John 3:3
Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 to him, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Except G3362 a man G5100 be born G1080 again, G509 he cannot G3756 G1410 see G1492 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316
John 3:5
Jesus G2424 answered, G611 Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Except G3362 a man G5100 be born G1080 of water G5204 and of the Spirit, G4151 he cannot G3756 G1410 enter G1525 into G1519 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316
John 5:19
Then G3767 answered G611 Jesus G2424 and said G2036 to them, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, The Son G5207 can G1410 do G4160 nothing G3762 of himself, G1438 but what G5100 he sees G991 the Father G3962 do: G4160 for what G5100 things soever G3745 G302 he does, G4160 these G5023 also G2532 does G4160 the Son G5207 likewise. G3668
John 5:24
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, He that hears G191 my word, G3056 and believes G4100 on him that sent G3992 me, has G2192 everlasting G166 life, G2222 and shall not come G2064 into G1519 condemnation; G2920 but is passed G3327 from death G2288 to life. G2222
John 5:25
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, The hour G5610 is coming, G2064 and now G3568 is, when G3753 the dead G3498 shall hear G191 the voice G5456 of the Son G5207 of God: G2316 and they that hear G191 shall live. G2198
John 6:26
Jesus G2424 answered G611 them and said, G2036 Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, You seek G2212 me, not because G3754 you saw G1492 the miracles, G4592 but because G3754 you did eat G5315 of the loaves, G740 and were filled. G5526
John 6:32
Then G3767 Jesus G2424 said G2036 to them, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Moses G3475 gave G1325 you not that bread G740 from heaven; G3772 but my Father G3962 gives G1325 you the true G228 bread G740 from heaven. G3772
John 6:47
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, He that believes G4100 on G1519 me has G2192 everlasting G166 life. G2222
John 6:53
Then G3767 Jesus G2424 said G2036 to them, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Except G3362 you eat G5315 the flesh G4561 of the Son G5207 of man, G444 and drink G4095 his blood, G129 you have G2192 no G3756 life G2222 in you.
John 8:34
Jesus G2424 answered G611 them, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Whoever G3956 G3588 commits G4160 sin G266 is the servant G1401 of sin. G266
John 8:51
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, If G1437 a man G5100 keep G5083 my saying, G3056 he shall never G3364 G1519 G3588 G165 see G2334 death. G2288
John 8:58
Jesus G2424 said G2036 to them, Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Before G4250 Abraham G11 was, I am. G1510
John 10:1
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, He that enters G1535 not by the door G2374 into G1519 the sheepfold, G833 G4263 but climbs G305 up some other G237 way, the same G1565 is a thief G2812 and a robber. G3027
John 10:7
Then G3767 said G2036 Jesus G2424 to them again, G3825 Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, I am G1510 the door G2374 of the sheep. G4263
John 12:24
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Except G3362 a corn G2848 of wheat G4621 fall G4098 into G1519 the ground G1093 and die, G599 it stays G3306 alone: G3441 but if G1437 it die, G599 it brings G5342 forth much G4183 fruit. G2590
John 13:16
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, The servant G1401 is not greater G3187 than his lord; G2962 neither G3761 he that is sent G652 greater G3187 than he that sent G652 him.
John 13:20
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, He that receives G2983 whomsoever G1437 G5100 I send G3992 receives G2983 me; and he that receives G2983 me receives G2983 him that sent G3992 me.
John 13:21
When Jesus G2424 had thus G5023 said, G2036 he was troubled G5015 in spirit, G4151 and testified, G3140 and said, G2036 Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, that one G1520 of you shall betray G3860 me.
John 13:38
Jesus G2424 answered G611 him, Will you lay G5087 down your life G5590 for my sake? Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, The cock G220 shall not crow, G5455 till G2193 you have denied G533 me thrice. G5151
John 14:12
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, He that believes G4100 on G1519 me, the works G2041 that I do G4160 shall he do G4160 also; G2548 and greater G3187 works G2041 than these G5130 shall he do; G4160 because G3754 I go G4198 to my Father. G3962
John 16:20
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, That you shall weep G2799 and lament, G2354 but the world G2889 shall rejoice: G5463 and you shall be sorrowful, G3076 but your G5216 sorrow G3077 shall be turned G1096 into G1519 joy. G5479
John 16:23
And in that day G2250 you shall ask G2065 me nothing. G3762 Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Whatever G3748 G302 you shall ask G154 the Father G3962 in my name, G3686 he will give G1325 it you.
