John 1:15
John G2491 bore G3140 witness G3140 of him, and cried, G2896 saying, G3004 This G3778 was he of whom G3739 I spoke, G2036 He that comes G2064 after G3694 me is preferred G1715 before G1715 me: for he was before G4413 me.
John 1:30
This G3778 is he of whom G3739 I said, G2036 After G3694 me comes G2064 a man G435 which G3739 is preferred G1096 before G1715 me: for he was before G4413 me.
Acts 19:4
Then G1161 said G2036 Paul, G3972 John G2491 truly G3303 baptized G907 with the baptism G908 of repentance, G3341 saying G3004 to the people, G2992 that they should believe G4100 on G1519 him which should come G2064 after G3326 him, that is, on G1519 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424
Matthew 3:11
I indeed G3303 baptize G907 you with water G5204 to repentance. G3341 but he that comes G2064 after G3694 me is mightier G2478 than I, whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to bear: G941 he shall baptize G907 you with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 and with fire: G4442
Mark 1:7
And preached, G2784 saying, G3004 There comes G2064 one mightier G2478 than I after G3694 me, the lace G2438 of whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to stoop G2955 down and unloose. G3089
Luke 3:16
John G2491 answered, G611 saying G3004 to them all, G537 I indeed G3303 baptize G907 you with water; G5204 but one mightier G2478 than I comes, G2064 the lace G2438 of whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to unloose: G3089 he shall baptize G907 you with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 and with fire: G4442