John 5:45
Do G4160 not think G1380 that I will accuse G2723 you to the Father: G3962 there is one that accuses G2723 you, even Moses, G3475 in whom G3739 you trust. G1679
John 9:29
We know G1492 that God G2316 spoke G2980 to Moses: G3475 as for this G5126 fellow, we know G1492 not from where G4159 he is.
Exodus 20:1-17
And God H430 spoke H1696 all H3605 these H428 words, H1697 saying, H559
I am the LORD H3068 your God, H430 which H834 have brought H3318 you out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 out of the house H1004 of bondage. H5650
You shall have no H3808 other H312 gods H430 before H5921 H6440 me.
You shall not make H6213 to you any graven H6459 image, H6754 or any H3605 likeness H8544 of any thing that is in heaven H8064 above, H4605 or that is in the earth H776 beneath, H8478 or that is in the water H4325 under H8478 the earth. H776
You shall not bow H7812 down H7812 yourself to them, nor H3808 serve H5647 them: for I the LORD H3068 your God H430 am a jealous H7067 God, H410 visiting H6485 the iniquity H5771 of the fathers H1 on the children H1121 to the third H8029 and fourth H7256 generation of them that hate H8130 me;
And showing H6213 mercy H2617 to thousands H505 of them that love H157 me, and keep H8104 my commandments. H4687
You shall not take H5375 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 your God H430 in vain; H7723 for the LORD H3068 will not hold him guiltless H5352 that takes H5375 his name H8034 in vain. H7723
Remember H2142 the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 to keep H6942 it holy. H6942
Six H8337 days H3117 shall you labor, H5647 and do H6213 all H3605 your work: H4399
But the seventh H7637 day H3117 is the sabbath H7676 of the LORD H3068 your God: H430 in it you shall not do H6213 any H3605 work, H4399 you, nor your son, H1121 nor your daughter, H1323 your manservant, H5650 nor your maidservant, H519 nor your cattle, H929 nor your stranger H1616 that is within your gates: H8179
For in six H8337 days H3117 the LORD H3068 made H6213 heaven H8064 and earth, H776 the sea, H3220 and all H3605 that in them is, and rested H5117 the seventh H7637 day: H3117 why H5921 H3651 the LORD H3068 blessed H1288 the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 and hallowed H6942 it.
Honor H3513 your father H1 and your mother: H517 that your days H3117 may be long H748 on the land H127 which H834 the LORD H3068 your God H430 gives H5414 you.
You shall not kill. H7523
You shall not commit H5003 adultery. H5003
You shall not steal. H1589
You shall not bear H6030 false H8267 witness H5707 against your neighbor. H7453
You shall not covet H2530 your neighbor's H7453 house, H1004 you shall not covet H2530 your neighbor's H7453 wife, H802 nor his manservant, H5650 nor his maidservant, H519 nor his ox, H7794 nor his ass, H2543 nor any H3605 thing that is your neighbor's. H7453
Deuteronomy 4:44
And this H2063 is the law H8451 which H834 Moses H4872 set H7760 before H6440 the children H1121 of Israel: H3478
Deuteronomy 5:1
And Moses H4872 called H7121 all H3605 Israel, H3478 and said H559 to them, Hear, H8085 O Israel, H3478 the statutes H2706 and judgments H4941 which H834 I speak H1696 in your ears H241 this day, H3117 that you may learn H3925 them, and keep, H8104 and do H6213 them.
