John 1:29
The next G1887 day G1887 John G2491 sees G991 Jesus G2424 coming G2064 to him, and said, G3004 Behold G2396 the Lamb G286 of God, G2316 which G3588 takes G142 away the sin G266 of the world. G2889
Isaiah 45:22
Look H6437 to me, and be you saved, H3467 all the ends H657 of the earth: H776 for I am God, H410 and there is none H369 else. H5750
Isaiah 65:1
I am sought H1875 of them that asked H7592 not for me; I am found H4672 of them that sought H1245 me not: I said, H559 Behold H2009 me, behold H2009 me, to a nation H1471 that was not called H7121 by my name. H8034
Isaiah 65:2
I have spread H6566 out my hands H3027 all H3605 the day H3117 to a rebellious H5637 people, H5971 which walks H1980 in a way H1870 that was not good, H2896 after H310 their own thoughts; H4284
Hebrews 12:2
Looking G872 to Jesus G2424 the author G747 and finisher G5047 of our faith; G4102 who G3739 for the joy G5479 that was set G4295 before G4295 him endured G5278 the cross, G4716 despising G2706 the shame, G152 and is set G2523 down G2523 at G1722 the right G1188 hand of the throne G2362 of God. G2316
1 Peter 1:19
But with the precious G5093 blood G129 of Christ, G5547 as of a lamb G286 without G784 blemish G299 and without G784 spot: G784
1 Peter 1:20
Who truly G3303 was foreordained G4267 before G4253 the foundation G2602 of the world, G2889 but was manifest G5319 in these G3588 last G2078 times G5550 for you,