John 5:32
There is another G243 that bears G3140 witness G3140 of me; and I know G1492 that the witness G3141 which G3739 he witnesses G3140 of me is true. G227
Matthew 3:16
And Jesus, G2424 when he was baptized, G907 went G305 up straightway G2117 out of the water: G5204 and, see, G2400 the heavens G3772 were opened G455 to him, and he saw G1492 the Spirit G4151 of God G2316 descending G2597 like G5616 a dove, G4058 and lighting G2064 on him:
Mark 1:10
And straightway G2112 coming G305 up out of the water, G5204 he saw G1492 the heavens G3772 opened, G4977 and the Spirit G4151 like G5616 a dove G4058 descending G2597 on him:
Luke 3:22
And the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 descended G2597 in a bodily G4984 shape G1491 like G5616 a dove G4058 on him, and a voice G5456 came G1096 from heaven, G3772 which said, G3004 You are G1488 my beloved G27 Son; G5207 in you I am well G2106 pleased. G2106