John 21:2
There were together G3674 Simon G4613 Peter, G4074 and Thomas G2381 called G3004 Didymus, G1324 and Nathanael G3482 of Cana G2580 in Galilee, G1056 and the sons of Zebedee, G2199 and two G1417 other G243 of his disciples. G3101
John 5:45
Do G4160 not think G1380 that I will accuse G2723 you to the Father: G3962 there is one that accuses G2723 you, even Moses, G3475 in whom G3739 you trust. G1679
John 5:46
For had you believed G4100 Moses, G3475 you would have G2192 believed G4100 me; for he wrote G1125 of me.
Genesis 3:15
And I will put H7896 enmity H342 between H996 you and the woman, H802 and between H996 your seed H2233 and her seed; H2233 it shall bruise H7779 your head, H7218 and you shall bruise H7779 his heel. H6119
Genesis 22:18
And in your seed H2233 shall all H3605 the nations H1471 of the earth H776 be blessed; H1288 because H6118 H834 you have obeyed H8085 my voice. H6963
Genesis 49:10
The scepter H7626 shall not depart H5493 from Judah, H3063 nor a lawgiver H2710 from between H996 his feet, H7272 until H5704 H3588 Shiloh H7886 come; H935 and to him shall the gathering H3349 of the people H5971 be.
Deuteronomy 18:18-22
I will raise H6965 them up a Prophet H5030 from among H7130 their brothers, H251 like H3644 to you, and will put H5414 my words H1697 in his mouth; H6310 and he shall speak H1696 to them all H3605 that I shall command H6680 him.
And it shall come H1961 to pass, that whoever H376 H834 will not listen H8085 to my words H1697 which H834 he shall speak H1696 in my name, H8034 I will require H1875 it of him.
But the prophet, H5030 which H834 shall presume H2102 to speak H1696 a word H1697 in my name, H8034 which I have not commanded H6680 him to speak, H1696 or that shall speak H1696 in the name H8034 of other H312 gods, H430 even that prophet H5030 shall die. H4191
And if H3588 you say H559 in your heart, H3824 How H349 shall we know H3045 the word H1697 which H834 the LORD H3068 has not spoken? H1696
When H834 a prophet H5030 speaks H1696 in the name H8034 of the LORD, H3068 if the thing H1697 follow H1961 not, nor H3808 come H935 to pass, that is the thing H1697 which H834 the LORD H3068 has not spoken, H1696 but the prophet H5030 has spoken H1696 it presumptuously: H2087 you shall not be afraid H1481 of him.
Luke 24:27
And beginning G756 at G575 Moses G3475 and all G3956 the prophets, G4396 he expounded G1329 to them in all G3956 the scriptures G1124 the things concerning G4012 himself. G1438
Luke 24:44
And he said G2036 to them, These G3778 are the words G3056 which G3739 I spoke G2980 to you, while I was yet G2089 with you, that all G3956 things must G1163 be fulfilled, G4137 which G3588 were written G1125 in the law G3551 of Moses, G3475 and in the prophets, G4396 and in the psalms, G5568 concerning G4012 me.
Isaiah 4:2
In that day H3117 shall the branch H6780 of the LORD H3068 be beautiful H6643 and glorious, H3519 and the fruit H6529 of the earth H776 shall be excellent H1347 and comely H8597 for them that are escaped H6413 of Israel. H3478
Isaiah 7:14
Therefore H3651 the Lord H136 himself H1931 shall give H5414 you a sign; H226 Behold, H2009 a virgin H5959 shall conceive, H2030 and bear H3205 a son, H1121 and shall call H7121 his name H8034 Immanuel. H6005
Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child H3206 is born, H3205 to us a son H1121 is given: H5414 and the government H4951 shall be on his shoulder: H7926 and his name H8034 shall be called H7121 Wonderful, H6382 Counselor, H3289 The mighty H1368 God, H410 The everlasting H5703 Father, H1 The Prince H8269 of Peace. H7965
Isaiah 53:2
For he shall grow H5927 up before H6440 him as a tender H3126 plant, and as a root H8328 out of a dry H6723 ground: H776 he has no H3808 form H8389 nor H3808 comeliness; H1926 and when we shall see H7200 him, there is no H3808 beauty H4758 that we should desire H2530 him.
