John 1:18
No G3762 man G3762 has seen G3708 God G2316 at G4455 any G4455 time, G4455 the only G3439 begotten G3439 Son, G5207 which G3588 is in the bosom G2859 of the Father, G3962 he has declared G1834 him.
John 1:49
Nathanael G3482 answered G611 and said G3004 to him, Rabbi, G4461 you are G1488 the Son G5207 of God; G2316 you are G1488 the King G935 of Israel. G2474
John 3:16-18
For God G2316 so G3779 loved G25 the world, G2889 that he gave G1325 his only G3439 begotten G3439 Son, G5207 that whoever G3956 G3588 believes G4100 in him should not perish, G622 but have G2192 everlasting G166 life. G2222
For God G2316 sent G649 not his Son G5207 into G1519 the world G2889 to condemn G2919 the world; G2889 but that the world G2889 through G1223 him might be saved. G4982
He that believes G4100 on G1519 him is not condemned: G2919 but he that believes G4100 not is condemned G2919 already, G2235 because G3754 he has not believed G4100 in the name G3686 of the only G3439 begotten G3439 Son G5207 of God. G2316
John 3:35-18
John 3:36-18
John 5:23-27
That all G3956 men should honor G5091 the Son, G5207 even G2531 as they honor G5091 the Father. G3962 He that honors G5091 not the Son G5207 honors G5091 not the Father G3962 which G3588 has sent G3992 him.
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, He that hears G191 my word, G3056 and believes G4100 on him that sent G3992 me, has G2192 everlasting G166 life, G2222 and shall not come G2064 into G1519 condemnation; G2920 but is passed G3327 from death G2288 to life. G2222
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, The hour G5610 is coming, G2064 and now G3568 is, when G3753 the dead G3498 shall hear G191 the voice G5456 of the Son G5207 of God: G2316 and they that hear G191 shall live. G2198
For as the Father G3962 has G2192 life G2222 in himself; G1438 so G3779 has he given G1325 to the Son G5207 to have G2192 life G2222 in himself; G1438
And has given G1325 him authority G1849 to execute G4160 judgment G2920 also, G2532 because G3754 he is the Son G5207 of man. G444
John 6:69
And we believe G4100 and are sure G1097 that you are G1488 that Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of the living G2198 God. G2316
John 10:30
I and my Father G3962 are one. G1520
John 10:36
Say G3004 you of him, whom G3739 the Father G3962 has sanctified, G37 and sent G649 into G1519 the world, G2889 You blaspheme; G987 because G3754 I said, G2036 I am the Son G5207 of God? G2316
John 11:27
She said G3004 to him, Yes, G3483 Lord: G2962 I believe G4100 that you are G1488 the Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of God, G2316 which G3588 should come G2064 into G1519 the world. G2889
John 19:7
The Jews G2453 answered G611 him, We have G2192 a law, G3551 and by our law G3551 he ought G3784 to die, G599 because G3754 he made G4160 himself G1438 the Son G5207 of God. G2316
John 20:28
And Thomas G2381 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, My LORD G2962 and my God. G2316
John 20:31
But these G5023 are written, G1125 that you might believe G4100 that Jesus G2424 is the Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of God; G2316 and that believing G4100 you might have G2192 life G2222 through G1722 his name. G3686
Psalm 2:7
I will declare H5608 the decree: H2706 the LORD H3068 has said H559 to me, You are my Son; H1121 this day H3117 have I begotten H3205 you.
