Matthew 21:23
And when he was come G2064 into G1519 the temple, G2411 the chief G749 priests G749 and the elders G4245 of the people G2992 came G4334 to him as he was teaching, G1321 and said, G3004 By what G4169 authority G1849 do G4160 you these G5023 things? and who G5101 gave G1325 you this G5026 authority? G1849
Acts 4:5-7
And it came G1096 to pass on G1909 the morrow, G839 that their rulers, G758 and elders, G4245 and scribes, G1122
And Annas G452 the high G749 priest, G749 and Caiaphas, G2533 and John, G2491 and Alexander, G223 and as many G3745 as were of the kindred G1085 of the high G749 priest, G748 were gathered G4863 together G4863 at G1519 Jerusalem. G2419
And when they had set G2476 them in the middle, G3319 they asked, G4441 By what G4169 power, G1411 or G2228 by what G4169 name, G3686 have you done G4160 this? G5124
Acts 5:28
Saying, G3004 Did not we straightly command G3853 you that you should not teach G1321 in this G5129 name? G3686 and, behold, G2400 you have filled G4137 Jerusalem G2419 with your G5216 doctrine, G1322 and intend G1014 to bring G1863 this G5127 man's G444 blood G129 on us.
John 1:20-22
And he confessed, G3670 and denied G720 not; but confessed, G3670 I am G1510 not the Christ. G5547
And they asked G2065 him, What G5101 then? G3767 Are G1488 you Elias? G2243 And he said, G3004 I am G1510 not. Are G1488 you that prophet? G4396 And he answered, G611 No. G3756
Then G3767 said G2036 they to him, Who G5101 are G1488 you? that we may give G1325 an answer G612 to them that sent G3992 us. What G5101 say G3004 you of yourself? G4572
Daniel 9:24-26
Seventy H7657 weeks H7620 are determined H2852 on your people H5971 and on your holy H6944 city, H5892 to finish H3607 the transgression, H6588 and to make an end H2856 of sins, H2403 and to make reconciliation H3722 for iniquity, H5771 and to bring H935 in everlasting H5769 righteousness, H6664 and to seal H2856 up the vision H2377 and prophecy, H5030 and to anoint H4886 the most H6944 Holy. H6944
Know H3045 therefore and understand, H7919 that from the going H4161 forth H4161 of the commandment H1697 to restore H7725 and to build H1129 Jerusalem H3389 to the Messiah H4899 the Prince H5057 shall be seven H7651 weeks, H7620 and three score H8346 and two H8147 weeks: H7620 the street H7339 shall be built H1129 again, H7725 and the wall, H2742 even in troublous H5916 times. H6256
And after H310 three score H8346 and two H8147 weeks H7620 shall Messiah H4899 be cut H3772 off, but not for himself: and the people H5971 of the prince H5057 that shall come H935 shall destroy H7843 the city H5892 and the sanctuary; H6944 and the end H7093 thereof shall be with a flood, H7858 and to the end H7093 of the war H4421 desolations H8074 are determined. H2782