Malachi 4:5
Behold, H2009 I will send H7971 you Elijah H452 the prophet H5030 before H6440 the coming H935 of the great H1419 and dreadful H3372 day H3117 of the LORD: H3068
Matthew 11:14
And if G1487 you will G2309 receive G1209 it, this G846 is Elias, G2243 which G3588 was for to come. G2064
Matthew 17:10-12
And his disciples G3101 asked G1905 him, saying, G3004 Why G5101 then G3767 say G3004 the scribes G1122 that Elias G2243 must G1163 first G4412 come? G2064
And Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 to them, Elias G2243 truly G3303 shall first G4412 come, G2064 and restore G600 all G3956 things.
But I say G3004 to you, That Elias G2243 is come G2064 already, G2235 and they knew G1921 him not, but have done G4160 to him whatever G3745 they listed. G2309 Likewise G3779 shall also G2532 the Son G5207 of man G444 suffer G3958 of them.
Luke 1:17
And he shall go G4281 before G1799 him in the spirit G4151 and power G1411 of Elias, G2243 to turn G1994 the hearts G2588 of the fathers G3962 to the children, G5043 and the disobedient G545 to the wisdom G5428 of the just; G1342 to make G2090 ready G2090 a people G2992 prepared G2680 for the Lord. G2962
John 1:25
And they asked G2065 him, and said G2036 to him, Why G5101 baptize G907 you then, G3767 if G1487 you be not that Christ, G5547 nor G3777 Elias, G2243 neither that prophet? G4396
John 7:40
Many G4183 of the people G3793 therefore, G3767 when they heard G191 this G3588 saying, G3056 said, G3004 Of a truth G230 this G3778 is the Prophet. G4396
Deuteronomy 18:15-18
The LORD H3068 your God H430 will raise H6965 up to you a Prophet H5030 from the middle H7130 of you, of your brothers, H251 like H3644 to me; to him you shall listen; H8085
According to all H3605 that you desired H7592 of the LORD H3068 your God H430 in Horeb H2722 in the day H3117 of the assembly, H6951 saying, H559 Let me not hear H8085 again H3254 the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 my God, H430 neither H3808 let me see H7200 this H2063 great H1419 fire H784 any more, H5750 that I die H4191 not.
And the LORD H3068 said H559 to me, They have well H3190 spoken that which H834 they have spoken. H1696
I will raise H6965 them up a Prophet H5030 from among H7130 their brothers, H251 like H3644 to you, and will put H5414 my words H1697 in his mouth; H6310 and he shall speak H1696 to them all H3605 that I shall command H6680 him.
Matthew 11:9-11
But what G5101 went G1831 you out for to see? G1492 A prophet? G4396 yes, G3483 I say G3004 to you, and more G4055 than a prophet. G4396
For this G3778 is he, of whom G3739 it is written, G1125 Behold, G2400 I send G649 my messenger G32 before G4253 your face, G4383 which G3739 shall prepare G2680 your way G3598 before G1715 you.
Truly G281 I say G3004 to you, Among G1722 them that are born G1084 of women G1135 there has not risen G1453 a greater G3187 than John G2491 the Baptist: G910 notwithstanding he that is least G3398 in the kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is greater G3187 than he.
Matthew 16:14
And they said, G2036 Some G3588 G3033 say that you are John G2491 the Baptist: G910 some, G3588 G3033 Elias; G2243 and others, G2087 Jeremias, G2408 or G2228 one G1520 of the prophets. G4396