John 1:36
And looking G1689 on Jesus G2424 as he walked, G4043 he said, G3004 Behold G2396 the Lamb G286 of God! G2316
Genesis 22:7
And Isaac H3327 spoke H559 to Abraham H85 his father, H1 and said, H559 My father: H1 and he said, H559 Here H2009 am I, my son. H1121 And he said, H559 Behold H2009 the fire H784 and the wood: H6086 but where H346 is the lamb H7716 for a burnt H5930 offering?
Genesis 22:8
And Abraham H85 said, H559 My son, H1121 God H430 will provide H7200 himself a lamb H7716 for a burnt H5930 offering: so they went H3212 both H8147 of them together. H3162
Exodus 12:3-13
Speak H1696 you to all H3605 the congregation H5712 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 In the tenth H6218 day of this H2088 month H2320 they shall take H3947 to them every man H376 a lamb, H7716 according to the house H1004 of their fathers, H1 a lamb H7716 for an house: H1004
And if H518 the household H1004 be too little H4591 for the lamb, H7716 let him and his neighbor H7934 next H7138 to his house H1004 take H3947 it according to the number H4373 of the souls; H5315 every man H376 according H6310 to his eating H400 shall make your count H3699 for the lamb. H7716
Your lamb H7716 shall be without H8549 blemish, H8549 a male H2145 of the first H1121 year: H8141 you shall take H3947 it out from the sheep, H3532 or from the goats: H5795
And you shall keep H4931 it up until H5704 the fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of the same H2088 month: H2320 and the whole H3605 assembly H6951 of the congregation H5712 of Israel H3478 shall kill H7819 it in the evening. H6153
And they shall take H3947 of the blood, H1818 and strike H5414 it on H5921 the two H8147 side posts H4201 and on H5921 the upper H4947 door H4947 post H4947 of the houses, H1004 wherein H834 they shall eat H398 it.
And they shall eat H398 the flesh H1320 in that night, H3915 roast H6748 with fire, H784 and unleavened H4682 bread; and with bitter H4844 herbs they shall eat H398 it.
Eat H398 not of it raw, H4995 nor sodden H1310 at all with water, H4325 but roast H6748 with fire; H784 his head H7218 with his legs, H3767 and with the entrails H7130 thereof.
And you shall let nothing H3808 of it remain H3498 until H5704 the morning; H1242 and that which remains H3498 of it until H5704 the morning H1242 you shall burn H8313 with fire. H784
And thus H3602 shall you eat H398 it; with your loins H4975 girded, H2296 your shoes H5275 on your feet, H7272 and your staff H4731 in your hand; H3027 and you shall eat H398 it in haste: H2649 it is the LORD's H3068 passover. H6453
For I will pass H5674 through the land H776 of Egypt H4714 this H2088 night, H3915 and will smite H5221 all H3605 the firstborn H1060 in the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 both man H120 and beast; H929 and against all H3605 the gods H430 of Egypt H4714 I will execute H6213 judgment: H8201 I am the LORD. H3068
And the blood H1818 shall be to you for a token H226 on the houses H1004 where H834 you are: and when I see H7200 the blood, H1818 I will pass H6452 over H5921 you, and the plague H5063 shall not be on you to destroy H4889 you, when I smite H5221 the land H776 of Egypt. H4714
Numbers 28:3-10
And you shall say H559 to them, This H2088 is the offering made by fire which H834 you shall offer H7126 to the LORD; H3068 two H8147 lambs H3532 of the first H1121 year H8141 without H8549 spot H8549 day H3117 by day, H3117 for a continual H8548 burnt H5930 offering.
The one H259 lamb H3532 shall you offer H6213 in the morning, H1242 and the other H8145 lamb H3532 shall you offer H6213 at H996 even; H6153
And a tenth H6224 part of an ephah H374 of flour H5560 for a meat offering, H4503 mingled H1101 with the fourth H7243 part of an hin H1969 of beaten H3795 oil. H8081
It is a continual H8548 burnt H5930 offering, which was ordained H6213 in mount H2022 Sinai H5514 for a sweet H5207 smell, H7381 a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD. H3068
And the drink H5262 offering thereof shall be the fourth H7243 part of an hin H1969 for the one H259 lamb: H3532 in the holy H6944 place shall you cause the strong wine H7941 to be poured H5258 to the LORD H3068 for a drink H5262 offering.