Psalm 89:26
He shall cry H7121 to me, You are my father, H1 my God, H410 and the rock H6697 of my salvation. H3444
Psalm 89:27
Also H637 I will make H5414 him my firstborn, H1060 higher H5945 than the kings H4428 of the earth. H776
Matthew 3:17
And see G2400 a voice G5456 from heaven, G3772 saying, G3004 This G3778 is my beloved G27 Son, G5207 in whom G3739 I am well G2106 pleased. G2106
Matthew 4:3
And when the tempter G3985 came G4334 to him, he said, G2036 If G1487 you be the Son G5207 of God, G2316 command G2036 that these G3778 stones G3037 be made G1096 bread. G740
Matthew 4:6
And said G3004 to him, If G1487 you be the Son G5207 of God, G2316 cast G906 yourself G4572 down: G2736 for it is written, G1125 He shall give his angels G32 charge G1781 concerning G4012 you: and in their hands G5495 they shall bear G142 you up, lest G3379 at G3379 any G3379 time G3379 you dash G4350 your foot G4228 against G4314 a stone. G3037
Matthew 8:29
And, behold, G2400 they cried G2896 out, saying, G3004 What G5101 have we to do with you, Jesus, G2424 you Son G5207 of God? G2316 are you come G2064 here G5602 to torment G928 us before G4253 the time? G2540
Matthew 11:27
All G3956 things are delivered G3860 to me of my Father: G3962 and no G3762 man G3762 knows G1921 the Son, G5207 but the Father; G3962 neither G3761 knows G1921 any G5100 man the Father, G3962 save G1508 the Son, G5207 and he to whomsoever G3739 G1437 the Son G5207 will G1014 reveal G601 him.
Matthew 16:16
And Simon G4613 Peter G4074 answered G611 and said, G2036 You are G1488 the Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of the living G2198 God. G2316
Matthew 17:5
While he yet G2089 spoke, G2980 behold, G2400 a bright G5460 cloud G3507 overshadowed G1982 them: and behold G2400 a voice G5456 out of the cloud, G3507 which said, G3004 This G3778 is my beloved G27 Son, G5207 in whom G3739 I am well G2106 pleased; G2106 hear G191 you him.
Matthew 26:63
But Jesus G2424 held G4623 his peace, G4623 And the high G749 priest G749 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, I adjure G1844 you by the living G2198 God, G2316 that you tell G2036 us whether G1487 you be the Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of God. G2316
Matthew 27:40
And saying, G3004 You that destroy G2647 the temple, G3485 and build G3618 it in three G5140 days, G2250 save G4982 yourself. G4572 If G1487 you be the Son G5207 of God, G2316 come G2597 down G2597 from the cross. G4716
Matthew 27:43
He trusted G3982 in God; G2316 let him deliver G4506 him now, G3568 if G1487 he will G2309 have him: for he said, G2036 I am G1510 the Son G5207 of God. G2316
Matthew 27:54
Now G1161 when the centurion, G1543 and they that were with him, watching G5083 Jesus, G2424 saw G1492 the earthquake, G4578 and those G3588 things that were done, G1096 they feared G5399 greatly, G4970 saying, G3004 Truly G230 this G3778 was the Son G5207 of God. G2316
Mark 1:1
The beginning G746 of the gospel G2098 of Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of God; G2316
Mark 1:11
And there came G1096 a voice G5456 from heaven, G3772 saying, You are G1488 my beloved G27 Son, G5207 in whom G3739 I am well G2106 pleased. G2106
Luke 1:35
And the angel G32 answered G611 and said G2036 to her, The Holy G40 Ghost G4151 shall come G1904 on you, and the power G1411 of the Highest G5310 shall overshadow G1982 you: therefore G1352 also G2532 that holy G40 thing which shall be born G1080 of you shall be called G2564 the Son G5207 of God. G2316
Luke 3:22
And the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 descended G2597 in a bodily G4984 shape G1491 like G5616 a dove G4058 on him, and a voice G5456 came G1096 from heaven, G3772 which said, G3004 You are G1488 my beloved G27 Son; G5207 in you I am well G2106 pleased. G2106
Romans 1:4
And declared G3724 to be the Son G5207 of God G2316 with power, G1411 according G2596 to the spirit G4151 of holiness, G42 by the resurrection G386 from the dead: G3498
2 Corinthians 1:19
For the Son G5207 of God, G2316 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 who G3588 was preached G2784 among G1722 you by us, even by me and Silvanus G4610 and Timotheus, G5095 was not yes G3483 and no, G3756 but in him was yes. G3483
Hebrews 1:1
God, G2316 who at sundry G4181 times and in divers G4187 manners G4187 spoke G2980 in time G3819 past G3819 to the fathers G3962 by the prophets, G4396
Hebrews 1:2
Has in these G5130 last G2078 days G2250 spoken G2980 to us by his Son, G5207 whom G3739 he has appointed G5087 heir G2818 of all G3956 things, by whom G3739 also G2532 he made G4160 the worlds; G165
Hebrews 1:5
For to which G5101 of the angels G32 said G2036 he at G4218 any G4218 time, G4218 You are G1488 my Son, G5207 this G4594 day G4594 have I begotten G1080 you? And again, G3825 I will be to him a Father, G3962 and he shall be to me a Son? G5207
Hebrews 1:6
And again, G3825 when G3752 he brings G1521 in the first-begotten G4416 into G1519 the world, G3625 he said, G3004 And let all G3956 the angels G32 of God G2316 worship G4352 him.