Deuteronomy 33:4
Moses H4872 commanded H6680 us a law, H8451 even the inheritance H4181 of the congregation H6952 of Jacob. H3290
Acts 7:38
This G3778 is he, that was in the church G1577 in the wilderness G2048 with the angel G32 which G3588 spoke G2980 to him in the mount G3735 Sina, G4614 and with our fathers: G3962 who G3739 received G1209 the lively G2198 oracles G3051 to give G1325 to us:
Acts 28:23
And when they had appointed G5021 him a day, G2250 there came G2240 many G4119 to him into G1519 his lodging; G3578 to whom G3739 he expounded G1620 and testified G1263 the kingdom G932 of God, G2316 persuading G3982 them concerning G4012 Jesus, G2424 both G5037 out of the law G3551 of Moses, G3475 and out of the prophets, G4396 from morning G4404 till G2193 evening. G2073
Romans 3:19
Now G1161 we know G1492 that what G3745 things soever G1437 the law G3551 said, G3004 it said G2980 to them who are under G1722 the law: G3551 that every G3956 mouth G4750 may be stopped, G5420 and all G3956 the world G2889 may become G1096 guilty G5267 before God. G2316
Romans 3:20
Therefore G1360 by the deeds G2041 of the law G3551 there shall no G3756 G3956 flesh G4561 be justified G1344 in his sight: G1799 for by the law G3551 is the knowledge G1922 of sin. G266
Romans 5:20
Moreover G1161 the law G3551 entered, G3922 that the offense G3900 might abound. G4121 But where G3757 sin G266 abounded, G4121 grace G5485 did much G5248 more abound: G5248
Romans 5:21
That as sin G266 has reigned G936 to death, G2288 even G2532 so G3779 might grace G5485 reign G936 through G1223 righteousness G1343 to eternal G166 life G2222 by Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our Lord. G2962
2 Corinthians 3:7-10
But if G1487 the ministration G1248 of death, G2288 written G1722 G1121 and engraved G1795 in stones, G3037 was glorious, G1722 G1391 so G5620 that the children G5207 of Israel G2474 could G1410 not steadfastly G816 behold G816 the face G4383 of Moses G3475 for the glory G1391 of his countenance; G4383 which G3588 glory G1391 was to be done G2673 away: G2673
How G4459 shall not the ministration G1248 of the spirit G4151 be rather G3123 glorious? G1722
For if G1487 the ministration G1248 of condemnation G2633 be glory, G1391 much G4183 more G3123 does the ministration G1248 of righteousness G1343 exceed G4052 in glory. G1391
For even G2532 that which was made G1392 glorious G1392 had no G3761 glory G1392 in this G5129 respect, G3313 by reason G1752 of the glory G1391 that excels. G5235
Galatians 3:10-13
For as many G3745 as are of the works G2041 of the law G3551 are under G5259 the curse: G2671 for it is written, G1125 Cursed G1944 is every G3956 one that continues G1696 not in all G3956 things which G3588 are written G1125 in the book G975 of the law G3551 to do G4160 them.
But that no G3762 man G3762 is justified G1344 by the law G3551 in the sight G3844 of God, G2316 it is evident: G1212 for, The just G1342 shall live G2198 by faith. G4102
And the law G3551 is not of faith: G4102 but, The man G444 that does G4160 them shall live G2198 in them.
Christ G5547 has redeemed G1805 us from the curse G2671 of the law, G3551 being made G1096 a curse G2671 for us: for it is written, G1125 Cursed G1944 is every G3956 one that hangs G2910 on G1909 a tree: G3586
Galatians 3:17-13
Hebrews 3:5
And Moses G3475 truly G3303 was faithful G4103 in all G3650 his house, G3624 as a servant, G2324 for a testimony G3142 of those G3588 things which were to be spoken G2980 after;
Hebrews 3:6
But Christ G5547 as a son G5207 over G1909 his own G848 house; G3624 whose G3739 house G3624 are we, if G1437 we hold G2722 fast G2722 the confidence G3954 and the rejoicing G2745 of the hope G1680 firm G949 to the end. G5056
Hebrews 8:8-12
For finding fault G3201 with them, he said, G3004 Behold, G2400 the days G2250 come, G2064 said G3004 the Lord, G2962 when I will make G4931 a new G2537 covenant G1242 with the house G3624 of Israel G2474 and with the house G3624 of Judah: G2455
Not according G2596 to the covenant G1242 that I made G4160 with their fathers G3962 in the day G2250 when I took G1949 them by the hand G5495 to lead G1806 them out of the land G1093 of Egypt; G125 because G3754 they continued G1696 not in my covenant, G1242 and I regarded G272 them not, said G3004 the Lord. G2962
For this G3778 is the covenant G1242 that I will make G1303 with the house G3624 of Israel G2474 after G3326 those G1565 days, G2250 said G3004 the Lord; G2962 I will put G1325 my laws G3551 into G1519 their mind, G1271 and write G1924 them in their hearts: G2588 and I will be to them a God, G2316 and they shall be to me a people: G2992
And they shall not teach G1321 every G1538 man his neighbor, G4139 and every G1538 man his brother, G80 saying, G3004 Know G1097 the Lord: G2962 for all G3956 shall know G1492 me, from the least G3398 to the greatest. G3173
For I will be merciful G2436 to their unrighteousness, G93 and their sins G266 and their iniquities G458 will I remember G3415 no G3364 more. G2089
John 8:32
And you shall know G1097 the truth, G225 and the truth G225 shall make G1659 you free. G1659
John 14:6
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to him, I am G1510 the way, G3598 the truth, G225 and the life: G2222 no G3762 man G3762 comes G2064 to the Father, G3962 but by me.