And the other H8145 lamb H3532 shall you offer H6213 at H996 even: H6153 as the meat offering H4503 of the morning, H1242 and as the drink H5262 offering thereof, you shall offer H6213 it, a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet H5207 smell H7381 to the LORD. H3068
And on H5921 the sabbath H7676 day H3117 two H8147 lambs H3532 of the first H1121 year H8141 without H8549 spot, H8549 and two H8147 tenth H6241 deals of flour H5560 for a meat offering, H4503 mingled H1101 with oil, H8081 and the drink H5262 offering thereof:
This is the burnt H5930 offering of every sabbath, H7676 beside H5921 the continual H8548 burnt H5930 offering, and his drink H5262 offering.
Isaiah 53:7
He was oppressed, H5065 and he was afflicted, H6031 yet he opened H6605 not his mouth: H6310 he is brought H2986 as a lamb H7716 to the slaughter, H2874 and as a sheep H7353 before H6440 her shearers H1494 is dumb, H481 so he opens H6605 not his mouth. H6310
Acts 8:32
The place G4042 of the scripture G1124 which he read G314 was this, G3778 He was led G71 as a sheep G4263 to the slaughter; G4967 and like G5613 a lamb G286 dumb G880 before G1726 his shearer, G2751 so G3779 opened G455 he not his mouth: G4750
1 Peter 1:19
But with the precious G5093 blood G129 of Christ, G5547 as of a lamb G286 without G784 blemish G299 and without G784 spot: G784
Revelation 5:6
And I beheld, G1492 and, see, G2400 in the middle G3319 of the throne G2362 and of the four G5064 beasts, G2226 and in the middle G3319 of the elders, G4245 stood G2476 a Lamb G721 as it had been slain, G4969 having G2192 seven G2033 horns G2768 and seven G2033 eyes, G3788 which G3739 are the seven G2033 Spirits G4151 of God G2316 sent G649 forth G649 into G1519 all G3956 the earth. G1093
Revelation 5:8
And when G3753 he had taken G2983 the book, G975 the four G5064 beasts G2226 and four G5064 and twenty G1501 elders G4245 fell G4098 down before G1799 the Lamb, G721 having G2192 every G1538 one of them harps, G2788 and golden G5552 vials G5357 full G1073 of odors, G2368 which G3739 are the prayers G4335 of saints. G40
Revelation 5:12
Saying G3004 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 Worthy G514 is the Lamb G721 that was slain G4969 to receive G2983 power, G1411 and riches, G4149 and wisdom, G4678 and strength, G2479 and honor, G5092 and glory, G1391 and blessing. G2129
Revelation 5:13
And every G3956 creature G2938 which G3739 is in heaven, G3772 and on G1722 the earth, G1093 and under G5270 the earth, G1093 and such as are in the sea, G2281 and all G3956 that are in them, heard G191 I saying, G3004 Blessing, G2129 and honor, G5092 and glory, G1391 and power, G2904 be to him that sits G2521 on the throne, G2362 and to the Lamb G721 for ever G165 and ever. G165
Revelation 6:1
And I saw G1492 when G3753 the Lamb G721 opened G455 one G3391 of the seals, G4973 and I heard, G191 as it were the noise G5456 of thunder, G1027 one G1520 of the four G5064 beasts G2226 saying, G3004 Come G2064 and see. G991
Revelation 6:16
And said G3004 to the mountains G3735 and rocks, G4073 Fall G4098 on G1909 us, and hide G2928 us from the face G4383 of him that sits G2521 on G1909 the throne, G2362 and from the wrath G3709 of the Lamb: G721
Revelation 7:9
After G3326 this G5023 I beheld, G1492 and, see, G2400 a great G4183 multitude, G3793 which G3739 no G3762 man G3762 could G1410 number, G705 of all G3956 nations, G1484 and kindreds, G5443 and people, G2992 and tongues, G1100 stood G2476 before G1799 the throne, G2362 and before G1799 the Lamb, G721 clothed G4016 with white G3022 robes, G4749 and palms G5404 in their hands; G5495
Revelation 7:10
And cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 Salvation G4991 to our God G2316 which G3588 sits G2521 on the throne, G2362 and to the Lamb. G721
Revelation 7:14
And I said G2046 to him, Sir, G2962 you know. G1492 And he said G2036 to me, These G3778 are they which came G2064 out of great G3173 tribulation, G2347 and have washed G4150 their robes, G4749 and made G3021 them white G3021 in the blood G129 of the Lamb. G721
Revelation 7:17
For the Lamb G721 which G3588 is in the middle G3319 of the throne G2362 shall feed G4165 them, and shall lead G3594 them to living G2198 fountains G4077 of waters: G5204 and God G2316 shall wipe G1813 away G1813 all G3956 tears G1144 from their eyes. G3788
Revelation 12:11
And they overcame G3528 him by the blood G129 of the Lamb, G721 and by the word G3056 of their testimony; G3141 and they loved G25 not their lives G5590 to the death. G2288
Revelation 13:8
And all G3956 that dwell G2730 on the earth G1093 shall worship G4352 him, whose G3739 names G3686 are not written G1125 in the book G976 of life G2222 of the Lamb G721 slain G4969 from the foundation G2602 of the world. G2889
Revelation 14:1
And I looked, G1492 and, see, G2400 a Lamb G721 stood G2476 on G1909 the mount G3735 Sion, G4622 and with him an hundred G1540 forty G5062 and four G5064 thousand, G5505 having G2192 his Father's G3962 name G3686 written G1125 in their foreheads. G3359
Revelation 14:4
These G3778 are they which G3739 were not defiled G3435 with women; G1135 for they are virgins. G3933 These G3778 are they which G3588 follow G190 the Lamb G721 wherever G3699 G302 he goes. G5217 These G3778 were redeemed G59 from among men, G444 being the first fruits G536 to God G2316 and to the Lamb. G721
Revelation 14:10
The same G846 shall drink G4095 of the wine G3631 of the wrath G2372 of God, G2316 which G3588 is poured G2767 out without G194 mixture G194 into G1722 the cup G4221 of his indignation; G3709 and he shall be tormented G928 with fire G4442 and brimstone G2303 in the presence G1799 of the holy G40 angels, G32 and in the presence G1799 of the Lamb: G721
Revelation 15:3
And they sing G103 the song G5603 of Moses G3475 the servant G1401 of God, G2316 and the song G5603 of the Lamb, G721 saying, G3004 Great G3173 and marvelous G2298 are your works, G2041 Lord G2962 God G2316 Almighty; G3841 just G1342 and true G228 are your ways, G3598 you King G935 of saints. G40
Revelation 17:14
These G3778 shall make G4170 war G4170 with the Lamb, G721 and the Lamb G721 shall overcome G3528 them: for he is Lord G2962 of lords, G2634 and King G935 of kings: G935 and they that are with him are called, G2822 and chosen, G1588 and faithful. G4103
Revelation 19:7
Let us be glad G5463 and rejoice, G21 and give G1325 honor G1391 to him: for the marriage G1062 of the Lamb G721 is come, G2064 and his wife G1135 has made G2090 herself G1438 ready. G2090
Revelation 19:9
And he said G3004 to me, Write, G1125 Blessed G3107 are they which are called G2564 to the marriage G1062 supper G1173 of the Lamb. G721 And he said G3004 to me, These G3778 are the true G228 sayings G3056 of God. G2316
Revelation 21:9
And there came G2064 to me one G1520 of the seven G2033 angels G32 which G3588 had G2192 the seven G2033 vials G5357 full G1073 of the seven G2033 last G2078 plagues, G4127 and talked G2980 with me, saying, G3004 Come G1204 here, G1204 I will show G1166 you the bride, G3565 the Lamb's G721 wife. G1135
Revelation 21:14
And the wall G5038 of the city G4172 had G2192 twelve G1427 foundations, G2310 and in them the names G3686 of the twelve G1427 apostles G652 of the Lamb. G721
Revelation 21:22
And I saw G1492 no G3756 temple G3485 therein: G1722 G846 for the Lord G2962 God G2316 Almighty G3841 and the Lamb G721 are the temple G3485 of it.
