John 20:29
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to him, Thomas, G2381 because G3754 you have seen G3708 me, you have believed: G4100 blessed G3107 are they that have not seen, G1492 and yet have believed. G4100
Luke 1:45
And blessed G3107 is she that believed: G4100 for there shall be a performance G5050 of those G3588 things which were told G2980 her from the Lord. G2962
Luke 7:9
When Jesus G2424 heard G191 these G5023 things, he marveled G2296 at him, and turned G4762 him about, G4762 and said G2036 to the people G3793 that followed G190 him, I say G3004 to you, I have not found G2147 so G5118 great G5118 faith, G4102 no, G3761 not in Israel. G2474
John 11:40
Jesus G2424 said G3004 to her, Said G2036 I not to you, that, if G1437 you would believe, G4100 you should see G3700 the glory G1391 of God? G2316
Matthew 13:12
For whoever G3748 has, G2192 to him shall be given, G1325 and he shall have more abundance: G4052 but whoever G3748 has G2192 not, from him shall be taken G142 away G142 even G2532 that he has. G2192
Matthew 25:29
For to every G3956 one that has G2192 shall be given, G1325 and he shall have abundance: G4052 but from him that has G2192 not shall be taken G142 away G142 even G2532 that which he has. G2192