Luke 14:25
And there went G4848 great G4183 multitudes G3793 with him: and he turned, G4762 and said G2036 to them,
Luke 15:20
And he arose, G450 and came G2064 to his father. G3962 But when he was yet G2089 a great G3112 way G3112 off, G568 his father G3962 saw G1492 him, and had compassion, G4697 and ran, G5143 and fell G1968 on G1909 his neck, G5137 and kissed G2705 him.
Luke 19:5
And when G5613 Jesus G2424 came G2064 to the place, G5117 he looked G308 up, and saw G1492 him, and said G2036 to him, Zacchaeus, G2195 make G4692 haste, G4692 and come G2597 down; G2597 for to day G4594 I must G1163 abide G3306 at G1722 your house. G3624
Luke 22:61
And the Lord G2962 turned, G4762 and looked G1689 on Peter. G4074 And Peter G4074 remembered G5279 the word G3056 of the Lord, G2962 how G5613 he had said G2036 to him, Before G4250 the cock G220 crow, G5455 you shall deny G533 me thrice. G5151
John 18:4
Jesus G2424 therefore, G3767 knowing G1492 all G3956 things that should come G2064 on him, went G1831 forth, G1831 and said G2036 to them, Whom G5101 seek G2212 you?
John 18:7
Then G3767 asked G1905 he them again, G3825 Whom G5101 seek G2212 you? And they said, G2036 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth. G3478
John 20:15
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to her, Woman, G1135 why G5101 weep G2799 you? whom G5101 seek G2212 you? She, supposing G1380 him to be the gardener, G2780 said G3004 to him, Sir, G2962 if G1487 you have borne G941 him hence, tell G2036 me where G4226 you have laid G5087 him, and I will take G142 him away.
John 20:16
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to her, Mary. G3137 She turned G4762 herself, and said G3004 to him, Rabboni; G4462 which G3739 is to say, G3004 Master. G1320
Luke 7:24-27
And when the messengers G32 of John G2491 were departed, G565 he began G756 to speak G3004 to the people G3793 concerning G4012 John, G2491 What G5101 went G1831 you out into G1519 the wilderness G2048 for to see? G2300 A reed G2563 shaken G4531 with the wind? G417
But what G5101 went G1831 you out for to see? G1492 A man G444 clothed G294 in soft G3120 raiment? G2440 Behold, G2400 they which are gorgeously G1741 appareled, G2441 and live G5225 delicately, G5172 are in kings' G933 courts.
But what G5101 went G1831 you out for to see? G1492 A prophet? G4396 Yes, G3483 I say G3004 to you, and much G4055 more G4055 than a prophet. G4396
This G3778 is he, of whom G3739 it is written, G1125 Behold, G2400 I send G649 my messenger G32 before G4253 your face, G4383 which G3739 shall prepare G2680 your way G3598 before G1715 you.
Luke 18:40
And Jesus G2424 stood, G2476 and commanded G2753 him to be brought G71 to him: and when he was come G1448 near, G1448 he asked G1905 him,
Luke 18:41
Saying, G3004 What G5101 will G2309 you that I shall do G4160 to you? And he said, G2036 Lord, G2962 that I may receive G308 my sight. G308
Acts 10:21
Then G1161 Peter G4074 went G2597 down G2597 to the men G435 which G3588 were sent G649 to him from Cornelius; G2883 and said, G2036 Behold, G2400 I am G1510 he whom G3739 you seek: G2212 what G5101 is the cause G156 why G1223 G3739 you are come? G3918
Acts 10:29
Therefore G1352 came G2064 I to you without G369 gainsaying, G369 as soon as I was sent G3343 for: I ask G4441 therefore G3767 for what G5101 intent G3056 you have sent G3343 for me?
John 1:49
Nathanael G3482 answered G611 and said G3004 to him, Rabbi, G4461 you are G1488 the Son G5207 of God; G2316 you are G1488 the King G935 of Israel. G2474
John 3:2
The same G3778 came G2064 to Jesus G2424 by night, G3571 and said G2036 to him, Rabbi, G4461 we know G1492 that you are a teacher G1320 come G2064 from God: G2316 for no G3762 man G3762 can G1410 do G4160 these G5023 miracles G4592 that you do, G4160 except G3362 God G2316 be with him.
John 3:26
And they came G2064 to John, G2491 and said G2036 to him, Rabbi, G4461 he that was with you beyond G4008 Jordan, G2446 to whom G3739 you bore G3140 witness, G3140 behold, G2396 the same G3778 baptizes, G907 and all G3956 men come G2064 to him.
John 6:25
And when G4218 they had found G2147 him on the other G4008 side G4008 of the sea, G2281 they said G2036 to him, Rabbi, G4461 when came G1096 you here? G5602
Matthew 23:7
And greetings G783 in the markets, G58 and to be called G2564 of men, G444 Rabbi, G4461 Rabbi. G4461
Matthew 23:8
But be not you called G2564 Rabbi: G4461 for one G1520 is your G5216 Master, G2519 even Christ; G5547 and all G3956 you are brothers. G80
John 12:21
The same G3778 came G4334 therefore G3767 to Philip, G5376 which was of Bethsaida G966 of Galilee, G1056 and desired G2065 him, saying, G3004 Sir, G2962 we would G2309 see G1492 Jesus. G2424
Ruth 1:16
And Ruth H7327 said, H559 Entreat H6293 me not to leave H5800 you, or to return H7725 from following after H310 you: for where H413 H834 you go, H3212 I will go; H3212 and where H834 you lodge, H3885 I will lodge: H3885 your people H5971 shall be my people, H5971 and your God H430 my God: H430
1 Kings 10:8
Happy H835 are your men, H582 happy H835 are these H428 your servants, H5650 which stand H5975 continually H8548 before H6440 you, and that hear H8085 your wisdom. H2451
Psalm 27:4
One H259 thing have I desired H7592 of the LORD, H3068 that will I seek H1245 after; that I may dwell H3427 in the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 all H3605 the days H3117 of my life, H2416 to behold H2372 the beauty H5278 of the LORD, H3068 and to inquire H1239 in his temple. H1964
Proverbs 3:18
She is a tree H6086 of life H2416 to them that lay hold H2388 on her: and happy H833 is every one that retains H8551 her.
Proverbs 8:34
Blessed H835 is the man H120 that hears H8085 me, watching H8245 daily H3117 at H5921 my gates, H1817 waiting H8104 at the posts H4201 of my doors. H6607
Proverbs 13:20
He that walks H1980 with wise H2450 men shall be wise: H2449 but a companion H7462 of fools H3684 shall be destroyed. H7321
Song of Songs 1:7
Tell H5046 me, O you whom my soul H5315 loves, H157 where H349 you feed, H7462 where H349 you make your flock to rest H7257 at noon: H6672 for why H4100 should I be as one that turns H5844 aside H5844 by the flocks H5739 of your companions? H2270
Song of Songs 1:8
If H518 you know H3045 not, O you fairest H3303 among women, H802 go H3318 your way forth H3318 by the footsteps H6119 of the flock, H6629 and feed H7462 your kids H1423 beside H5921 the shepherds' H7462 tents. H4908
Luke 8:38
Now G1161 the man G435 out of whom G3739 the devils G1140 were departed G1831 sought G1189 him that he might be with him: but Jesus G2424 sent G630 him away, G630 saying, G3004
Luke 10:39
And she had G1510 a sister G79 called G2564 Mary, G3137 which also G2532 sat G3869 at G3844 Jesus' G2424 feet, G4228 and heard G191 his word. G3056