Revelation 21:23
And the city G4172 had G2192 no G3756 need G5532 of the sun, G2246 neither G3761 of the moon, G4582 to shine G5316 in it: for the glory G1391 of God G2316 did lighten G5461 it, and the Lamb G721 is the light G3088 thereof. G846
Revelation 21:27
And there shall in no G3364 wise enter G1525 into G1519 it any G3956 thing that defiles, G2840 neither whatever works G4160 abomination, G946 or G2532 makes a lie: G5579 but they which are written G1125 in the Lamb's G721 book G975 of life. G2222
Revelation 22:1-3
And he showed G1166 me a pure G2513 river G4215 of water G5204 of life, G2222 clear G2986 as crystal, G2930 proceeding G1607 out of the throne G2362 of God G2316 and of the Lamb. G721
In the middle G3319 of the street G4113 of it, and on G1909 either G1782 G2532 side G1782 of the river, G4215 was there the tree G3586 of life, G2222 which bore G4160 twelve G1427 manner of fruits, G2590 and yielded G591 her fruit G2590 every G2596 month: G3376 and the leaves G5444 of the tree G3586 were for the healing G2322 of the nations. G1484
And there shall be no G3756 more G2089 curse: G2652 but the throne G2362 of God G2316 and of the Lamb G721 shall be in it; and his servants G1401 shall serve G3000 him:
Isaiah 53:11
He shall see H7200 of the travail H5999 of his soul, H5315 and shall be satisfied: H7646 by his knowledge H1847 shall my righteous H6662 servant H5650 justify H6663 many; H7227 for he shall bear H5445 their iniquities. H5771
Hosea 14:2
Take H3947 with you words, H1697 and turn H7725 to the LORD: H3068 say H559 to him, Take H5375 away all H3605 iniquity, H5771 and receive H3947 us graciously: H2896 so will we render H7999 the calves H6499 of our lips. H8193
Matthew 20:28
Even G5618 as the Son G5207 of man G444 came G2064 not to be ministered G1247 to, but to minister, G1247 and to give G1325 his life G5590 a ransom G3083 for many. G4183
Acts 13:39
And by him all G3956 that believe G4100 are justified G1344 from all G3956 things, from which G3739 you could G1410 not be justified G1344 by the law G3551 of Moses. G3475
1 Corinthians 15:3
For I delivered G3860 to you first G1722 G4413 of all that which G3739 I also G2532 received, G3880 how that Christ G5547 died G599 for our sins G266 according G2596 to the scriptures; G1124
2 Corinthians 5:21
For he has made G4160 him to be sin G266 for us, who knew G1097 no G3361 sin; G266 that we might be made G1096 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 in him.
