John 1:18
No G3762 man G3762 has seen G3708 God G2316 at G4455 any G4455 time, G4455 the only G3439 begotten G3439 Son, G5207 which G3588 is in the bosom G2859 of the Father, G3962 he has declared G1834 him.
John 1:34
And I saw, G3708 and bore G3140 record G3140 that this G3778 is the Son G5207 of God. G2316
John 20:28
And Thomas G2381 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, My LORD G2962 and my God. G2316
John 20:29
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to him, Thomas, G2381 because G3754 you have seen G3708 me, you have believed: G4100 blessed G3107 are they that have not seen, G1492 and yet have believed. G4100
Matthew 14:33
Then G1161 they that were in the ship G4143 came G2064 and worshipped G4352 him, saying, G3004 Of a truth G230 you are G1488 the Son G5207 of God. G2316
John 12:13-15
Took G2983 branches G902 of palm G5404 trees, and went G1831 forth G1831 to meet G5222 him, and cried, G2905 Hosanna: G5614 Blessed G2127 is the King G935 of Israel G2474 that comes G2064 in the name G3686 of the Lord. G2962
And Jesus, G2424 when he had found G2147 a young G3678 ass, G3678 sat G2523 thereon; G1909 G846 as it is written, G1125
Fear G5399 not, daughter G2364 of Sion: G4622 behold, G2400 your King G935 comes, G2064 sitting G2521 on G1909 an ass's G3688 colt. G4454
John 18:37
Pilate G4091 therefore G3767 said G2036 to him, Are G1488 you a king G935 then? G3766 Jesus G2424 answered, G611 You say G3004 that I am G1510 a king. G935 To this G5124 end was I born, G1080 and for this G5124 cause came G2064 I into G1519 the world, G2889 that I should bear G3140 witness G3140 to the truth. G225 Every G3956 one that is of the truth G225 hears G191 my voice. G5456
John 19:19-22
And Pilate G4091 wrote G1125 a title, G5102 and put G5087 it on G1909 the cross. G4716 And the writing G1125 was JESUS G2424 OF NAZARETH G3478 THE KING G935 OF THE JEWS. G2453
This G5126 title G5102 then G3767 read G314 many G4183 of the Jews: G2453 for the place G5117 where G3699 Jesus G2424 was crucified G4717 was near G1451 to the city: G4172 and it was written G1125 in Hebrew, G1447 and Greek, G1676 and Latin. G4513
Then G3767 said G3004 the chief G749 priests G749 of the Jews G2453 to Pilate, G4091 Write G1125 not, The King G935 of the Jews; G2453 but that he said, G2036 I am G1510 King G935 of the Jews. G2453
Pilate G4091 answered, G611 What G3739 I have G2192 written G1125 I have G2192 written. G1125
Psalm 2:6
Yet have I set H5258 my king H4428 on my holy H6944 hill H2022 of Zion. H6726
Psalm 110:1
A Psalm H4210 of David. H1732 The LORD H3068 said H5002 to my Lord, H113 Sit H3427 you at my right H3225 hand, H3225 until H5704 I make H7896 your enemies H341 your footstool. H1916 H7272
Isaiah 9:7
Of the increase H4768 of his government H4951 and peace H7965 there shall be no H369 end, H7093 on the throne H3678 of David, H1732 and on his kingdom, H4467 to order H3559 it, and to establish H5582 it with judgment H4941 and with justice H6666 from now on H6258 even for ever. H5769 The zeal H7068 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 will perform H6213 this. H2063
Jeremiah 23:5
Behold, H2009 the days H3117 come, H935 said H5002 the LORD, H3068 that I will raise H6965 to David H1732 a righteous H6662 Branch, H6780 and a King H4428 shall reign H4427 and prosper, H7919 and shall execute H6213 judgment H4941 and justice H6666 in the earth. H776
Jeremiah 23:6
In his days H3117 Judah H3063 shall be saved, H3467 and Israel H3478 shall dwell H7931 safely: H983 and this H2088 is his name H8034 whereby H834 he shall be called, H7121 THE LORD H3068 OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. H6664
Ezekiel 37:21-25
And say H1696 to them, Thus H3541 said H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, H2009 I will take H3947 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from among H996 the heathen, H1471 where H834 H8033 they be gone, H1980 and will gather H6908 them on every H5437 side, H5439 and bring H935 them into H413 their own land: H127
And I will make H6213 them one H259 nation H1471 in the land H776 on the mountains H2022 of Israel; H3478 and one H259 king H4428 shall be king H4428 to them all: H3605 and they shall be no H3808 more H5750 two H8147 nations, H1471 neither H3808 shall they be divided H2673 into two H8147 kingdoms H4467 any more H5750 at all.
