John 1:1
In the beginning G746 was the Word, G3056 and the Word G3056 was with God, G2316 and the Word G3056 was God. G2316
Isaiah 7:14
Therefore H3651 the Lord H136 himself H1931 shall give H5414 you a sign; H226 Behold, H2009 a virgin H5959 shall conceive, H2030 and bear H3205 a son, H1121 and shall call H7121 his name H8034 Immanuel. H6005
Matthew 1:16
And Jacob G2384 begat G1080 Joseph G2501 the husband G435 of Mary, G3137 of whom G3739 was born G1080 Jesus, G2424 who G3588 is called G3004 Christ. G5547
Matthew 1:20-23
But while he thought G1760 on G1760 these G5023 things, behold, G2400 the angel G32 of the LORD G2962 appeared G5316 to him in a dream, G3677 saying, G3004 Joseph, G2501 you son G5207 of David, G1138 fear G5399 not to take G3880 to you Mary G3137 your wife: G1135 for that which is conceived G1080 in her is of the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
And she shall bring G5088 forth G5088 a son, G5207 and you shall call G2564 his name G3686 JESUS: G2424 for he shall save G4982 his people G2992 from their sins. G266
Now G1161 all G3650 this G5124 was done, G1096 that it might be fulfilled G4137 which G3588 was spoken G4483 of the Lord G2962 by the prophet, G4396 saying, G3004
Behold, G2400 a virgin G3933 shall be with child, G1722 G1064 G2192 and shall bring G5088 forth G5088 a son, G5207 and they shall G2564 call his name G3686 Emmanuel, G1694 which G3739 being interpreted G3177 is, God G2316 with us.
Luke 1:31-35
And, behold, G2400 you shall conceive G4815 in your womb, G1064 and bring G5088 forth G5088 a son, G5207 and shall call G2564 his name G3686 JESUS. G2424
He shall be great, G3173 and shall be called G2564 the Son G5207 of the Highest: G5310 and the Lord G2962 God G2316 shall give G1325 to him the throne G2362 of his father G3962 David: G1138
And he shall reign G936 over G1909 the house G3624 of Jacob G2384 for ever; G165 and of his kingdom G932 there shall be no G3756 end. G5056
Then G1161 said G2036 Mary G3137 to the angel, G32 How G4459 shall this G5124 be, seeing G1893 I know G1097 not a man? G435
And the angel G32 answered G611 and said G2036 to her, The Holy G40 Ghost G4151 shall come G1904 on you, and the power G1411 of the Highest G5310 shall overshadow G1982 you: therefore G1352 also G2532 that holy G40 thing which shall be born G1080 of you shall be called G2564 the Son G5207 of God. G2316
Luke 2:7
And she brought G5088 forth G5088 her firstborn G4416 son, G5207 and wrapped G4683 him in swaddling G4683 clothes, G4683 and laid G347 him in a manger; G5336 because G1360 there was no G3756 room G5117 for them in the inn. G2646
Luke 2:11
For to you is born G5088 this G4594 day G4594 in the city G4172 of David G1138 a Savior, G4990 which G3739 is Christ G5547 the Lord. G2962
Romans 1:3
Concerning G4012 his Son G5207 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our Lord, G2962 which G3588 was made G1096 of the seed G4690 of David G1138 according G2596 to the flesh; G4561
Romans 1:4
And declared G3724 to be the Son G5207 of God G2316 with power, G1411 according G2596 to the spirit G4151 of holiness, G42 by the resurrection G386 from the dead: G3498
Romans 9:5
Whose G3739 are the fathers, G3962 and of whom G3739 as concerning G2596 the flesh G4561 Christ G5547 came, who G3588 is over G1909 all, G3956 God G2316 blessed G2128 for ever. G165 Amen. G281
1 Corinthians 15:47
The first G4413 man G444 is of the earth, G1093 earthy; G5517 the second G1208 man G444 is the Lord G2962 from heaven. G3772
Galatians 4:4
But when G3753 the fullness G4138 of the time G5550 was come, G2064 God G2316 sent G1821 forth G1821 his Son, G5207 made G1096 of a woman, G1135 made G1096 under G5259 the law, G3551
Philippians 2:6-8
Who, being G5225 in the form G3444 of God, G2316 thought G2233 it not robbery G725 to be equal G2470 with God: G2316
But made G1096 himself G1438 of no G5013 reputation, G2758 and took G2983 on him the form G3444 of a servant, G1401 and was made G1096 in the likeness G3667 of men: G444
And being found G2147 in fashion G4976 as a man, G444 he humbled G5013 himself, G1438 and became G1096 obedient G5255 to death, G2288 even G1161 the death G2288 of the cross. G4716
