John 6:46
Not that any G5100 man has seen G3708 the Father, G3962 save G1508 he which G3588 is of God, G2316 he has seen G3708 the Father. G3962
Exodus 33:20
And he said, H559 You can H3201 not see H7200 my face: H6440 for there shall no H3808 man H120 see H7200 me, and live. H2425
Deuteronomy 4:12
And the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 to you out of the middle H8432 of the fire: H784 you heard H8085 the voice H6963 of the words, H1697 but saw H7200 no H369 similitude; H8544 only H2108 you heard H8085 a voice. H6963
Matthew 11:27
All G3956 things are delivered G3860 to me of my Father: G3962 and no G3762 man G3762 knows G1921 the Son, G5207 but the Father; G3962 neither G3761 knows G1921 any G5100 man the Father, G3962 save G1508 the Son, G5207 and he to whomsoever G3739 G1437 the Son G5207 will G1014 reveal G601 him.
Luke 10:22
All G3956 things are delivered G3860 to me of my Father: G3962 and no G3762 man G3762 knows G1097 who G5101 the Son G5207 is, but the Father; G3962 and who G5101 the Father G3962 is, but the Son, G5207 and he to whom G3739 the Son G5207 will G1014 reveal G601 him.
Colossians 1:15
Who G3739 is the image G1504 of the invisible G517 God, G2316 the firstborn G4416 of every G3956 creature: G2937
1 Timothy 1:17
Now G1161 to the King G935 eternal, G165 immortal, G862 invisible, G517 the only G3441 wise G4680 God, G2316 be honor G5092 and glory G1391 for ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281
1 Timothy 6:16
Who G3588 only G3441 has G2192 immortality, G110 dwelling G3611 in the light G5457 which G3739 no G3762 man can approach G676 to; whom G3739 no G3762 man G444 has seen, G1492 nor G3761 can G1410 see: G1492 to whom G3739 be honor G5092 and power G2904 everlasting. G166 Amen. G281
1 John 4:12
No G3762 man G3762 has seen G2300 God G2316 at G4455 any G4455 time. G4455 If G1437 we love G26 one G240 another, G240 God G2316 dwells G3306 in us, and his love G25 is perfected G5048 in us.
1 John 4:20
If G1437 a man say, G2036 I love G25 God, G2316 and hates G3404 his brother, G80 he is a liar: G5583 for he that loves G25 not his brother G80 whom G3739 he has seen, G3708 how G4459 can G1410 he love G25 God G2316 whom G3739 he has not seen? G3708
John 1:14
And the Word G3056 was made G1096 flesh, G4561 and dwelled G4637 among G1722 us, (and we beheld G2300 his glory, G1391 the glory G1391 as of the only G3439 begotten G3439 of the Father, G3962 ) full G4134 of grace G5485 and truth. G225
John 3:16-18
For God G2316 so G3779 loved G25 the world, G2889 that he gave G1325 his only G3439 begotten G3439 Son, G5207 that whoever G3956 G3588 believes G4100 in him should not perish, G622 but have G2192 everlasting G166 life. G2222
For God G2316 sent G649 not his Son G5207 into G1519 the world G2889 to condemn G2919 the world; G2889 but that the world G2889 through G1223 him might be saved. G4982
He that believes G4100 on G1519 him is not condemned: G2919 but he that believes G4100 not is condemned G2919 already, G2235 because G3754 he has not believed G4100 in the name G3686 of the only G3439 begotten G3439 Son G5207 of God. G2316
1 John 4:9
In this G5129 was manifested G5319 the love G26 of God G2316 toward G1722 us, because G3754 that God G2316 sent G649 his only G3439 begotten G3439 Son G5207 into G1519 the world, G2889 that we might live G2198 through G1223 him.