Micah 5:2
But you, Bethlehem H1035 Ephratah, H672 though you be little H6810 among the thousands H505 of Judah, H3063 yet out of you shall he come H3318 forth H3318 to me that is to be ruler H4910 in Israel; H3478 whose goings H4163 forth H4163 have been from of old, H6924 from everlasting. H5769
Zechariah 6:12
And speak H559 to him, saying, H559 Thus H3541 speaks H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 saying, H559 Behold H2009 the man H376 whose name H8034 is The BRANCH; H6780 and he shall grow H6779 up out of his place, H8478 and he shall build H1129 the temple H1964 of the LORD: H3068
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice H1523 greatly, H3966 O daughter H1323 of Zion; H6726 shout, H7321 O daughter H1323 of Jerusalem: H3389 behold, H2009 your King H4428 comes H935 to you: he is just, H6662 and having salvation; H3467 lowly, H6041 and riding H7392 on an ass, H2543 and on a colt H5895 the foal H1121 of an ass. H860
Luke 24:27
And beginning G756 at G575 Moses G3475 and all G3956 the prophets, G4396 he expounded G1329 to them in all G3956 the scriptures G1124 the things concerning G4012 himself. G1438
John 18:5
They answered G611 him, Jesus G2424 of Nazareth. G3478 Jesus G2424 said G3004 to them, I am G1510 he. And Judas G2455 also, G2532 which G3588 betrayed G3860 him, stood G2476 with them.
John 18:7
Then G3767 asked G1905 he them again, G3825 Whom G5101 seek G2212 you? And they said, G2036 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth. G3478
John 19:19
And Pilate G4091 wrote G1125 a title, G5102 and put G5087 it on G1909 the cross. G4716 And the writing G1125 was JESUS G2424 OF NAZARETH G3478 THE KING G935 OF THE JEWS. G2453
Matthew 2:23
And he came G2064 and dwelled G2730 in a city G4172 called G3004 Nazareth: G3478 that it might be fulfilled G4137 which G3588 was spoken G4483 by the prophets, G4396 He shall be called G2564 a Nazarene. G3480
Matthew 21:11
And the multitude G3793 said, G3004 This G3778 is Jesus G2424 the prophet G4396 of Nazareth G3478 of Galilee. G1056
Mark 14:67
And when she saw G1492 Peter G4074 warming G2328 himself, G846 she looked G1689 on him, and said, G3004 And you also G2532 were G2258 with Jesus G2424 of Nazareth. G3478
Luke 2:4
And Joseph G2501 also G2532 went G305 up from Galilee, G1056 out of the city G4172 of Nazareth, G3478 into G1519 Judaea, G2449 to the city G4172 of David, G1138 which G3748 is called G2564 Bethlehem; G965 (because G1223 he was of the house G3624 and lineage G3965 of David: G1138 )
Acts 2:22
You men G435 of Israel, G2475 hear G191 these G5128 words; G3056 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth, G3478 a man G435 approved G584 of God G2316 among G1519 you by miracles G1411 and wonders G5059 and signs, G4592 which G3739 God G2316 did G4160 by him in the middle G3319 of you, as you yourselves G846 also G2532 know: G1492
Acts 3:6
Then G1161 Peter G4074 said, G2036 Silver G694 and gold G5553 have G5225 I none; G3756 but such as I have G2192 give G1325 I you: In the name G3686 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 of Nazareth G3478 rise G1453 up and walk. G4043
Acts 10:38
How G5613 God G2316 anointed G5548 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth G3478 with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 and with power: G1411 who G3739 went G1330 about G1330 doing G2109 good, G2109 and healing G2390 all G3956 that were oppressed G2616 of the devil; G1228 for God G2316 was with him.
Acts 22:8
And I answered, G611 Who G5101 are G1488 you, Lord? G2962 And he said G2036 to me, I am G1510 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth, G3478 whom G3739 you persecute. G1377
Acts 26:9
I truly G3303 G3767 thought G1380 with myself, G1683 that I ought G1163 to do G4238 many G4183 things contrary G1727 to the name G3686 of Jesus G2424 of Nazareth. G3478
Matthew 13:55
Is not this G3778 the carpenter's G5045 son? G5207 is not his mother G3384 called G3004 Mary? G3137 and his brothers, G80 James, G2385 and Joses, G2500 and Simon, G4613 and Judas? G2455
Mark 6:3
Is not this G3778 the carpenter, G5045 the son G5207 of Mary, G3137 the brother G80 of James, G2385 and Joses, G2500 and of Juda, G2455 and Simon? G4613 and are not his sisters G79 here G5602 with us? And they were offended G4624 at G1722 him.
Luke 4:22
And all G3956 bore G3140 him witness, G3140 and wondered G2296 at G1909 the gracious G5485 words G3056 which G3588 proceeded G1607 out of his mouth. G4750 And they said, G3004 Is not this G3778 Joseph's G2501 son? G5207