John 5:21
For as the Father G3962 raises G1453 up the dead, G3498 and vivifies G2227 them; even G2532 so G3779 the Son G5207 vivifies G2227 whom G3739 he will. G2309
John 5:26
For as the Father G3962 has G2192 life G2222 in himself; G1438 so G3779 has he given G1325 to the Son G5207 to have G2192 life G2222 in himself; G1438
John 11:25
Jesus G2424 said G2036 to her, I am G1510 the resurrection, G386 and the life: G2222 he that believes G4100 in me, though G2579 he were dead, G599 yet shall he live: G2198
John 14:6
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to him, I am G1510 the way, G3598 the truth, G225 and the life: G2222 no G3762 man G3762 comes G2064 to the Father, G3962 but by me.
1 Corinthians 15:45
And so G3779 it is written, G1125 The first G4413 man G444 Adam G76 was made G1096 a living G2198 soul; G5590 the last G2078 Adam G76 was made G1096 a quickening G2227 spirit. G4151
Colossians 3:4
When G3752 Christ, G5547 who is our life, G2222 shall appear, G5319 then G5119 shall you also G2532 appear G5319 with him in glory. G1391
1 John 1:2
(For the life G2222 was manifested, G5319 and we have seen G3708 it, and bear G3140 witness, G3140 and show G518 to you that eternal G166 life, G2222 which G3748 was with the Father, G3962 and was manifested G5319 to us;)
1 John 5:11
And this G3778 is the record, G3141 that God G2316 has given G1325 to us eternal G166 life, G2222 and this G3778 life G2222 is in his Son. G5207
Revelation 22:1
And he showed G1166 me a pure G2513 river G4215 of water G5204 of life, G2222 clear G2986 as crystal, G2930 proceeding G1607 out of the throne G2362 of God G2316 and of the Lamb. G721
John 1:8
He was not that Light, G5457 but was sent to bear G3140 witness G3140 of that Light. G5457
John 1:9
That was the true G228 Light, G5457 which G3739 lights G5461 every G3956 man G444 that comes G2064 into G1519 the world. G2889
John 8:12
Then G3767 spoke G2980 Jesus G2424 again G3825 to them, saying, G3004 I am G1510 the light G5457 of the world: G2889 he that follows G190 me shall not walk G4043 in darkness, G4653 but shall have G2192 the light G5457 of life. G2222
John 9:5
As long G3752 as I am G1510 in the world, G2889 I am G1510 the light G5457 of the world. G2889
John 12:35
Then G3767 Jesus G2424 said G2036 to them, Yet G2089 a little G3398 while G5550 is the light G5457 with you. Walk G4043 while G2193 you have G2192 the light, G5457 lest G2443 G3361 darkness G4653 come G2638 on you: for he that walks G4043 in darkness G4653 knows G1492 not where G4226 he goes. G5217
John 12:46
I am come G2064 a light G5457 into G1519 the world, G2889 that whoever G3956 G3588 believes G4100 on G1519 me should not abide G3306 in darkness. G4653
Psalm 84:11
For the LORD H3068 God H430 is a sun H8121 and shield: H4043 the LORD H3068 will give H5414 grace H2580 and glory: H3519 no H3808 good H2896 thing will he withhold H4513 from them that walk H1980 uprightly. H8549
Isaiah 35:4
Say H559 to them that are of a fearful H4116 heart, H3820 Be strong, H2388 fear H3372 not: behold, H2009 your God H430 will come H935 with vengeance, H5359 even God H430 with a recompense; H1576 he will come H935 and save H3467 you.