John 13:23
Now G1161 there was leaning G345 on G1722 Jesus' G2424 bosom G2859 one G1520 of his disciples, G3101 whom G3739 Jesus G2424 loved. G25
Proverbs 8:30
Then I was by him, as one brought H539 up with him: and I was daily H3117 his delight, H8191 rejoicing H7832 always H3605 H6256 before H6440 him;
Isaiah 40:11
He shall feed H7462 his flock H5739 like a shepherd: H7462 he shall gather H6908 the lambs H2922 with his arm, H2220 and carry H5375 them in his bosom, H2436 and shall gently lead H5095 those that are with young. H5763
Lamentations 2:12
They say H559 to their mothers, H517 Where H346 is corn H1715 and wine? H3196 when they swooned H5848 as the wounded H2491 in the streets H7339 of the city, H5892 when their soul H5315 was poured H8210 out into H413 their mothers' H517 bosom. H2436
Luke 16:22
And it came G1096 to pass, that the beggar G4434 died, G599 and was carried G667 by the angels G32 into G1519 Abraham's G11 bosom: G2859 the rich G4145 man also G2532 died, G599 and was buried; G2290
Luke 16:23
And in hell G86 he lift G1869 up his eyes, G3788 being G5225 in torments, G931 and sees G3708 Abraham G11 afar G3113 off, G575 and Lazarus G2976 in his bosom. G2859
John 12:41
These G5023 things said G2036 Esaias, G2268 when G3753 he saw G1492 his glory, G1391 and spoke G2980 of him.
John 14:9
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to him, Have I been G1510 so G5118 long G5118 time G5550 with you, and yet have you not known G1097 me, Philip? G5376 he that has seen G3708 me has seen G3708 the Father; G3962 and how G4459 say G3004 you then, Show G1166 us the Father? G3962
John 17:6
I have manifested G5319 your name G3686 to the men G444 which G3739 you gave G1325 me out of the world: G2889 your G4671 they were, and you gave G1325 them me; and they have kept G5083 your word. G3056
John 17:26
And I have declared G1107 to them your name, G3686 and will declare G1107 it: that the love G26 with which G3739 you have loved G25 me may be in them, and I in them.
Genesis 16:13
And she called H7121 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 that spoke H1696 to her, You God H410 see H7210 me: for she said, H559 Have I also H1571 here H1988 looked H7200 after H310 him that sees H7210 me?
Genesis 18:33
And the LORD H3068 went H3212 his way, H3212 as soon H834 as he had left H3615 communing H1696 with Abraham: H85 and Abraham H85 returned H7725 to his place. H4725
Genesis 32:28-30
And he said, H559 Your name H8034 shall be called H559 no H3808 more H5750 Jacob, H3290 but Israel: H3478 for as a prince have you power H8280 with God H430 and with men, H582 and have prevailed. H3201
And Jacob H3290 asked H7592 him, and said, H559 Tell H5046 me, I pray H4994 you, your name. H8034 And he said, H559 Why H4100 is it that you do ask H7592 after my name? H8034 And he blessed H1288 him there. H8033
And Jacob H3290 called H7121 the name H8034 of the place H4725 Peniel: H6439 for I have seen H7200 God H430 face H6440 to face, H6440 and my life H5315 is preserved. H5337
Genesis 48:15
And he blessed H1288 Joseph, H3130 and said, H559 God, H430 before H6440 whom H834 my fathers H1 Abraham H85 and Isaac H3327 did walk, H1980 the God H430 which fed H7462 me all my life long H5750 to this H2088 day, H3117
Genesis 48:16
The Angel H4397 which redeemed H1350 me from all H3605 evil, H7451 bless H1288 the lads; H5288 and let my name H8034 be named H7121 on them, and the name H8034 of my fathers H1 Abraham H85 and Isaac; H3327 and let them grow H1711 into a multitude H7230 in the middle H7130 of the earth. H776
Exodus 3:4-6
And when the LORD H3068 saw H7200 that he turned H5493 aside to see, H7200 God H430 called H7121 to him out of the middle H8432 of the bush, H5572 and said, H559 Moses, H4872 Moses. H4872 And he said, H559 Here H2009 am I.