Hebrews 7:3
Without G282 father, G540 without G282 mother, G282 without G35 descent, G35 having G2192 neither G3383 beginning G746 of days, G2250 nor G3383 end G5056 of life; G2222 but made G871 like G871 to the Son G5207 of God; G2316 stays G3306 a priest G2409 continually. G1519 G1336
1 John 2:23
Whoever G3956 G3588 denies G720 the Son, G5207 the same G3761 has G2192 not the Father: G3962 he that acknowledges the Son has G2192 the Father also. G2532
1 John 3:8
He that commits G4160 sin G266 is of the devil; G1228 for the devil G1228 sins G264 from the beginning. G746 For this G5124 purpose the Son G5207 of God G2316 was manifested, G5319 that he might destroy G3089 the works G2041 of the devil. G1228
1 John 4:9
In this G5129 was manifested G5319 the love G26 of God G2316 toward G1722 us, because G3754 that God G2316 sent G649 his only G3439 begotten G3439 Son G5207 into G1519 the world, G2889 that we might live G2198 through G1223 him.
1 John 4:14
And we have seen G2300 and do testify G3140 that the Father G3962 sent G649 the Son G5207 to be the Savior G4990 of the world. G2889
1 John 4:15
Whoever G3739 G302 shall confess G3670 that Jesus G2424 is the Son G5207 of God, G2316 God G2316 dwells G3306 in him, and he in God. G2316
1 John 5:9-13
If G1487 we receive G2983 the witness G3141 of men, G444 the witness G3141 of God G2316 is greater: G3187 for this G3778 is the witness G3141 of God G2316 which G3739 he has testified G3140 of his Son. G5207
He that believes G4100 on G1519 the Son G5207 of God G2316 has G2192 the witness G3141 in himself: G1438 he that believes G4100 not God G2316 has made G4160 him a liar; G5583 because G3754 he believes G4100 not the record G3141 that God G2316 gave G3140 of his Son. G5207
And this G3778 is the record, G3141 that God G2316 has given G1325 to us eternal G166 life, G2222 and this G3778 life G2222 is in his Son. G5207
He that has G2192 the Son G5207 has G2192 life; G2222 and he that has G2192 not the Son G5207 of God G2316 has G2192 not life. G2222
These G5023 things have I written G1125 to you that believe G4100 on G1519 the name G3686 of the Son G5207 of God; G2316 that you may know G1492 that you have G2192 eternal G166 life, G2222 and that you may believe G4100 on G1519 the name G3686 of the Son G5207 of God. G2316
1 John 5:20-13
2 John 1:9
Whoever G3956 G3588 transgresses, G3845 and stays G3306 not in the doctrine G1322 of Christ, G5547 has G2192 not God. G2316 He that stays G3306 in the doctrine G1322 of Christ, G5547 he has G2192 both G2532 the Father G3962 and the Son. G5207
Revelation 2:18
And to the angel G32 of the church G1577 in Thyatira G2363 write; G1125 These G3592 things said G3004 the Son G5207 of God, G2316 who G3588 has G2192 his eyes G3788 like G5613 to a flame G5395 of fire, G4442 and his feet G4228 are like G3664 fine brass; G5474