John 3:3
Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Except G3362 a man G5100 be born G1080 again, G509 he cannot G3756 G1410 see G1492 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316
John 3:5
Jesus G2424 answered, G611 Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Except G3362 a man G5100 be born G1080 of water G5204 and of the Spirit, G4151 he cannot G3756 G1410 enter G1525 into G1519 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316
James 1:18
Of his own will G1014 begat G616 he us with the word G3056 of truth, G225 that we should be a kind G5100 of first fruits G536 of his creatures. G2938
1 Peter 1:3
Blessed G2128 be the God G2316 and Father G3962 of our Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 which G3588 according G2596 to his abundant G4183 mercy G1656 has begotten G313 us again G313 to a lively G2198 hope G1680 by the resurrection G386 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 from the dead, G3498
1 Peter 1:23
Being born G313 again, G313 not of corruptible G5349 seed, G4701 but of incorruptible, G862 by the word G3056 of God, G2316 which lives G2198 and stays G3306 for ever. G165
1 Peter 2:2
As newborn G738 babes, G1025 desire G1971 the sincere G97 milk G1051 of the word, G3050 that you may grow G837 thereby: G1722
1 John 3:9
Whoever G3956 G3588 is born G1080 of God G2316 does not commit G4160 sin; G266 for his seed G4690 remains G3306 in him: and he cannot G3756 G1410 sin, G264 because G3754 he is born G1080 of God. G2316
1 John 4:7
Beloved, G27 let us love G25 one G240 another: G240 for love G26 is of God; G2316 and every G3956 one that loves G25 is born G1080 of God, G2316 and knows G1097 God. G2316
1 John 5:1
Whoever G3956 G3588 believes G4100 that Jesus G2424 is the Christ G5547 is born G1080 of God: G2316 and every G3956 one that loves G25 him that begat G1080 loves G25 him also G2532 that is begotten G1080 of him.
1 John 5:4
For whatever G3956 is born G1080 of God G2316 overcomes G3528 the world: G2889 and this G3778 is the victory G3529 that overcomes G3528 the world, G2889 even our faith. G4102
1 John 5:18
We know G1492 that whoever G3956 G3588 is born G1080 of God G2316 sins G264 not; but he that is begotten G1080 of God G2316 keeps G5083 himself, G1438 and that wicked G4190 one touches G680 him not.
John 8:33-41
They answered G611 him, We be Abraham's G11 seed, G4690 and were never G3762 G4455 in bondage G1398 to any G3762 man: how G4459 say G3004 you, You shall be made G1096 free? G1658
Jesus G2424 answered G611 them, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Whoever G3956 G3588 commits G4160 sin G266 is the servant G1401 of sin. G266
And the servant G1401 stays G3306 not in the house G3614 for ever: G165 but the Son G5207 stays G3306 ever. G165
If G1437 the Son G5207 therefore G3767 shall make G1659 you free, G1659 you shall be free G1658 indeed. G3689
I know G1097 that you are Abraham's G11 seed; G4690 but you seek G2212 to kill G615 me, because G3754 my word G3056 has no G3756 place G5562 in you.
I speak G2980 that which G3739 I have seen G3708 with my Father: G3962 and you do G4160 that which G3739 you have seen G3708 with your G5216 father. G3962
They answered G611 and said G2036 to him, Abraham G11 is our father. G3962 Jesus G2424 said G3004 to them, If G1487 you were Abraham's G11 children, G5043 you would do G4160 the works G2041 of Abraham. G11
But now G3568 you seek G2212 to kill G615 me, a man G444 that has told G2980 you the truth, G225 which G3739 I have heard G191 of God: G2316 this G5124 did G4160 not Abraham. G11
You do G4160 the deeds G2041 of your G5216 father. G3962 Then G3767 said G2036 they to him, We be not born G1080 of fornication; G4202 we have G2192 one G1520 Father, G3962 even God. G2316
Matthew 3:9
And think G1380 not to say G3004 within G1722 yourselves, G1438 We have G2192 Abraham G11 to our father: G3962 for I say G3004 to you, that God G2316 is able G1410 of these G5130 stones G3037 to raise G1453 up children G5043 to Abraham. G11
Romans 9:7-9
Neither, G3761 because G3754 they are the seed G4690 of Abraham, G11 are they all G3956 children: G5043 but, In Isaac G2464 shall your seed G4690 be called. G2564
That is, They which are the children G5043 of the flesh, G4561 these G5023 are not the children G5043 of God: G2316 but the children G5043 of the promise G1860 are counted G3049 for the seed. G4690
For this G3778 is the word G3056 of promise, G1860 At G2596 this G5126 time G2540 will I come, G2064 and Sarah G4564 shall have G2071 a son. G5207
Genesis 25:22
And the children H1121 struggled H7533 together within H7130 her; and she said, H559 If H518 it be so, H3651 why H4100 am I thus? H2088 And she went H3212 to inquire H1875 of the LORD. H3068
