John 1:10
He was in the world, G2889 and the world G2889 was made G1096 by him, and the world G2889 knew G1097 him not.
John 3:19
And this G3778 is the condemnation, G2920 that light G5457 is come G2064 into G1519 the world, G2889 and men G444 loved G25 darkness G4655 rather G3123 than G2228 light, G5457 because G1063 their deeds G2041 were evil. G4190
John 3:20
For every G3956 one that does G4160 evil G5337 hates G3404 the light, G5457 neither G2532 G3756 comes G2064 to the light, G5457 lest G2443 G3361 his deeds G2041 should be reproved. G1651
John 12:36-40
While G2193 you have G2192 light, G5457 believe G4100 in the light, G5457 that you may be the children G5207 of light. G5457 These G5023 things spoke G2980 Jesus, G2424 and departed, G565 and did hide G2928 himself from them.
But though he had done G4160 so G5118 many G5118 miracles G4592 before G1715 them, yet they believed G4100 not on G1519 him:
That the saying G3056 of Esaias G2268 the prophet G4396 might be fulfilled, G4137 which G3739 he spoke, G2036 Lord, G2962 who G5101 has believed G4100 our report? G189 and to whom G5101 has the arm G1023 of the Lord G2962 been revealed? G601
Therefore G1223 G5124 they could G1410 not believe, G4100 because G3754 that Esaias G2268 said G2036 again, G3825
He has blinded G5186 their eyes, G3788 and hardened G4456 their heart; G2588 that they should not see G1492 with their eyes, G3788 nor G2532 understand G3539 with their heart, G2588 and be converted, G1994 and I should heal G2390 them.
Job 24:13-17
They are of those that rebel H4775 against the light; H216 they know H5234 not the ways H1870 thereof, nor H3808 abide H3427 in the paths H5410 thereof.
The murderer H7523 rising H6965 with the light H216 kills H6991 the poor H6041 and needy, H34 and in the night H3915 is as a thief. H1590
The eye H5869 also of the adulterer H5003 waits H8104 for the twilight, H5399 saying, H559 No H3808 eye H5869 shall see H7789 me: and disguises H5643 his face. H6440
In the dark H2822 they dig H2864 through H2864 houses, H1004 which they had marked H2856 for themselves in the daytime: H3119 they know H3045 not the light. H216
For the morning H1242 is to them even as the shadow H6757 of death: H6757 if H3588 one know H5234 them, they are in the terrors H1091 of the shadow H6757 of death. H6757
Proverbs 1:22
How H5704 long, H5704 you simple H6612 ones, will you love H157 simplicity? H6612 and the scorners H3887 delight H2531 in their scorning, H3944 and fools H3684 hate H8130 knowledge? H1847
Proverbs 1:29
For that they hated H8130 knowledge, H1847 and did not choose H977 the fear H3374 of the LORD: H3068
Proverbs 1:30
They would H14 none H3808 of my counsel: H6098 they despised H5006 all H3605 my reproof. H8433
Romans 1:28
And even G2531 as they did not like G1381 to retain G2192 God G2316 in their knowledge, G1922 God G2316 gave G3860 them over G3860 to a reprobate G96 mind, G3563 to do G4160 those G3588 things which are not convenient; G2520
1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural G5591 man G444 receives G1209 not the things of the Spirit G4151 of God: G2316 for they are foolishness G3472 to him: neither G2532 G3756 can G1410 he know G1097 them, because G3754 they are spiritually G4153 discerned. G350