John 1:33
And I knew G1492 him not: but he that sent G3992 me to baptize G907 with water, G5204 the same G1565 said G2036 to me, On whom G3739 you shall see G1492 the Spirit G4151 descending, G2597 and remaining G3306 on G1909 him, the same G3778 is he which baptizes G907 with the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
Luke 1:80
And the child G3813 grew, G837 and waxed G2901 strong G2901 in spirit, G4151 and was in the deserts G2048 till G2193 the day G2250 of his showing G323 to Israel. G2474
Luke 2:39-42
And when G5613 they had performed G5055 all G537 things according G2596 to the law G3551 of the Lord, G2962 they returned G5290 into G1519 Galilee, G1056 to their own city G4172 Nazareth. G3478
And the child G3813 grew, G837 and waxed G2901 strong G2901 in spirit, G4151 filled G4137 with wisdom: G4678 and the grace G5485 of God G2316 was on him.
Now G2532 his parents G1118 went G4198 to Jerusalem G2419 every G2596 year G2094 at the feast G1859 of the passover. G3957
And when G3753 he was twelve G1427 years G2094 old, they went G305 up to Jerusalem G2414 after G2596 the custom G1485 of the feast. G1859
John 1:7
The same G3778 came G2064 for a witness, G3141 to bear G3140 witness G3140 of the Light, G5457 that all G3956 men through G1223 him might believe. G4100
Isaiah 40:3-5
The voice H6963 of him that cries H7121 in the wilderness, H4057 Prepare H6437 you the way H1870 of the LORD, H3068 make straight H3474 in the desert H6160 a highway H4546 for our God. H430
Every H3605 valley H1516 shall be exalted, H5375 and every H3605 mountain H2022 and hill H1389 shall be made low: H8213 and the crooked H6121 shall be made straight, H4334 and the rough H7406 places plain: H1237
And the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 shall be revealed, H1540 and all H3605 flesh H1320 shall see H7200 it together: H3162 for the mouth H6310 of the LORD H3068 has spoken H1696 it.
Malachi 3:1
Behold, H2005 I will send H7971 my messenger, H4397 and he shall prepare H6437 the way H1870 before H6440 me: and the LORD, H113 whom H834 you seek, H1245 shall suddenly H6597 come H935 to his temple, H1964 even the messenger H4397 of the covenant, H1285 whom H834 you delight H2655 in: behold, H2009 he shall come, H935 said H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635
Malachi 4:2-5
But to you that fear H3373 my name H8034 shall the Sun H8121 of righteousness H6666 arise H2224 with healing H4832 in his wings; H3671 and you shall go H3318 forth, H3318 and grow H6335 up as calves H5695 of the stall. H4770
And you shall tread H6072 down the wicked; H7563 for they shall be ashes H665 under H8478 the soles H3709 of your feet H7272 in the day H3117 that I shall do H6213 this, said H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635
Remember H2142 you the law H8451 of Moses H4872 my servant, H5650 which H834 I commanded H6680 to him in Horeb H2722 for all H3605 Israel, H3478 with the statutes H2706 and judgments. H4941
Behold, H2009 I will send H7971 you Elijah H452 the prophet H5030 before H6440 the coming H935 of the great H1419 and dreadful H3372 day H3117 of the LORD: H3068
Luke 1:17
And he shall go G4281 before G1799 him in the spirit G4151 and power G1411 of Elias, G2243 to turn G1994 the hearts G2588 of the fathers G3962 to the children, G5043 and the disobedient G545 to the wisdom G5428 of the just; G1342 to make G2090 ready G2090 a people G2992 prepared G2680 for the Lord. G2962
Luke 1:76-79
And you, child, G3813 shall be called G2564 the prophet G4396 of the Highest: G5310 for you shall go G4313 before G4253 the face G4383 of the Lord G2962 to prepare G2090 his ways; G3598
To give G1325 knowledge G1108 of salvation G4991 to his people G2992 by the remission G859 of their sins, G266
Through G1223 the tender G4698 mercy G1656 of our God; G2316 whereby G1722 G3739 the dayspring G395 from on high G5311 has visited G1980 us,
To give G2014 light G2014 to them that sit G2521 in darkness G4655 and in the shadow G4639 of death, G2288 to guide G2720 our feet G4228 into G1519 the way G3598 of peace. G1515
Matthew 3:6
And were baptized G907 of him in Jordan, G2446 confessing G1843 their sins. G266
Mark 1:3-5
The voice G5456 of one crying G994 in the wilderness, G2048 Prepare G2090 you the way G3598 of the Lord, G2962 make G4160 his paths G5147 straight. G2117
John G2491 did baptize G907 in the wilderness, G2048 and preach G2784 the baptism G908 of repentance G3341 for the remission G859 of sins. G266
And there went G1607 out to him all G3956 the land G5561 of Judaea, G2449 and they of Jerusalem, G2414 and were all G3956 baptized G907 of him in the river G4215 of Jordan, G2446 confessing G1843 their sins. G266
Luke 3:3
And he came G2064 into G1519 all G3956 the country G4066 about G4066 Jordan, G2446 preaching G2784 the baptism G908 of repentance G3341 for the remission G859 of sins; G266
Luke 3:4
As it is written G1125 in the book G976 of the words G3056 of Esaias G2268 the prophet, G4396 saying, G3004 The voice G5456 of one crying G994 in the wilderness, G2048 Prepare G2090 you the way G3598 of the Lord, G2962 make G4160 his paths G5147 straight. G2117
Acts 19:4
Then G1161 said G2036 Paul, G3972 John G2491 truly G3303 baptized G907 with the baptism G908 of repentance, G3341 saying G3004 to the people, G2992 that they should believe G4100 on G1519 him which should come G2064 after G3326 him, that is, on G1519 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424