1 Timothy 3:16
And without G3672 controversy G3672 great G3173 is the mystery G3466 of godliness: G2150 God G2316 was manifest G5319 in the flesh, G4561 justified G1344 in the Spirit, G4151 seen G3700 of angels, G32 preached G2784 to the Gentiles, G1484 believed G4100 on in the world, G2889 received G353 up into G1722 glory. G1391
Hebrews 2:11
For both G5037 he that sanctifies G37 and they who are sanctified G37 are all G3956 of one: G1520 for which G3739 cause G156 he is not ashamed G1870 to call G2564 them brothers, G80
Hebrews 2:14-17
For as much G1893 then G3767 as the children G3813 are partakers G2841 of flesh G4561 and blood, G129 he also G2532 himself G846 likewise G3898 took G3348 part G3348 of the same; G846 that through G1223 death G2288 he might destroy G2673 him that had G2192 the power G2904 of death, G2288 that is, the devil; G1228
And deliver G525 them who G3745 through fear G5401 of death G2288 were all G3956 their lifetime G2198 subject G1777 to bondage. G1397
For truly G1222 he took G1949 not on G1949 him the nature of angels; G32 but he took G1949 on G1949 him the seed G4690 of Abraham. G11
Why G3606 in all G3956 things it behooved G3784 him to be made G3666 like G3666 to his brothers, G80 that he might be a merciful G1655 and faithful G4103 high G749 priest G749 in things pertaining to God, G2316 to make G2433 reconciliation G2433 for the sins G266 of the people. G2992
Hebrews 10:5
Why G1352 when he comes into G1519 the world, G2889 he said, G3004 Sacrifice G2378 and offering G4376 you would G2309 not, but a body G4983 have you prepared G2675 me:
1 John 4:2
Hereby G1722 G5129 know G1097 you the Spirit G4151 of God: G2316 Every G3956 spirit G4151 that confesses G3670 that Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 is come G2064 in the flesh G4561 is of God: G2316
1 John 4:3
And every G3956 spirit G4151 that confesses G3670 not that Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 is come G2064 in the flesh G4561 is not of God: G2316 and this G5124 is that spirit of antichrist, G500 whereof G3739 you have heard G191 that it should come; G2064 and even G2532 now G3568 already G2235 is it in the world. G2889
2 John 1:7
For many G4183 deceivers G4108 are entered G1525 into G1519 the world, G2889 who G3588 confess G3670 not that Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 is come G2064 in the flesh. G4561 This G3778 is a deceiver G4108 and an antichrist. G500
John 2:11
This G5026 beginning G746 of miracles G4592 did G4160 Jesus G2424 in Cana G2580 of Galilee, G1056 and manifested G5319 forth G5319 his glory; G1391 and his disciples G3101 believed G4100 on G1519 him.
John 11:40
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to her, Said G2036 I not to you, that, if G1437 you would believe, G4100 you should see G3700 the glory G1391 of God? G2316
John 12:40
He has blinded G5186 their eyes, G3788 and hardened G4456 their heart; G2588 that they should not see G1492 with their eyes, G3788 nor G2532 understand G3539 with their heart, G2588 and be converted, G1994 and I should heal G2390 them.
John 12:41
These G5023 things said G2036 Esaias, G2268 when G3753 he saw G1492 his glory, G1391 and spoke G2980 of him.
John 14:9
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to him, Have I been G1510 so G5118 long G5118 time G5550 with you, and yet have you not known G1097 me, Philip? G5376 he that has seen G3708 me has seen G3708 the Father; G3962 and how G4459 say G3004 you then, Show G1166 us the Father? G3962
Isaiah 40:5
And the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 shall be revealed, H1540 and all H3605 flesh H1320 shall see H7200 it together: H3162 for the mouth H6310 of the LORD H3068 has spoken H1696 it.
Isaiah 53:2
For he shall grow H5927 up before H6440 him as a tender H3126 plant, and as a root H8328 out of a dry H6723 ground: H776 he has no H3808 form H8389 nor H3808 comeliness; H1926 and when we shall see H7200 him, there is no H3808 beauty H4758 that we should desire H2530 him.
Isaiah 60:1
Arise, H6965 shine; H215 for your light H216 is come, H935 and the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 is risen H2224 on you.