And he said, H559 Draw not near H7126 here: H1988 put H5394 off your shoes H5275 from off your feet, H7272 for the place H4725 where on H834 H5921 you stand H5975 is holy H6944 ground. H127
Moreover he said, H559 I am the God H430 of your father, H1 the God H430 of Abraham, H85 the God H430 of Isaac, H3327 and the God H430 of Jacob. H3290 And Moses H4872 hid H5641 his face; H6440 for he was afraid H3372 to look H5027 on God. H430
Exodus 23:21
Beware H8104 of him, and obey H8085 his voice, H6963 provoke H4843 him not; for he will not pardon H5375 your transgressions: H6588 for my name H8034 is in him.
Exodus 33:18-23
And he said, H559 I beseech H4994 you, show H7200 me your glory. H3519
And he said, H559 I will make all H3605 my goodness H2898 pass H5674 before H5921 H6440 you, and I will proclaim H7121 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 before H6440 you; and will be gracious H2603 to whom H853 H834 I will be gracious, H2603 and will show mercy H7355 on whom H853 H834 I will show mercy. H7355
And he said, H559 You can H3201 not see H7200 my face: H6440 for there shall no H3808 man H120 see H7200 me, and live. H2425
And the LORD H3068 said, H559 Behold, H2009 there is a place H4725 by me, and you shall stand H5324 on a rock: H6697
And it shall come H1961 to pass, while H5704 my glory H3519 passes H5674 by, that I will put H7760 you in a cleft H5366 of the rock, H6697 and will cover H5526 you with my hand H3709 while H5704 I pass H5674 by:
And I will take H5493 away my hand, H3709 and you shall see H7200 my back H268 parts: but my face H6440 shall not be seen. H7200
Exodus 34:5-7
And the LORD H3068 descended H3381 in the cloud, H6051 and stood H3320 with him there, H8033 and proclaimed H7121 the name H8034 of the LORD. H3068
And the LORD H3068 passed H5674 by before H5921 H6440 him, and proclaimed, H7121 The LORD, H3068 The LORD H3068 God, H410 merciful H7349 and gracious, H2587 long-suffering, H750 H639 and abundant H7227 in goodness H2617 and truth, H571
Keeping H5341 mercy H2617 for thousands, H505 forgiving H5375 iniquity H5771 and transgression H6588 and sin, H2402 and that will by no H3808 means clear H5352 the guilty; visiting H6485 the iniquity H5771 of the fathers H1 on the children, H1121 and on the children's H1121 children, to the third H8029 and to the fourth H7256 generation.
Numbers 12:8
With him will I speak H1696 mouth H6310 to mouth, H6310 even apparently, H4758 and not in dark H2420 speeches; H2420 and the similitude H8544 of the LORD H3068 shall he behold: H5027 why H4069 then were you not afraid H3372 to speak H1696 against my servant H5650 Moses? H4872
Joshua 5:13-15
And it came H1961 to pass, when Joshua H3091 was by Jericho, H3405 that he lifted H5375 up his eyes H5869 and looked, H7200 and, behold, H2009 there stood H5975 a man H376 over H5048 against H5048 him with his sword H2719 drawn H8025 in his hand: H3027 and Joshua H3091 went H3212 to him, and said H559 to him, Are you for us, or for our adversaries? H6862
And he said, H559 No; H3808 but as captain H8269 of the host H6635 of the LORD H3068 am I now H6258 come. H935 And Joshua H3091 fell H5307 on H413 his face H6440 to the earth, H776 and did worship, H7812 and said H559 to him, What H4100 said H1696 my Lord H113 to his servant? H5650
And the captain H8269 of the LORD's H3068 host H6635 said H559 to Joshua, H3091 Loose H5394 your shoe H5275 from off H5921 your foot; H7272 for the place H4725 where on H834 H5921 you stand H5975 is holy. H6944 And Joshua H3091 did H6213 so. H3651
Joshua 6:1
Now Jericho H3405 was straightly shut H5462 up because H6440 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 none H369 went H3318 out, and none H369 came H935 in.
