John 1:43
The day G1887 following G1887 Jesus G2424 would G2309 go G1831 forth G1831 into G1519 Galilee, G1056 and finds G2147 Philip, G5376 and said G3004 to him, Follow G190 me.
John 4:39-42
And many G4183 of the Samaritans G4541 of that city G4172 believed G4100 on G1519 him for the saying G3056 of the woman, G1135 which testified, G3140 He told G2036 me all G3956 that ever G3745 I did. G4160
So G3767 when G5613 the Samaritans G4541 were come G2064 to him, they sought G2065 him that he would tarry G3306 with them: and he stayed G3306 there G1563 two G1417 days. G2250
And many G4183 more G4119 believed G4100 because G1223 of his own word; G3056
And said G3004 to the woman, G1135 Now G3765 we believe, G4100 not because G1223 of your saying: G2981 for we have heard G191 him ourselves, and know G1492 that this G3778 is indeed G230 the Christ, G5547 the Savior G4990 of the world. G2889
Proverbs 15:23
A man H376 has joy H8057 by the answer H4617 of his mouth: H6310 and a word H1697 spoken in due season, H6256 how H4100 good H2896 is it!
Zechariah 8:21
And the inhabitants H3427 of one H259 city shall go H1980 to another, H259 saying, H559 Let us go H3212 speedily H1980 to pray H2470 before H854 H6440 the LORD, H3068 and to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 I will go H3212 also. H1571
Romans 10:17
So G686 then G686 faith G4102 comes by hearing, G189 and hearing G189 by the word G4487 of God. G2316
Ephesians 4:29
Let no G3956 G3361 corrupt G4550 communication G3056 proceed G1607 out of your G5216 mouth, G4750 but that which G1536 is good G18 to the use G5532 of edifying, G3619 that it may minister G1325 grace G5485 to the hearers. G191
Revelation 22:17
And the Spirit G4151 and the bride G3565 say, G3004 Come. G2064 And let him that hears G191 say, G2036 Come. G2064 And let him that is thirsty G1372 come. G2064 And whoever G3588 will, G2309 let him take G2902 the water G5204 of life G2222 freely. G1432