Genesis 3:15
And I will put H7896 enmity H342 between H996 you and the woman, H802 and between H996 your seed H2233 and her seed; H2233 it shall bruise H7779 your head, H7218 and you shall bruise H7779 his heel. H6119
Genesis 22:18
And in your seed H2233 shall all H3605 the nations H1471 of the earth H776 be blessed; H1288 because H6118 H834 you have obeyed H8085 my voice. H6963
Psalm 85:10
Mercy H2617 and truth H571 are met H6298 together; righteousness H6664 and peace H7965 have kissed H5401 each other.
Psalm 89:1
Maschil H4905 of Ethan H387 the Ezrahite. H250 I will sing H7891 of the mercies H2617 of the LORD H3068 for ever: H5769 with my mouth H6310 will I make known H3045 your faithfulness H530 to all generations. H1755
Psalm 89:2
For I have said, H559 Mercy H2617 shall be built H1129 up for ever: H5769 your faithfulness H530 shall you establish H3559 in the very heavens. H8064
Psalm 98:3
He has remembered H2142 his mercy H2617 and his truth H530 toward the house H1004 of Israel: H3478 all H3605 the ends H657 of the earth H776 have seen H7200 the salvation H3444 of our God. H430
Micah 7:20
You will perform H5414 the truth H571 to Jacob, H3290 and the mercy H2617 to Abraham, H85 which H834 you have sworn H7650 to our fathers H1 from the days H3117 of old. H6924
Luke 1:54
He has helped G482 his servant G3816 Israel, G2474 in remembrance G3415 of his mercy; G1656
Luke 1:55
As he spoke G2980 to our fathers, G3962 to Abraham, G11 and to his seed G4690 for ever. G165
Luke 1:68-79
Blessed G2128 be the Lord G2962 God G2316 of Israel; G2474 for he has visited G1980 and redeemed G4160 G3085 his people, G2992
And has raised G1453 up an horn G2768 of salvation G4991 for us in the house G3624 of his servant G3816 David; G1138
As he spoke G2980 by the mouth G4750 of his holy G40 prophets, G4396 which G3588 have been since G575 the world G165 began:
That we should be saved G4991 from our enemies, G2190 and from the hand G5495 of all G3956 that hate G3404 us;
To perform G4160 the mercy G1656 promised to our fathers, G3962 and to remember G3415 his holy G40 covenant; G1242
The oath G3727 which G3739 he swore G3660 to our father G3962 Abraham, G11
That he would grant G1325 to us, that we being delivered G4506 out of the hand G5495 of our enemies G2190 might serve G3000 him without G870 fear, G870
In holiness G3742 and righteousness G1343 before G1799 him, all G3956 the days G2250 of our life. G2222
And you, child, G3813 shall be called G2564 the prophet G4396 of the Highest: G5310 for you shall go G4313 before G4253 the face G4383 of the Lord G2962 to prepare G2090 his ways; G3598
To give G1325 knowledge G1108 of salvation G4991 to his people G2992 by the remission G859 of their sins, G266
Through G1223 the tender G4698 mercy G1656 of our God; G2316 whereby G1722 G3739 the dayspring G395 from on high G5311 has visited G1980 us,
To give G2014 light G2014 to them that sit G2521 in darkness G4655 and in the shadow G4639 of death, G2288 to guide G2720 our feet G4228 into G1519 the way G3598 of peace. G1515
Acts 13:34-39
And as concerning G3754 that he raised G450 him up from the dead, G3498 now no G3371 more G2001 to return G5290 to corruption, G1312 he said G5346 on this G3779 wise, I will give G1325 you the sure G4103 mercies G3741 of David. G1138