Genesis 25:28
And Isaac H3327 loved H157 Esau, H6215 because H3588 he did eat H6310 of his venison: H6718 but Rebekah H7259 loved H157 Jacob. H3290
Genesis 27:4
And make H6213 me savoury H4303 meat, such as I love, H157 and bring H935 it to me, that I may eat; H398 that my soul H5315 may bless H1288 you before H2962 I die. H4191
Genesis 27:33
And Isaac H3327 trembled H2729 very H1419 exceedingly, H1419 and said, H559 Who? H4310 where H645 is he that has taken H6679 venison, H6718 and brought H935 it me, and I have eaten H398 of all H3605 before H2962 you came, H935 and have blessed H1288 him? yes, H1571 and he shall be blessed. H1288
Romans 9:10-16
And not only G3440 this; but when Rebecca G4479 also G2532 had conceived G2845 G2192 by one, G1520 even by our father G3962 Isaac; G2464
(For the children being not yet G3380 born, G1080 neither G3366 having done G4238 any G5100 good G18 or G2228 evil, G2556 that the purpose G4286 of God G2316 according G2596 to election G1589 might stand, G3306 not of works, G2041 but of him that calls; G2564 )
It was said G4483 to her, The elder G3187 shall serve G1398 the younger. G1640
As it is written, G1125 Jacob G2384 have G2071 I loved, G25 but Esau G2269 have G2071 I hated. G3404
What G5101 shall we say G2046 then? G3767 Is there unrighteousness G93 with God? G2316 God G3361 G1096 forbid. G3361 G1096
For he said G3004 to Moses, G3475 I will have mercy G1653 on whom G3739 I will have mercy, G1653 and I will have compassion G3627 on whom G3739 I will have compassion. G3627
So G686 then G686 it is not of him that wills, G2309 nor G3761 of him that runs, G5143 but of God G2316 that shows G1653 mercy. G1653
Psalm 110:3
Your people H5971 shall be willing H5071 in the day H3117 of your power, H2428 in the beauties H1926 of holiness H6944 from the womb H7358 of the morning: H4891 you have the dew H2919 of your youth. H3208
Romans 9:1-5
I say G3004 the truth G225 in Christ, G5547 I lie G5574 not, my conscience G4893 also G4828 bearing G4828 me witness G4828 in the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151
That I have G2076 great G3173 heaviness G3077 and continual G88 sorrow G3601 in my heart. G2588
For I could wish G2172 that myself G846 were accursed G331 from Christ G5547 for my brothers, G80 my kinsmen G4773 according G2596 to the flesh: G4561
Who G3748 are Israelites; G2475 to whom G3739 pertains the adoption, G5206 and the glory, G1391 and the covenants, G1242 and the giving G3548 of the law, G3548 and the service G2999 of God, and the promises; G1860
Whose G3739 are the fathers, G3962 and of whom G3739 as concerning G2596 the flesh G4561 Christ G5547 came, who G3588 is over G1909 all, G3956 God G2316 blessed G2128 for ever. G165 Amen. G281
Romans 10:1-3
Brothers, G80 my heart's G2588 desire G2107 and prayer G1162 to God G2316 for Israel G2474 is, that they might be saved. G4991
For I bear G3140 them record G3140 that they have G2192 a zeal G2205 of God, G2316 but not according G2596 to knowledge. G1922
For they being ignorant G50 of God's G2316 righteousness, G1343 and going G2212 about G2212 to establish G2476 their own G2398 righteousness, G1343 have G2192 not submitted G5293 themselves to the righteousness G1343 of God. G2316
1 Corinthians 3:6
I have G2192 planted, G5452 Apollos G625 watered; G4222 but God G2316 gave the increase. G837
Philippians 2:13
For it is God G2316 which G3588 works G1754 in you both G2532 to will G2309 and to do G1754 of his good pleasure. G2107
James 1:18
Of his own will G1014 begat G616 he us with the word G3056 of truth, G225 that we should be a kind G5100 of first fruits G536 of his creatures. G2938
John 3:6-8
That which is born G1080 of the flesh G4561 is flesh; G4561 and that which is born G1080 of the Spirit G4151 is spirit. G4151
Marvel G2296 not that I said G2036 to you, You must G1163 be born G1080 again. G509
The wind G4151 blows G4154 where G3699 it wants, G2309 and you hear G191 the sound G5456 thereof, G846 but can G1492 not tell G1492 from where G4159 it comes, G2064 and where G4226 it goes: G5217 so G3779 is every G3956 one that is born G1080 of the Spirit. G4151
Titus 3:5
Not by works G2041 of righteousness G1343 which G3739 we have done, G4160 but according G2596 to his mercy G1656 he saved G4982 us, by the washing G3067 of regeneration, G3824 and renewing G342 of the Holy G40 Ghost; G4151
1 John 2:28
And now, G3568 little G5040 children, G5040 abide G3306 in him; that, when G3752 he shall appear, G5319 we may have G2192 confidence, G3954 and not be ashamed G153 before G575 him at G1722 his coming. G3952
1 John 2:29
If G1437 you know G1492 that he is righteous, G1342 you know G1097 that every G3956 one that does G4160 righteousness G1343 is born G1080 of him.