Joshua 6:2
And the LORD H3068 said H559 to Joshua, H3091 See, H7200 I have given H5414 into your hand H3027 Jericho, H3405 and the king H4428 thereof, and the mighty H1368 men of valor. H2428
Judges 6:12-26
And the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 appeared H7200 to him, and said H559 to him, The LORD H3068 is with you, you mighty H1368 man of valor. H2428
And Gideon H1439 said H559 to him, Oh H994 my Lord, H113 if the LORD H3068 be with us, why H4100 then is all H3605 this H2063 befallen H4672 us? and where H346 be all H3605 his miracles H6381 which H834 our fathers H1 told H5608 us of, saying, H559 Did not the LORD H3068 bring H5927 us up from Egypt? H4714 but now H6258 the LORD H3068 has forsaken H5203 us, and delivered H5414 us into the hands H3709 of the Midianites. H4080
And the LORD H3068 looked H6437 on him, and said, H559 Go H3212 in this H2088 your might, H3581 and you shall save H3467 Israel H3478 from the hand H3709 of the Midianites: H4080 have not I sent H7971 you?
And he said H559 to him, Oh H994 my Lord, H136 with which H4100 shall I save H3467 Israel? H3478 behold, H2009 my family H504 is poor H1800 in Manasseh, H4519 and I am the least H6810 in my father's H1 house. H1004
And the LORD H3068 said H559 to him, Surely H3588 I will be with you, and you shall smite H5221 the Midianites H4080 as one H259 man. H376
And he said H559 to him, If H518 now H4994 I have found H4672 grace H2580 in your sight, H5869 then show H6213 me a sign H226 that you talk H1696 with me.
Depart H4185 not hence, H2088 I pray H4994 you, until H5704 I come H935 to you, and bring H3318 forth H3318 my present, H4503 and set H3240 it before H6440 you. And he said, H559 I will tarry H3427 until H5704 you come H7725 again. H7725
And Gideon H1439 went H935 in, and made H6213 ready a kid, H1423 H5795 and unleavened H4682 cakes H4682 of an ephah H374 of flour: H7058 the flesh H1320 he put H7760 in a basket, H5536 and he put H7760 the broth H4839 in a pot, H6517 and brought H3318 it out to him under H8478 the oak, H424 and presented H5066 it.
And the angel H4397 of God H430 said H559 to him, Take H3947 the flesh H1320 and the unleavened H4682 cakes, H4682 and lay H3240 them on this H1975 rock, H5553 and pour H8210 out the broth. H4839 And he did H6213 so. H3651
Then the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 put H7971 forth H7971 the end H7097 of the staff H4938 that was in his hand, H3027 and touched H5060 the flesh H1320 and the unleavened H4682 cakes; H4682 and there rose H5927 up fire H784 out of the rock, H6697 and consumed H398 the flesh H1320 and the unleavened H4682 cakes. H4682 Then the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 departed H1980 out of his sight. H5869
And when Gideon H1439 perceived H7200 that he was an angel H4397 of the LORD, H136 Gideon H1439 said, H559 Alas, H162 O LORD H3068 God! H3069 for because H5921 H3651 I have seen H7200 an angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 face H6440 to face. H6440
And the LORD H3068 said H559 to him, Peace H7965 be to you; fear H3372 not: you shall not die. H4191
Then Gideon H1439 built H1129 an altar H4196 there H8033 to the LORD, H3068 and called H7121 it Jehovahshalom: H3073 to this H2088 day H3117 it is yet H5750 in Ophrah H6084 of the Abiezrites. H33
And it came H1961 to pass the same H1931 night, H3915 that the LORD H3068 said H559 to him, Take H3947 your father's H1 young H6499 bullock, H6499 even the second H8145 bullock H6499 of seven H7651 years H8141 old, and throw H2040 down H2040 the altar H4196 of Baal H1168 that your father H1 has, and cut H3772 down the grove H842 that is by it:
And build H1129 an altar H4196 to the LORD H3068 your God H430 on the top H7218 of this H2088 rock, H4581 in the ordered H4634 place, H4634 and take H3947 the second H8145 bullock, H6499 and offer H5927 a burnt H5930 sacrifice with the wood H6086 of the grove H842 which H834 you shall cut H3772 down.
