John 1:47
Jesus G2424 saw G1492 Nathanael G3482 coming G2064 to him, and said G3004 of him, Behold G2396 an Israelite G2475 indeed, G230 in whom G3739 is no G3756 guile! G1388
John 1:48
Nathanael G3482 said G3004 to him, From where G4159 know G1097 you me? Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, Before G4253 that Philip G5376 called G5455 you, when you were G5607 under G5259 the fig G4808 tree, G4808 I saw G1492 you.
John 2:24
But Jesus G2424 did not commit G4100 himself G1438 to them, because G1223 he knew G1097 all G3956 men,
John 2:25
And needed G2192 G5532 not that any G5100 should testify G3140 of man: G444 for he knew G1097 what G5101 was in man. G444
John 6:70
Jesus G2424 answered G611 them, Have G2192 not I chosen G1586 you twelve, G1427 and one G1520 of you is a devil? G1228
John 6:71
He spoke G3004 of Judas G2455 Iscariot G2469 the son of Simon: G4613 for he it was that should G3195 betray G3860 him, being G5607 one G1520 of the twelve. G1427
John 13:18
I speak G3004 not of you all: G3956 I know G1492 whom G3739 I have chosen: G1586 but that the scripture G1124 may be fulfilled, G4137 He that eats G5176 bread G740 with me has lifted G1869 up his heel G4418 against G1519 me.
John 21:15-17
So G3767 when G3753 they had dined, G709 Jesus G2424 said G3004 to Simon G4613 Peter, G4074 Simon, G4613 son of Jonas, G2495 love G25 you me more G4119 than these? G5130 He said G3004 to him, Yes, G3483 Lord; G2962 you know G1492 that I love G5368 you. He said G3004 to him, Feed G1006 my lambs. G721
He said G3004 to him again G3825 the second G1208 time, Simon, G4613 son of Jonas, G2495 love G25 you me? He said G3004 to him, Yes, G3483 Lord; G2962 you know G1492 that I love G5368 you. He said G3004 to him, Feed G4165 my sheep. G4263
He said G3004 to him the third G5154 time, Simon, G4613 son of Jonas, G2495 love G5368 you me? Peter G4074 was grieved G3076 because G3754 he said G2036 to him the third G5154 time, Love G5368 you me? And he said G2036 to him, Lord, G2962 you know G1492 all G3956 things; you know G1097 that I love G5368 you. Jesus G2424 said G3004 to him, Feed G1006 my sheep. G4263
Matthew 16:17
And Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, Blessed G3107 are G1488 you, Simon G4613 Barjona: G920 for flesh G4561 and blood G129 has not revealed G601 it to you, but my Father G3962 which G3588 is in heaven. G3772
1 Corinthians 1:12
Now G1161 this G5124 I say, G3004 that every G1538 one of you said, G3004 I am G1510 of Paul; and I of Apollos; G625 and I of Cephas; G2786 and I of Christ. G5547
1 Corinthians 3:22
Whether G1535 Paul, or G1535 Apollos, G625 or G1535 Cephas, G2786 or G1535 the world, G2889 or G1535 life, G2222 or G1535 death, G2288 or G1535 things present, G1764 or G1535 things to come; G3195 all G3956 are your's; G5216
1 Corinthians 9:5
Have G2192 we not power G1849 to lead G4013 about G4013 a sister, G79 a wife, G1135 as well G2532 as other G3062 apostles, G652 and as the brothers G80 of the Lord, G2962 and Cephas? G2786
1 Corinthians 15:5
And that he was seen G3700 of Cephas, G2786 then G1534 of the twelve: G1427
Galatians 2:9
And when James, G2385 Cephas, G2786 and John, G2491 who G3588 seemed G1380 to be pillars, G4769 perceived G1097 the grace G5485 that was given G1325 to me, they gave G1325 to me and Barnabas G921 the right G1188 hands G1188 of fellowship; G2842 that we should go to the heathen, G1484 and they to the circumcision. G4061
John 21:2
There were together G3674 Simon G4613 Peter, G4074 and Thomas G2381 called G3004 Didymus, G1324 and Nathanael G3482 of Cana G2580 in Galilee, G1056 and the sons of Zebedee, G2199 and two G1417 other G243 of his disciples. G3101
Matthew 10:2
Now G1161 the names G3686 of the twelve G1427 apostles G652 are these; G5023 The first, G4413 Simon, G4613 who G3588 is called G3004 Peter, G4074 and Andrew G406 his brother; G80 James G2385 the son of Zebedee, G2199 and John G2491 his brother; G80
Matthew 16:18
And I say G3004 also G1161 to you, That you are G1488 Peter, G4074 and on this G5026 rock G4073 I will build G3618 my church; G1577 and the gates G4439 of hell G86 shall not prevail G2729 against G2729 it.
Mark 3:16
And Simon G4613 he surnamed G2007 G3686 Peter; G4074
Luke 5:8
When Simon G4613 Peter G4074 saw G1492 it, he fell G4363 down at G4363 Jesus' G2424 knees, G1119 saying, G3004 Depart G1831 from me; for I am G1510 a sinful G268 man, G435 O Lord. G2962
Luke 6:14
Simon, G4613 (whom G3739 he also G2532 named G3687 Peter, G4074 ) and Andrew G406 his brother, G80 James G2385 and John, G2491 Philip G5376 and Bartholomew, G918