Galatians 1:4
Who G3588 gave G1325 himself G1438 for our sins, G266 that he might deliver G1807 us from this G3588 present G1764 evil G4190 world, G165 according G2596 to the will G2307 of God G2316 and our Father: G3962
Galatians 3:13
Christ G5547 has redeemed G1805 us from the curse G2671 of the law, G3551 being made G1096 a curse G2671 for us: for it is written, G1125 Cursed G1944 is every G3956 one that hangs G2910 on G1909 a tree: G3586
1 Timothy 2:6
Who G3588 gave G1325 himself G1438 a ransom G487 for all, G3956 to be testified G3142 in due G2398 time. G2540
Titus 2:14
Who G3739 gave G1325 himself G1438 for us, that he might redeem G3084 us from all G3956 iniquity, G458 and purify G2511 to himself G1438 a peculiar G4041 people, G2992 zealous G2207 of good G2570 works. G2041
Hebrews 1:3
Who being the brightness G541 of his glory, G1391 and the express G5481 image G5481 of his person, G5287 and upholding G5342 all G3956 things by the word G4487 of his power, G1411 when he had by himself G1438 purged G4160 G2512 our sins, G266 sat G2523 down G2523 on G1722 the right G1188 hand of the Majesty G3172 on G1722 high: G5308
Hebrews 2:17
Why G3606 in all G3956 things it behooved G3784 him to be made G3666 like G3666 to his brothers, G80 that he might be a merciful G1655 and faithful G4103 high G749 priest G749 in things pertaining to God, G2316 to make G2433 reconciliation G2433 for the sins G266 of the people. G2992
Hebrews 9:28
So G3779 Christ G5547 was once G530 offered G4374 to bear G399 the sins G266 of many; G4183 and to them that look G553 for him shall he appear G3700 the second G1208 time without G5565 sin G266 to salvation. G4991
1 Peter 2:24
Who G3739 his own G848 self G846 bore G399 our sins G266 in his own body G4983 on G1909 the tree, G3586 that we, being dead G581 to sins, G266 should live G2198 to righteousness: G1343 by whose G3739 stripes G3468 you were healed. G2390
1 Peter 3:18
For Christ G5547 also G2532 has once G530 suffered G3958 for sins, G266 the just G1342 for the unjust, G94 that he might bring G4317 us to God, G2316 being put G2289 to death G2289 in the flesh, G4561 but quickened G2227 by the Spirit: G4151
1 John 2:2
And he is the propitiation G2434 for our sins: G266 and not for our's G2251 only, G3440 but also G2532 for the sins of the whole G3650 world. G2889
1 John 3:5
And you know G1492 that he was manifested G5319 to take G142 away our sins; G266 and in him is no G3956 G3756 sin. G266
1 John 4:10
Herein G1722 G5129 is love, G26 not that we loved G25 God, G2316 but that he loved G25 us, and sent G649 his Son G5207 to be the propitiation G2434 for our sins. G266
Revelation 1:5
And from Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 who is the faithful G4103 witness, G3144 and the first G4416 begotten G4416 of the dead, G3498 and the prince G758 of the kings G935 of the earth. G1093 To him that loved G25 us, and washed G3068 us from our sins G266 in his own G848 blood, G129
Exodus 28:38
And it shall be on Aaron's H175 forehead, H4696 that Aaron H175 may bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of the holy H6944 things, which H834 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall hallow H6942 in all their holy H6944 gifts; H4979 and it shall be always H8548 on his forehead, H4696 that they may be accepted H7522 before H6440 the LORD. H3068
Leviticus 10:17
Why H4069 have you not eaten H398 the sin H2403 offering in the holy H6944 place, H4725 seeing H3588 it is most H6944 holy, H6944 and God has given H5414 it you to bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of the congregation, H5712 to make atonement H3722 for them before H6440 the LORD?
Leviticus 16:21
And Aaron H175 shall lay H5564 both H8147 his hands H3027 on the head H7218 of the live H2416 goat, H8163 and confess H3034 over H5921 him all H3605 the iniquities H5771 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and all H3605 their transgressions H6588 in all H3605 their sins, H2403 putting H5414 them on the head H7218 of the goat, H8163 and shall send H7971 him away by the hand H3027 of a fit H6261 man H376 into the wilderness: H4057
Leviticus 16:22
And the goat H8163 shall bear H5375 on him all H3605 their iniquities H5771 to a land H776 not inhabited: H1509 and he shall let go H7971 the goat H8163 in the wilderness. H4057
Numbers 18:1
And the LORD H3068 said H559 to Aaron, H175 You and your sons H1121 and your father's H1 house H1004 with you shall bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of the sanctuary: H4720 and you and your sons H1121 with you shall bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of your priesthood. H3550
Numbers 18:23
But the Levites H3881 shall do H5647 the service H5656 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 and they shall bear H5375 their iniquity: H5771 it shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 throughout your generations, H1755 that among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 they have no H3808 inheritance. H5159