John 1:46
And Nathanael G3482 said G2036 to him, Can G1410 there any G5100 good G18 thing come G1511 out of Nazareth? G3478 Philip G5376 said G3004 to him, Come G2064 and see. G1492
John 6:37
All G3956 that the Father G3962 gives G1325 me shall come G2240 to me; and him that comes G2064 to me I will in no G3364 wise cast G1544 out.
John 14:22
Judas G2455 said G3004 to him, not Iscariot, G2469 Lord, G2962 how G5101 is it that you will manifest G1718 yourself G4572 to us, and not to the world? G2889
John 14:23
Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, If G1437 a man G5100 love G25 me, he will keep G5083 my words: G3056 and my Father G3962 will love G25 him, and we will come G2064 to him, and make G4160 our stayed G3438 with him.
Proverbs 8:17
I love H157 them that love H157 me; and those that seek H7836 me early H7836 shall find H4672 me.
Matthew 11:28-30
Come G1205 to me, all G3956 you that labor G2872 and are heavy laden, G5412 and I will give you rest. G373
Take G142 my yoke G2218 on you, and learn G3129 of me; for I am G1510 meek G4235 and lowly G5011 in heart: G2588 and you shall find G2147 rest G372 to your G5216 souls. G5590
For my yoke G2218 is easy, G5543 and my burden G5413 is light. G1645
John 4:40
So G3767 when G5613 the Samaritans G4541 were come G2064 to him, they sought G2065 him that he would tarry G3306 with them: and he stayed G3306 there G1563 two G1417 days. G2250
Acts 28:30
And Paul G3972 dwelled G3306 two G1333 whole G3650 years G1333 in his own G2398 hired G3410 house, and received G588 all G3956 that came G1531 in to him,
Acts 28:31
Preaching G2784 the kingdom G932 of God, G2316 and teaching G1321 those G3588 things which concern G4012 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 with all G3956 confidence, G3954 no G209 man forbidding G209 him.
Revelation 3:20
Behold, G2400 I stand G2476 at G1909 the door, G2374 and knock: G2925 if G1437 any G5100 man hear G191 my voice, G5456 and open G455 the door, G2374 I will come G1525 in to him, and will sup G1172 with him, and he with me.
Luke 24:29
But they constrained G3849 him, saying, G3004 Abide G3306 with us: for it is toward G4314 evening, G2073 and the day G2250 is far spent. G2827 And he went G1525 in to tarry G3306 with them.