Isaiah 60:2
For, behold, H2009 the darkness H2822 shall cover H3680 the earth, H776 and gross H6205 darkness H6205 the people: H3816 but the LORD H3068 shall arise H2224 on you, and his glory H3519 shall be seen H7200 on you.
Matthew 17:1-5
And after G3326 six G1803 days G2250 Jesus G2424 takes G3880 Peter, G4074 James, G2385 and John G2491 his brother, G80 and brings G399 them up into G1519 an high G5308 mountain G3735 apart, G2596
And was transfigured G3339 before G1715 them: and his face G4383 did shine G2989 as the sun, G2246 and his raiment G2440 was white G3022 as the light. G5457
And, behold, G2400 there appeared G3700 to them Moses G3475 and Elias G2243 talking G4814 with him.
Then G1161 answered G611 Peter, G4074 and said G2036 to Jesus, G2424 Lord, G2962 it is good G2570 for us to be here: G5602 if G1487 you will, G2309 let us make G4160 here G5602 three G5140 tabernacles; G4633 one G3391 for you, and one G3391 for Moses, G3475 and one G3391 for Elias. G2243
While he yet G2089 spoke, G2980 behold, G2400 a bright G5460 cloud G3507 overshadowed G1982 them: and behold G2400 a voice G5456 out of the cloud, G3507 which said, G3004 This G3778 is my beloved G27 Son, G5207 in whom G3739 I am well G2106 pleased; G2106 hear G191 you him.
2 Corinthians 4:4-6
In whom G3739 the god G2316 of this G5127 world G165 has blinded G5186 the minds G3540 of them which believe G571 not, lest G1519 the light G5462 of the glorious G1391 gospel G2098 of Christ, G5547 who G3739 is the image G1504 of God, G2316 should shine G826 to them.
For we preach G2784 not ourselves, G1438 but Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 the Lord; G2962 and ourselves G1438 your G5216 servants G1401 for Jesus' G2424 sake.
For God, G2316 who G3588 commanded G2036 the light G5457 to shine G2989 out of darkness, G4655 has shined G2989 in our hearts, G2588 to give the light G5462 of the knowledge G1108 of the glory G1391 of God G2316 in the face G4383 of Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547
Hebrews 1:3
Who being the brightness G541 of his glory, G1391 and the express G5481 image G5481 of his person, G5287 and upholding G5342 all G3956 things by the word G4487 of his power, G1411 when he had by himself G1438 purged G4160 G2512 our sins, G266 sat G2523 down G2523 on G1722 the right G1188 hand of the Majesty G3172 on G1722 high: G5308
1 Peter 2:4-7
To whom G3739 coming, G4334 as to a living G2198 stone, G3037 disallowed G593 indeed G3303 of men, G444 but chosen G1588 of God, G2316 and precious, G1784
You also, G2532 as lively G2198 stones, G3037 are built G3618 up a spiritual G4152 house, G3624 an holy G40 priesthood, G2406 to offer G399 up spiritual G4152 sacrifices, G2378 acceptable G2144 to God G2316 by Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547
Why G1352 also G2532 it is contained G4023 in the scripture, G1124 Behold, G2400 I lay G5087 in Sion G4622 a chief G204 corner G204 stone, G3037 elect, G1588 precious: G1784 and he that believes G4100 on G1909 him shall not be confounded. G2617
To you therefore G3767 which G3588 believe G4100 he is precious: G5092 but to them which be disobedient, G544 the stone G3037 which the builders G3618 disallowed, G593 the same G3778 is made G1096 the head G2776 of the corner, G1137
2 Peter 1:17
For he received G2983 from God G2316 the Father G3962 honor G5092 and glory, G1391 when there came G5342 such G5107 a voice G5456 to him from the excellent G3169 glory, G1391 This G3778 is my beloved G27 Son, G5207 in whom G3739 I am well G2106 pleased. G2106
1 John 1:1
That which G3739 was from the beginning, G746 which G3739 we have heard, G191 which G3739 we have seen G3708 with our eyes, G3788 which G3739 we have looked G2300 on, and our hands G5495 have handled, G5584 of the Word G3056 of life; G2222
1 John 1:2
(For the life G2222 was manifested, G5319 and we have seen G3708 it, and bear G3140 witness, G3140 and show G518 to you that eternal G166 life, G2222 which G3748 was with the Father, G3962 and was manifested G5319 to us;)
John 1:18
No G3762 man G3762 has seen G3708 God G2316 at G4455 any G4455 time, G4455 the only G3439 begotten G3439 Son, G5207 which G3588 is in the bosom G2859 of the Father, G3962 he has declared G1834 him.
