G5207 into G1519 your G5216 hearts, G2588 crying, G2896 Abba, G5 Father. G3962
2 Peter 1:4
Whereby G1223 G3739 are given G1433 to us exceeding great G3176 and precious G5093 promises: G1862 that by these G5130 you might be partakers G2844 of the divine G2304 nature, G5449 having escaped G668 the corruption G5356 that is in the world G2889 through G1722 lust. G1939
1 John 3:1
Behold, G1492 what G4217 manner G4217 of love G26 the Father G3962 has bestowed G1325 on us, that we should be called G2564 the sons G5043 of God: G2316 therefore G1223 G5124 the world G2889 knows G1097 us not, because G3754 it knew G1097 him not.
John 2:23
Now G1161 when G5613 he was in Jerusalem G2414 at G1722 the passover, G3957 in the feast G1859 day, many G4183 believed G4100 in his name, G3686 when they saw G2334 the miracles G4592 which G3739 he did. G4160
John 3:18
He that believes G4100 on G1519 him is not condemned: G2919 but he that believes G4100 not is condemned G2919 already, G2235 because G3754 he has not believed G4100 in the name G3686 of the only G3439 begotten G3439 Son G5207 of God. G2316
John 20:31
But these G5023 are written, G1125 that you might believe G4100 that Jesus G2424 is the Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of God; G2316 and that believing G4100 you might have G2192 life G2222 through G1722 his name. G3686
Matthew 12:21
And in his name G3686 shall the Gentiles G1484 trust. G1679
Acts 3:16
And his name G3686 through G1909 faith G4102 in his name G3686 has made G4732 this G5026 man strong, G4732 whom G3739 you see G2334 and know: G1492 yes, G2532 the faith G4102 which is by him has given G1325 him this G5126 perfect G3647 soundness G3647 in the presence G561 of you all. G3956
1 John 3:23
And this G3778 is his commandment, G1785 That we should believe G4100 on the name G3686 of his Son G5207 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and love G25 one G240 another, G240 as he gave G1325 us commandment. G1785
1 John 5:12
He that has G2192 the Son G5207 has G2192 life; G2222 and he that has G2192 not the Son G5207 of God G2316 has G2192 not life. G2222