Judges 13:20-23
For it came H1961 to pass, when the flame H3851 went H5927 up toward heaven H8064 from off H5921 the altar, H4196 that the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 ascended H5927 in the flame H3851 of the altar. H4196 And Manoah H4495 and his wife H802 looked H7200 on it, and fell H5307 on H5921 their faces H6440 to the ground. H776
But the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 did no H3808 more H3254 appear H7200 to Manoah H4495 and to his wife. H802 Then H227 Manoah H4495 knew H3045 that he was an angel H4397 of the LORD. H3068
And Manoah H4495 said H559 to his wife, H802 We shall surely die, H4191 because H3588 we have seen H7200 God. H430
But his wife H802 said H559 to him, If H3863 the LORD H3068 were pleased H2654 to kill H4191 us, he would not have received H3947 a burnt H5930 offering H4503 and a meat offering at our hands, H3027 neither H3808 would he have showed H7200 us all H3605 these H428 things, H1697 nor H3808 would as at this time H6256 have told H8085 us such things H1697 as these. H2063
Isaiah 6:1-3
In the year H8141 that king H4428 Uzziah H5818 died H4194 I saw H7200 also the LORD H136 sitting H3427 on a throne, H3678 high H7311 and lifted H5375 up, and his train H7757 filled H4390 the temple. H1964
Above H4605 it stood H5975 the seraphim: H8314 each H259 one H259 had six H8337 wings; H3671 with two H8147 he covered H3680 his face, H6440 and with two H8147 he covered H3680 his feet, H7272 and with two H8147 he did fly. H5774
And one cried H7121 to another, H2088 and said, H559 Holy, H6918 holy, H6918 holy, H6918 is the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 the whole H3605 earth H776 is full H4393 of his glory. H3519
Ezekiel 1:26-28
And above H4605 the firmament H7549 that was over H5921 their heads H7218 was the likeness H1823 of a throne, H3678 as the appearance H4758 of a sapphire H5601 stone: H68 and on the likeness H1823 of the throne H3678 was the likeness H1823 as the appearance H4758 of a man H120 above H4605 on it.
And I saw H7200 as the color H5869 of amber, H2830 as the appearance H4758 of fire H784 round H5439 about within H1004 it, from the appearance H4758 of his loins H4975 even upward, H4605 and from the appearance H4758 of his loins H4975 even downward, H4295 I saw H7200 as it were the appearance H4758 of fire, H784 and it had brightness H5051 round H5439 about.
As the appearance H4758 of the bow H7198 that is in the cloud H6051 in the day H3117 of rain, H1653 so H3651 was the appearance H4758 of the brightness H5051 round H5439 about. This H1931 was the appearance H4758 of the likeness H1823 of the glory H3519 of the LORD. H3068 And when I saw H7200 it, I fell H5307 on my face, H6440 and I heard H8085 a voice H6963 of one that spoke. H1696
Hosea 12:3-5
He took his brother H251 by the heel H6117 in the womb, H990 and by his strength H202 he had power H8280 with God: H430
Yes, he had power H7786 over H413 the angel, H4397 and prevailed: H3201 he wept, H1058 and made supplication H2603 to him: he found H4672 him in Bethel, H1008 and there H8033 he spoke H1696 with us;
Even the LORD H3068 God H430 of hosts; H6635 the LORD H3068 is his memorial. H2143
Matthew 11:27
All G3956 things are delivered G3860 to me of my Father: G3962 and no G3762 man G3762 knows G1921 the Son, G5207 but the Father; G3962 neither G3761 knows G1921 any G5100 man the Father, G3962 save G1508 the Son, G5207 and he to whomsoever G3739 G1437 the Son G5207 will G1014 reveal G601 him.
Luke 10:22
All G3956 things are delivered G3860 to me of my Father: G3962 and no G3762 man G3762 knows G1097 who G5101 the Son G5207 is, but the Father; G3962 and who G5101 the Father G3962 is, but the Son, G5207 and he to whom G3739 the Son G5207 will G1014 reveal G601 him.
1 John 5:20
And we know G1492 that the Son G5207 of God G2316 is come, G2240 and has given G1325 us an understanding, G1271 that we may know G1097 him that is true, G228 and we are in him that is true, G228 even in his Son G5207 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 This G3778 is the true G228 God, G2316 and eternal G166 life. G2222