John 2:25
And needed G2192 G5532 not that any G5100 should testify G3140 of man: G444 for he knew G1097 what G5101 was in man. G444
Genesis 32:24-30
And Jacob H3290 was left H3498 alone; H905 and there wrestled H79 a man H376 with him until H5704 the breaking H5927 of the day. H7837
And when he saw H7200 that he prevailed H3201 not against him, he touched H5060 the hollow H3709 of his thigh; H3409 and the hollow H3709 of Jacob's H3290 thigh H3409 was out of joint, H3363 as he wrestled H79 with him.
And he said, H559 Let me go, H7971 for the day H7837 breaks. H5927 And he said, H559 I will not let you go, H7971 except H3588 H518 you bless H1288 me.
And he said H559 to him, What H4100 is your name? H8034 And he said, H559 Jacob. H3290
And he said, H559 Your name H8034 shall be called H559 no H3808 more H5750 Jacob, H3290 but Israel: H3478 for as a prince have you power H8280 with God H430 and with men, H582 and have prevailed. H3201
And Jacob H3290 asked H7592 him, and said, H559 Tell H5046 me, I pray H4994 you, your name. H8034 And he said, H559 Why H4100 is it that you do ask H7592 after my name? H8034 And he blessed H1288 him there. H8033
And Jacob H3290 called H7121 the name H8034 of the place H4725 Peniel: H6439 for I have seen H7200 God H430 face H6440 to face, H6440 and my life H5315 is preserved. H5337
Psalm 139:1
To the chief H5329 Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 of David. H1732 O lord, H3068 you have searched H2713 me, and known H3045 me.
Psalm 139:2
You know H3045 my sitting down H3427 and my rising up, H6965 you understand H995 my thought H7454 afar H7350 off.
Isaiah 65:24
And it shall come H1961 to pass, that before H2962 they call, H7121 I will answer; H6030 and while they are yet H5750 speaking, H1696 I will hear. H8085
Matthew 6:6
But you, when G3752 you pray, G4336 enter G1525 into G1519 your closet, G5009 and when you have shut G2808 your door, G2374 pray G4336 to your Father G3962 which G3588 is in secret; G2927 and your Father G3962 which G3588 sees G991 in secret G2927 shall reward G591 you openly. G1722
1 Corinthians 4:5
Therefore G5620 judge G2919 nothing G3385 before G4253 the time, G2540 until G2193 the Lord G2962 come, G2064 who G3739 both G2532 will bring G5461 to light G5461 the hidden G2927 things of darkness, G4655 and will make G5319 manifest G5319 the counsels G1012 of the hearts: G2588 and then G5119 shall every G1538 man have G1096 praise G1868 of God. G2316
1 Corinthians 14:25
And thus G3779 are the secrets G2927 of his heart G2588 made G1096 manifest; G5318 and so G3779 falling G4098 down on G1909 his face G4383 he will worship G4352 God, G2316 and report G518 that God G2316 is in you of a truth. G3689
Revelation 2:18
And to the angel G32 of the church G1577 in Thyatira G2363 write; G1125 These G3592 things said G3004 the Son G5207 of God, G2316 who G3588 has G2192 his eyes G3788 like G5613 to a flame G5395 of fire, G4442 and his feet G4228 are like G3664 fine brass; G5474
Revelation 2:19
I know G1492 your works, G2041 and charity, G26 and service, G1248 and faith, G4102 and your patience, G5281 and your works; G2041 and the last G2078 to be more G4119 than the first. G4413