John 3:16
For God G2316 so G3779 loved G25 the world, G2889 that he gave G1325 his only G3439 begotten G3439 Son, G5207 that whoever G3956 G3588 believes G4100 in him should not perish, G622 but have G2192 everlasting G166 life. G2222
John 3:18
He that believes G4100 on G1519 him is not condemned: G2919 but he that believes G4100 not is condemned G2919 already, G2235 because G3754 he has not believed G4100 in the name G3686 of the only G3439 begotten G3439 Son G5207 of God. G2316
Psalm 2:7
I will declare H5608 the decree: H2706 the LORD H3068 has said H559 to me, You are my Son; H1121 this day H3117 have I begotten H3205 you.
Acts 13:33
God G2316 has fulfilled G1603 the same G5026 to us their children, G5043 in that he has raised G450 up Jesus G2424 again; G450 as it is also G2532 written G1125 in the second G1208 psalm, G5568 You are G1488 my Son, G5207 this G4594 day G4594 have I begotten G1080 you.
Hebrews 1:5
For to which G5101 of the angels G32 said G2036 he at G4218 any G4218 time, G4218 You are G1488 my Son, G5207 this G4594 day G4594 have I begotten G1080 you? And again, G3825 I will be to him a Father, G3962 and he shall be to me a Son? G5207
Hebrews 5:5
So G3779 also G2532 Christ G5547 glorified G1392 not himself G1438 to be made G1096 an high G749 priest; G749 but he that said G2980 to him, You are G1488 my Son, G5207 to day G4594 have I begotten G1080 you.
1 John 4:9
In this G5129 was manifested G5319 the love G26 of God G2316 toward G1722 us, because G3754 that God G2316 sent G649 his only G3439 begotten G3439 Son G5207 into G1519 the world, G2889 that we might live G2198 through G1223 him.
John 1:16
And of his fullness G4138 have G2192 all G3956 we received, G2983 and grace G5485 for grace. G5485
John 1:17
For the law G3551 was given G1325 by Moses, G3475 but grace G5485 and truth G225 came G1096 by Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547
Psalm 45:2
You are fairer H3302 than the children H1121 of men: H120 grace H2580 is poured H3332 into your lips: H8193 therefore H5921 H3651 God H430 has blessed H1288 you for ever. H5769
2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said G2046 to me, My grace G5485 is sufficient G714 for you: for my strength G1411 is made G5048 perfect G5048 in weakness. G769 Most G2236 gladly G2236 therefore G3767 will I rather G3123 glory G2744 in my infirmities, G769 that the power G1411 of Christ G5547 may rest G1981 on me.
Ephesians 3:8
To me, who am less G1647 than the least G1647 of all G3956 saints, G40 is this G3778 grace G5485 given, G1325 that I should preach G2097 among G1722 the Gentiles G1484 the unsearchable G421 riches G4149 of Christ; G5547
Ephesians 3:18
May be able G1840 to comprehend G2638 with all G3956 saints G40 what G5101 is the breadth, G4114 and length, G3372 and depth, G899 and height; G5311
Ephesians 3:19
And to know G1097 the love G26 of Christ, G5547 which passes G5235 knowledge, G1108 that you might be filled G4137 with all G3956 the fullness G4138 of God. G2316
Colossians 1:19
For it pleased G2106 the Father that in him should all G3956 fullness G4138 dwell; G2730
Colossians 2:3
In whom G3739 are hid G614 all G3956 the treasures G2344 of wisdom G4678 and knowledge. G1108
Colossians 2:9
For in him dwells G2730 all G3956 the fullness G4138 of the Godhead G2320 bodily. G4985
1 Timothy 1:14-16
And the grace G5485 of our Lord G2962 was exceeding G5250 abundant G5250 with faith G4102 and love G26 which G3588 is in Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424
This G3588 is a faithful G4103 saying, G3056 and worthy G514 of all G3956 acceptation, G594 that Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 came G2064 into G1519 the world G2889 to save G4982 sinners; G268 of whom G3739 I am G1510 chief. G4413
However, G235 for this G5124 cause G1223 I obtained G1653 mercy, G1653 that in me first G4413 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 might show G1731 forth G1731 all G3956 long-suffering, G3115 for a pattern G5296 to them which should G3195 hereafter G3195 believe G4100 on G1909 him to life G2222 everlasting. G166