John 1:31
And I knew G1492 him not: but that he should be made G5319 manifest G5319 to Israel, G2474 therefore G1223 G5124 am I come G2064 baptizing G907 with water. G5204
Matthew 3:13-15
Then G5119 comes G3854 Jesus G2424 from Galilee G1056 to Jordan G2446 to John, G2491 to be baptized G907 of him.
But John G2491 forbade G1254 him, saying, G3004 I have G2192 need G5532 to be baptized G907 of you, and come G2064 you to me?
And Jesus G2424 answering G611 said G2036 to him, Suffer G863 it to be so now: G737 for thus G3779 it becomes G4241 us to fulfill G4137 all G3956 righteousness. G1343 Then G5119 he suffered G863 him.
John 3:5
Jesus G2424 answered, G611 Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Except G3362 a man G5100 be born G1080 of water G5204 and of the Spirit, G4151 he cannot G3756 G1410 enter G1525 into G1519 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316
John 3:34
For he whom G3739 God G2316 has sent G649 speaks G2980 the words G4487 of God: G2316 for God G2316 gives G1325 not the Spirit G4151 by measure G3358 to him.
Matthew 3:11
I indeed G3303 baptize G907 you with water G5204 to repentance. G3341 but he that comes G2064 after G3694 me is mightier G2478 than I, whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to bear: G941 he shall baptize G907 you with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 and with fire: G4442
Matthew 3:14
But John G2491 forbade G1254 him, saying, G3004 I have G2192 need G5532 to be baptized G907 of you, and come G2064 you to me?
Mark 1:7
And preached, G2784 saying, G3004 There comes G2064 one mightier G2478 than I after G3694 me, the lace G2438 of whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to stoop G2955 down and unloose. G3089
Mark 1:8
I indeed G3303 have baptized G907 you with water: G5204 but he shall baptize G907 you with the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
Luke 3:16
John G2491 answered, G611 saying G3004 to them all, G537 I indeed G3303 baptize G907 you with water; G5204 but one mightier G2478 than I comes, G2064 the lace G2438 of whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to unloose: G3089 he shall baptize G907 you with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 and with fire: G4442
Acts 1:5
For John G2491 truly G3303 baptized G907 with water; G5204 but you shall be baptized G907 with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 not many G4183 days G2250 hence. G3326 G5025
Acts 2:4
And they were all G537 filled G4130 with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 and began G756 to speak G2980 with other G2087 tongues, G1100 as the Spirit G4151 gave G1325 them utterance. G669
Acts 10:44-47
While Peter G4074 yet G2089 spoke G2980 these G5023 words, G4487 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 fell G1968 on G1909 all G3956 them which heard G191 the word. G3056
And they of the circumcision G4061 which believed G4103 were astonished, G1839 as many G3745 as came G4905 with Peter, G4074 because G3754 that on G1909 the Gentiles G1484 also G2532 was poured G1632 out the gift G1431 of the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
For they heard G191 them speak G2980 with tongues, G1100 and magnify G3170 God. G2316 Then G5119 answered G611 Peter, G4074
Can G1410 any G5100 man G5100 forbid G2967 water, G5204 that these G5128 should not be baptized, G907 which G3748 have received G2983 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 as well G2532 as we?
Acts 11:15
And as I began G756 to speak, G2980 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 fell G1968 on G1909 them, as on G1909 us at G1722 the beginning. G746
Acts 11:16
Then G1161 remembered G3415 I the word G4487 of the Lord, G2962 how G5613 that he said, G3004 John G2491 indeed G3303 baptized G907 with water; G5204 but you shall be baptized G907 with the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
Acts 19:2-6
He said G2036 to them, Have G2076 you received G2983 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 since you believed? G4100 And they said G2036 to him, We have G2076 not so G3761 much G3761 as heard G191 whether G1487 there be any Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
And he said G2036 to them, To what G5101 then G3767 were you baptized? G907 And they said, G2036 To John's G2491 baptism. G908
Then G1161 said G2036 Paul, G3972 John G2491 truly G3303 baptized G907 with the baptism G908 of repentance, G3341 saying G3004 to the people, G2992 that they should believe G4100 on G1519 him which should come G2064 after G3326 him, that is, on G1519 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424
When they heard G191 this, they were baptized G907 in the name G3686 of the Lord G2962 Jesus. G2424
And when Paul G3972 had laid G2007 his hands G5495 on them, the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 came G2064 on G1909 them; and they spoke G2980 with tongues, G1100 and prophesied. G4395
1 Corinthians 12:13
For by one G1520 Spirit G4151 are we all G3956 baptized G907 into G1519 one G1520 body, G4983 whether G1535 we be Jews G2453 or G1535 Gentiles, G1672 whether G1535 we be bond G1401 or G1535 free; G1658 and have been all G3956 made G4222 to drink G4222 into G1519 one G1520 Spirit. G4151
Titus 3:5
Not by works G2041 of righteousness G1343 which G3739 we have done, G4160 but according G2596 to his mercy G1656 he saved G4982 us, by the washing G3067 of regeneration, G3824 and renewing G342 of the Holy G40 Ghost; G4151
Titus 3:6
Which G3739 he shed G1632 on G1909 us abundantly G4146 through G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our Savior; G4990