John 1:10
He was in the world, G2889 and the world G2889 was made G1096 by him, and the world G2889 knew G1097 him not.
John 5:17-19
But Jesus G2424 answered G611 them, My Father G3962 works G2038 till now, G2193 G737 and I work. G2038
Therefore G1223 G5124 the Jews G2453 sought G2212 the more G3123 to kill G615 him, because G3754 he not only G3440 had broken G3089 the sabbath, G4521 but said G3004 also G2532 that God G2316 was his Father, G3962 making G4160 himself G1438 equal G2470 with God. G2316
Then G3767 answered G611 Jesus G2424 and said G2036 to them, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, The Son G5207 can G1410 do G4160 nothing G3762 of himself, G1438 but what G5100 he sees G991 the Father G3962 do: G4160 for what G5100 things soever G3745 G302 he does, G4160 these G5023 also G2532 does G4160 the Son G5207 likewise. G3668
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning H7225 God H430 created H1254 the heaven H8064 and the earth. H776
Genesis 1:26
And God H430 said, H559 Let us make H6213 man H120 in our image, H6754 after our likeness: H1823 and let them have dominion H7287 over the fish H1710 of the sea, H3220 and over the fowl H5775 of the air, H8064 and over the cattle, H929 and over all H3605 the earth, H776 and over every H3605 creeping H7431 thing that creeps H7430 on the earth. H776
Psalm 33:6
By the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 were the heavens H8064 made; H6213 and all H3605 the host H6635 of them by the breath H7307 of his mouth. H6310
Psalm 102:25
Of old H6440 have you laid the foundation H3245 of the earth: H776 and the heavens H8064 are the work H4639 of your hands. H3027
Isaiah 45:12
I have made H6213 the earth, H776 and created H1254 man H120 on it: I, even my hands, H3027 have stretched H5186 out the heavens, H8064 and all H3605 their host H6635 have I commanded. H6680
Isaiah 45:18
For thus H3541 said H559 the LORD H3068 that created H1254 the heavens; H8064 God H430 himself H1931 that formed H3335 the earth H776 and made H6213 it; he has established H3559 it, he created H1254 it not in vain, H8414 he formed H3335 it to be inhabited: H3427 I am the LORD; H3068 and there is none H369 else. H5750
Ephesians 3:9
And to make G5461 all G3956 men see G5461 what G5101 is the fellowship G2842 of the mystery, G3466 which G3588 from the beginning of the world G165 has been hid G614 in God, G2316 who G3588 created G2936 all G3956 things by Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547
Colossians 1:16
For by him were all G3956 things created, G2936 that are in heaven, G3772 and that are in earth, G1093 visible G3707 and invisible, G517 whether G1535 they be thrones, G2362 or G1535 dominions, G2963 or G1535 principalities, G746 or G1535 powers: G1849 all G3956 things were created G2936 by him, and for him:
Colossians 1:17
And he is before G4253 all G3956 things, and by him all G3956 things consist. G4921
Hebrews 1:2
Has in these G5130 last G2078 days G2250 spoken G2980 to us by his Son, G5207 whom G3739 he has appointed G5087 heir G2818 of all G3956 things, by whom G3739 also G2532 he made G4160 the worlds; G165
Hebrews 1:3
Who being the brightness G541 of his glory, G1391 and the express G5481 image G5481 of his person, G5287 and upholding G5342 all G3956 things by the word G4487 of his power, G1411 when he had by himself G1438 purged G4160 G2512 our sins, G266 sat G2523 down G2523 on G1722 the right G1188 hand of the Majesty G3172 on G1722 high: G5308
Hebrews 1:10-12
And, You, Lord, G2962 in the beginning G746 have laid the foundation G2311 of the earth; G1093 and the heavens G3772 are the works G2041 of your G4675 hands: G5495
They shall perish; G622 but you remain; G1265 and they all G3956 shall wax G3822 old G3822 as does a garment; G2440
And as a clothing G4018 shall you fold G1667 them up, and they shall be changed: G236 but you are G1488 the same, G846 and your years G2094 shall not fail. G1587
Hebrews 3:3
For this G3778 man was counted G515 worthy G515 of more G4119 glory G1391 than G3844 Moses, G3475 inasmuch G2596 G3745 as he who has built G2680 the house G3624 has G2192 more G4119 honor G5092 than the house. G3624
Hebrews 3:4
For every G3956 house G3624 is built G2680 by some G5100 man; but he that built G2680 all G3956 things is God. G2316
Revelation 4:11
You are G1488 worthy, G514 O Lord, G2962 to receive G2983 glory G1391 and honor G5092 and power: G1411 for you have created G2936 all G3956 things, and for your pleasure G2307 they are and were created. G2936