Why G1352 he said G3004 also G2532 in another G2087 psalm, You shall not suffer G1325 your G4675 Holy G3741 One to see G1492 corruption. G1312
For David, G1138 after he had served G5256 his own G2398 generation G1074 by the will G1012 of God, G2316 fell on sleep, G2837 and was laid G4369 to his fathers, G3962 and saw G1492 corruption: G1312
But he, whom G3739 God G2316 raised G1453 again, G1453 saw G1492 no G3756 corruption. G1312
Be it known G1110 to you therefore, G3767 men G435 and brothers, G80 that through G1223 this G5127 man is preached G2605 to you the forgiveness G859 of sins: G266
And by him all G3956 that believe G4100 are justified G1344 from all G3956 things, from which G3739 you could G1410 not be justified G1344 by the law G3551 of Moses. G3475
Romans 3:21-26
But now G3568 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 without G5565 the law G3551 is manifested, G5319 being witnessed G3140 by the law G3551 and the prophets; G4396
Even G1161 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 which is by faith G4102 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 to all G3956 and on all G3956 them that believe: G4100 for there is no G3756 difference: G1293
For all G3956 have sinned, G264 and come G5302 short G5302 of the glory G1391 of God; G2316
Being justified G1344 freely G1432 by his grace G5485 through G1223 the redemption G629 that is in Christ G5547 Jesus: G2424
Whom G3739 God G2316 has set G4388 forth G4388 to be a propitiation G2435 through G1223 faith G4102 in his blood, G129 to declare G1732 his righteousness G1343 for the remission G3929 of sins G265 that are past, G4266 through G1722 the forbearance G463 of God; G2316
To declare, G1732 I say, at G1722 this G3588 G3568 time G2540 his righteousness: G1343 that he might be just, G1342 and the justifier G1344 of him which believes G1537 G4102 in Jesus. G2424
Romans 5:21
That as sin G266 has reigned G936 to death, G2288 even G2532 so G3779 might grace G5485 reign G936 through G1223 righteousness G1343 to eternal G166 life G2222 by Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our Lord. G2962
Romans 6:14
For sin G266 shall not have dominion G2961 over you: for you are not under G5259 the law, G3551 but under G5259 grace. G5485
Romans 15:8-12
Now G1063 I say G3004 that Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 was a minister G1249 of the circumcision G4061 for the truth G225 of God, G2316 to confirm G950 the promises G1860 made to the fathers: G3962
And that the Gentiles G1484 might glorify G1392 God G2316 for his mercy; G1656 as it is written, G1125 For this G5124 cause G1223 I will confess G1843 to you among G1722 the Gentiles, G1484 and sing G5567 to your name. G3686
And again G3825 he said, G3004 Rejoice, G2165 you Gentiles, G1484 with his people. G2992
And again, G3825 Praise G134 the Lord, G2962 all G3956 you Gentiles; G1484 and laud G1867 him, all G3956 you people. G2992
And again, G3825 Esaias G2268 said, G3004 There shall be a root G4491 of Jesse, G2421 and he that shall rise G450 to reign G757 over the Gentiles; G1484 in him shall the Gentiles G1484 trust. G1679
2 Corinthians 1:20
For all G3745 the promises G1860 of God G2316 in him are yes, G3483 and in him Amen, G281 to the glory G1391 of God G2316 by us.