Neither H3808 shall they defile H2930 themselves any more H5750 with their idols, H1544 nor with their detestable H8251 things, nor with any H3605 of their transgressions: H6588 but I will save H3467 them out of all H3605 their dwelling places, H4186 wherein H834 they have sinned, H2398 and will cleanse H2891 them: so shall they be my people, H5971 and I will be their God. H430
And David H1732 my servant H5650 shall be king H4428 over H5921 them; and they all H3605 shall have H1961 one H259 shepherd: H7462 they shall also walk H3212 in my judgments, H4941 and observe H8104 my statutes, H2708 and do H6213 them.
And they shall dwell H3427 in the land H776 that I have given H5414 to Jacob H3290 my servant, H5650 wherein H834 your fathers H1 have dwelled; H3427 and they shall dwell H3427 therein, even they, and their children, H1121 and their children's H1121 children H1121 for ever: H5769 and my servant H5650 David H1732 shall be their prince H5387 for ever. H5769
Daniel 9:25
Know H3045 therefore and understand, H7919 that from the going H4161 forth H4161 of the commandment H1697 to restore H7725 and to build H1129 Jerusalem H3389 to the Messiah H4899 the Prince H5057 shall be seven H7651 weeks, H7620 and three score H8346 and two H8147 weeks: H7620 the street H7339 shall be built H1129 again, H7725 and the wall, H2742 even in troublous H5916 times. H6256
Hosea 3:5
Afterward H310 shall the children H1121 of Israel H3478 return, H7725 and seek H1245 the LORD H3068 their God, H430 and David H1732 their king; H4428 and shall fear H6342 the LORD H3068 and his goodness H2898 in the latter H319 days. H3117
Micah 5:2
But you, Bethlehem H1035 Ephratah, H672 though you be little H6810 among the thousands H505 of Judah, H3063 yet out of you shall he come H3318 forth H3318 to me that is to be ruler H4910 in Israel; H3478 whose goings H4163 forth H4163 have been from of old, H6924 from everlasting. H5769
Zephaniah 3:15
The LORD H3068 has taken H5493 away H5493 your judgments, H4941 he has cast H6437 out your enemy: H341 the king H4428 of Israel, H3478 even the LORD, H3068 is in the middle H7130 of you: you shall not see H7200 evil H7451 any more. H5750
Zechariah 6:12
And speak H559 to him, saying, H559 Thus H3541 speaks H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 saying, H559 Behold H2009 the man H376 whose name H8034 is The BRANCH; H6780 and he shall grow H6779 up out of his place, H8478 and he shall build H1129 the temple H1964 of the LORD: H3068
Zechariah 6:13
Even he shall build H1129 the temple H1964 of the LORD; H3068 and he shall bear H5375 the glory, H1935 and shall sit H3427 and rule H4910 on his throne; H3678 and he shall be a priest H3548 on his throne: H3678 and the counsel H6098 of peace H7965 shall be between H996 them both. H8147
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice H1523 greatly, H3966 O daughter H1323 of Zion; H6726 shout, H7321 O daughter H1323 of Jerusalem: H3389 behold, H2009 your King H4428 comes H935 to you: he is just, H6662 and having salvation; H3467 lowly, H6041 and riding H7392 on an ass, H2543 and on a colt H5895 the foal H1121 of an ass. H860
Matthew 2:2
Saying, G3004 Where G4226 is he that is born G5088 King G935 of the Jews? G2453 for we have seen G1492 his star G792 in the east, G395 and are come G2064 to worship G4352 him.
Matthew 21:5
Tell G2036 you the daughter G2364 of Sion, G4622 Behold, G2400 your King G935 comes G2064 to you, meek, G4239 and sitting G1910 on an ass, G3688 and a colt G4454 the foal G5207 of an ass. G5268
Matthew 27:11
And Jesus G2424 stood G2476 before G1715 the governor: G2232 and the governor G2232 asked G1905 him, saying, G3004 Are G1488 you the King G935 of the Jews? G2453 And Jesus G2424 said G5346 to him, You say. G3004
Matthew 27:42
He saved G4982 others; G243 himself G1438 he cannot G3756 G1410 save. G4982 If G1487 he be the King G935 of Israel, G2474 let him now G3568 come G2597 down G2597 from the cross, G4716 and we will believe G4100 him.
Luke 19:38
Saying, G3004 Blessed G2127 be the King G935 that comes G2064 in the name G3686 of the Lord: G2962 peace G1515 in heaven, G3772 and glory G1391 in the highest. G5310