John 12:21
The same G3778 came G4334 therefore G3767 to Philip, G5376 which was of Bethsaida G966 of Galilee, G1056 and desired G2065 him, saying, G3004 Sir, G2962 we would G2309 see G1492 Jesus. G2424
John 14:8
Philip G5376 said G3004 to him, Lord, G2962 show G1166 us the Father, G3962 and it suffises G714 us.
John 14:9
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to him, Have I been G1510 so G5118 long G5118 time G5550 with you, and yet have you not known G1097 me, Philip? G5376 he that has seen G3708 me has seen G3708 the Father; G3962 and how G4459 say G3004 you then, Show G1166 us the Father? G3962
Matthew 10:3
Philip, G5376 and Bartholomew; G918 Thomas, G2381 and Matthew G3156 the publican; G5057 James G2385 the son of Alphaeus, G256 and Lebbaeus, G3002 whose G3588 surname G1941 was Thaddaeus; G2280
Mark 3:18
And Andrew, G406 and Philip, G5376 and Bartholomew, G918 and Matthew, G3156 and Thomas, G2381 and James G2385 the son of Alphaeus, G256 and Thaddaeus, G2280 and Simon G4613 the Canaanite, G2581
Luke 6:14
Simon, G4613 (whom G3739 he also G2532 named G3687 Peter, G4074 ) and Andrew G406 his brother, G80 James G2385 and John, G2491 Philip G5376 and Bartholomew, G918
Acts 1:13
And when G3753 they were come G1525 in, they went G305 up into G1519 an upper G5253 room, G5253 where G3757 stayed G2650 both G5037 Peter, G4074 and James, G2385 and John, G2491 and Andrew, G406 Philip, G5376 and Thomas, G2381 Bartholomew, G918 and Matthew, G3156 James G2385 the son of Alphaeus, G256 and Simon G4613 Zelotes, G2208 and Judas G2455 the brother of James. G2385
Matthew 11:21
Woe G3759 to you, Chorazin! G5523 woe G3759 to you, Bethsaida! G966 for if G1487 the mighty G1411 works, which G3588 were done G1096 in you, had been done G1096 in Tyre G5184 and Sidon, G4605 they would have repented G3340 long G3819 ago G3819 in sackcloth G4526 and ashes. G4700
Mark 6:45
And straightway G2112 he constrained G315 his disciples G3101 to get G1684 into G1519 the ship, G4143 and to go G4254 to the other G4008 side G4008 before G4254 to Bethsaida, G966 while G2193 he sent G630 away G630 the people. G3793
Mark 8:22
And he comes G2064 to Bethsaida; G966 and they bring G5342 a blind G5185 man to him, and sought G3870 him to touch G680 him.
Luke 9:10
And the apostles, G652 when they were returned, G5290 told G1334 him all G3745 that they had done. G4160 And he took G3880 them, and went G5298 aside G5298 privately G2596 G2398 into G1519 a desert G2048 place G5117 belonging to the city G4172 called G2564 Bethsaida. G966
Luke 10:13
Woe G3759 to you, Chorazin! G5523 woe G3759 to you, Bethsaida! G966 for if G1487 the mighty G1411 works had been done G1096 in Tyre G5184 and Sidon, G4605 which G3739 have been done G1096 in you, they had a great G3819 while ago G3819 repented, G3340 sitting G2521 in sackcloth G4526 and ashes. G4700