Hebrews 9:22
And almost G4975 all G3956 things are by the law G3551 purged G2511 with blood; G129 and without G5565 shedding G130 of blood G130 is no G3756 remission. G859
Hebrews 10:4-10
For it is not possible G102 that the blood G129 of bulls G5022 and of goats G5131 should take G851 away G851 sins. G266
Why G1352 when he comes into G1519 the world, G2889 he said, G3004 Sacrifice G2378 and offering G4376 you would G2309 not, but a body G4983 have you prepared G2675 me:
In burnt G3646 offerings G3646 and sacrifices for sin G266 you have had no G3756 pleasure. G2106
Then G5119 said G2036 I, See, G2400 I come G2240 (in the volume G2777 of the book G975 it is written G1125 of me,) to do G4160 your will, G2307 O God. G2316
Above G511 when he said, G3004 Sacrifice G2378 and offering G4376 and burnt G3646 offerings G3646 and offering for sin G266 you would G2309 not, neither G3761 had pleasure G2106 therein; which G3748 are offered G4374 by the law; G3551
Then G5119 said G2046 he, See, G2400 I come G2240 to do G4160 your will, G2307 O God. G2316 He takes G337 away G337 the first, G4413 that he may establish G2476 the second. G1208
By the which G3739 will G2307 we are sanctified G37 through G1223 the offering G4376 of the body G4983 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 once G2178 for all. G2178
Hebrews 11:39
And these G3778 all, G3956 having obtained G3140 a good report G3140 through G1223 faith, G4102 received G2865 not the promise: G1860
Hebrews 11:40
God G2316 having provided G4265 some G5100 better G2909 thing for us, that they without G5565 us should not be made G5048 perfect. G5048
Revelation 5:8-10
And when G3753 he had taken G2983 the book, G975 the four G5064 beasts G2226 and four G5064 and twenty G1501 elders G4245 fell G4098 down before G1799 the Lamb, G721 having G2192 every G1538 one of them harps, G2788 and golden G5552 vials G5357 full G1073 of odors, G2368 which G3739 are the prayers G4335 of saints. G40
And they sung G103 a new G2537 song, G5603 saying, G3004 You are G1488 worthy G514 to take G2983 the book, G975 and to open G455 the seals G4973 thereof: G846 for you were slain, G4969 and have redeemed G59 us to God G2316 by your blood G129 out of every G3956 kindred, G5443 and tongue, G1100 and people, G2992 and nation; G1484
And have made G4160 us to our God G2316 kings G935 and priests: G2409 and we shall reign G936 on G1909 the earth. G1093
Revelation 7:9-17
After G3326 this G5023 I beheld, G1492 and, see, G2400 a great G4183 multitude, G3793 which G3739 no G3762 man G3762 could G1410 number, G705 of all G3956 nations, G1484 and kindreds, G5443 and people, G2992 and tongues, G1100 stood G2476 before G1799 the throne, G2362 and before G1799 the Lamb, G721 clothed G4016 with white G3022 robes, G4749 and palms G5404 in their hands; G5495
And cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 Salvation G4991 to our God G2316 which G3588 sits G2521 on the throne, G2362 and to the Lamb. G721
And all G3956 the angels G32 stood G2476 round G2943 about G2943 the throne, G2362 and about the elders G4245 and the four G5064 beasts, G2226 and fell G4098 before G1799 the throne G2362 on G1909 their faces, G4383 and worshipped G4352 God, G2316
Saying, G3004 Amen: G281 Blessing, G2129 and glory, G1391 and wisdom, G4678 and thanksgiving, G2169 and honor, G5092 and power, G1411 and might, G2479 be to our God G2316 for ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281
And one G1520 of the elders G4245 answered, G611 saying G3004 to me, What G5101 are these G3778 which G3588 are arrayed G4016 in white G3022 robes? G4749 and from where G4159 came G2064 they?
And I said G2046 to him, Sir, G2962 you know. G1492 And he said G2036 to me, These G3778 are they which came G2064 out of great G3173 tribulation, G2347 and have washed G4150 their robes, G4749 and made G3021 them white G3021 in the blood G129 of the Lamb. G721
Therefore G1223 G5124 are they before G1799 the throne G2362 of God, G2316 and serve G3000 him day G2250 and night G3571 in his temple: G3485 and he that sits G2521 on G1909 the throne G2362 shall dwell G4637 among G1909 them.
They shall hunger G3983 no G3756 more, G2089 neither G3761 thirst G1372 any G2089 more; G2089 neither G3761 shall the sun G2246 light G4098 on G1909 them, nor G3761 any G3956 heat. G2738
For the Lamb G721 which G3588 is in the middle G3319 of the throne G2362 shall feed G4165 them, and shall lead G3594 them to living G2198 fountains G4077 of waters: G5204 and God G2316 shall wipe G1813 away G1813 all G3956 tears G1144 from their eyes. G3788