Isaiah 35:5
Then H227 the eyes H5869 of the blind H5787 shall be opened, H6491 and the ears H241 of the deaf H2795 shall be unstopped. H6605
Isaiah 42:6
I the LORD H3068 have called H7121 you in righteousness, H6664 and will hold H2388 your hand, H3027 and will keep H5341 you, and give H5414 you for a covenant H1285 of the people, H5971 for a light H216 of the Gentiles; H1471
Isaiah 42:7
To open H6491 the blind H5787 eyes, H5869 to bring H3318 out the prisoners H616 from the prison, H4525 and them that sit H3427 in darkness H2822 out of the prison H3608 house. H1004
Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring H3212 the blind H5787 by a way H1870 that they knew H3045 not; I will lead H1869 them in paths H5410 that they have not known: H3045 I will make H7760 darkness H4285 light H216 before H6440 them, and crooked H4625 things straight. H4334 These H428 things H1697 will I do H6213 to them, and not forsake H5800 them.
Psalm 49:6
They that trust H982 in their wealth, H2428 and boast H1984 themselves in the multitude H7230 of their riches; H6239
Psalm 60:1-3
To the chief H5329 Musician H5329 upon Shushaneduth, H7802 Michtam H4387 of David, H1732 to teach; H3925 when he strove H5327 with Aramnaharaim H763 and with Aramzobah, H760 when Joab H3097 returned, H7725 and smote H5221 of Edom H123 in the valley H1516 of salt H4417 twelve H8147 H6240 thousand. H505 O God, H430 you have cast H2186 us off, you have scattered H6555 us, you have been displeased; H599 O turn H7725 yourself to us again. H7725
You have made the earth H776 to tremble; H7493 you have broken H6480 it: heal H7495 the breaches H7667 thereof; for it shakes. H4131
You have showed your people H5971 hard H7186 things: you have made us to drink H8248 the wine H3196 of astonishment. H8653
Malachi 4:2
But to you that fear H3373 my name H8034 shall the Sun H8121 of righteousness H6666 arise H2224 with healing H4832 in his wings; H3671 and you shall go H3318 forth, H3318 and grow H6335 up as calves H5695 of the stall. H4770
Matthew 4:16
The people G2992 which G3588 sat G2521 in darkness G4655 saw G1492 great G3173 light; G5457 and to them which G3588 sat G2521 in the region G5561 and shadow G4639 of death G2288 light G5457 is sprung G393 up.
Luke 1:78
Through G1223 the tender G4698 mercy G1656 of our God; G2316 whereby G1722 G3739 the dayspring G395 from on high G5311 has visited G1980 us,
Luke 1:79
To give G2014 light G2014 to them that sit G2521 in darkness G4655 and in the shadow G4639 of death, G2288 to guide G2720 our feet G4228 into G1519 the way G3598 of peace. G1515
Luke 2:32
A light G5457 to lighten G602 the Gentiles, G1484 and the glory G1391 of your people G2992 Israel. G2474
Acts 26:23
That Christ G5547 should suffer, G3805 and that he should be the first G4413 that should rise G386 from the dead, G3498 and should G3195 show G2605 light G5457 to the people, G2992 and to the Gentiles. G1484
Ephesians 5:14
Why G1352 he said, G3004 Awake G1453 you that sleep, G2518 and arise G450 from the dead, G3498 and Christ G5547 shall give you light. G2017
1 John 1:5-7
This G3778 then G2532 is the message G1860 which G3739 we have heard G191 of him, and declare G312 to you, that God G2316 is light, G5457 and in him is no G3756 darkness G4653 at G3762 all. G3762
If G1437 we say G2036 that we have G2192 fellowship G2842 with him, and walk G4043 in darkness, G4655 we lie, G5574 and do G4160 not the truth: G225
But if G1437 we walk G4043 in the light, G5457 as he is in the light, G5457 we have G2192 fellowship G2842 one G3391 with another, G240 and the blood G129 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 his Son G5207 cleans G2511 us from all G3956 sin. G266
Revelation 22:16
I Jesus G2424 have sent G3992 my G3450 angel G32 to testify G3140 to you these G5023 things in the churches. G1577 I am G1510 the root G4491 and the offspring G1085 of David, G1138 and the bright G2986 and morning G3720 star. G792