John 21:18
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, When G3753 you were G2258 young, G3501 you gird G2224 yourself, G4572 and walked G4043 where G3699 you would: G2309 but when G3752 you shall be old, G1095 you shall stretch G1614 forth G1614 your hands, G5495 and another G243 shall gird G2224 you, and carry G5342 you where G3699 you would G2309 not.
Ezekiel 1:1
Now it came H1961 to pass in the thirtieth H7970 year, H8141 in the fourth H7243 month, in the fifth H2568 day of the month, H2320 as I was among H8432 the captives H1473 by the river H5104 of Chebar, H3529 that the heavens H8064 were opened, H6605 and I saw H7200 visions H4759 of God. H430
Matthew 3:16
And Jesus, G2424 when he was baptized, G907 went G305 up straightway G2117 out of the water: G5204 and, see, G2400 the heavens G3772 were opened G455 to him, and he saw G1492 the Spirit G4151 of God G2316 descending G2597 like G5616 a dove, G4058 and lighting G2064 on him:
Mark 1:10
And straightway G2112 coming G305 up out of the water, G5204 he saw G1492 the heavens G3772 opened, G4977 and the Spirit G4151 like G5616 a dove G4058 descending G2597 on him:
Luke 3:21
Now G1161 when G1722 G3588 all G537 the people G2992 were baptized, G907 it came G1096 to pass, that Jesus G2424 also G2532 being baptized, G907 and praying, G4336 the heaven G3772 was opened, G455
Acts 7:56
And said, G2036 Behold, G2400 I see G2334 the heavens G3772 opened, G455 and the Son G5207 of man G444 standing G2476 on G1537 the right G1188 hand of God. G2316
Acts 10:11
And saw G2334 heaven G3772 opened, G455 and a certain G5100 vessel G4632 descending G2597 on him, as it had been a great G3173 sheet G3607 knit G1210 at the four G5064 corners, G746 and let G2524 down G2524 to the earth: G1093
Revelation 4:1
After G3326 this G5023 I looked, G1492 and, behold, G2400 a door G2374 was opened G455 in heaven: G3772 and the first G4413 voice G5456 which G3739 I heard G191 was as it were of a trumpet G4536 talking G2980 with me; which said, G3004 Come G305 up here, G5602 and I will show G1166 you things which G3739 must G1163 be hereafter. G3326 G5023
Revelation 19:11
And I saw G1492 heaven G3321 opened, G455 and behold G2400 a white G3022 horse; G2462 and he that sat G2521 on him was called G2564 Faithful G4103 and True, G228 and in righteousness G1343 he does judge G2919 and make G4170 war. G4170
Genesis 28:12
And he dreamed, H2492 and behold H2009 a ladder H5551 set H5324 up on the earth, H776 and the top H7218 of it reached H5060 to heaven: H8064 and behold H2009 the angels H4397 of God H430 ascending H5927 and descending H3381 on it.
Daniel 7:9
I beheld H2370 H934 till H5704 the thrones H3764 were cast H7412 down, and the Ancient H6268 of days H3118 did sit, H3488 whose garment H3831 was white as snow, H8517 and the hair H8177 of his head H7217 like the pure H5343 wool: H6015 his throne H3764 was like the fiery H5135 flame, H7631 and his wheels H1535 as burning H1815 fire. H5135
Daniel 7:10
A fiery H5135 stream H5103 issued H5047 and came H5312 forth H5312 from before H6925 him: thousand H506 thousands H506 ministered H8120 to him, and ten H7240 thousand H7240 times ten H7240 thousand H7240 stood H6966 before H6925 him: the judgment H1780 was set, H3488 and the books H5609 were opened. H6606
Matthew 4:11
Then G5119 the devil G1228 leaves G863 him, and, behold, G2400 angels G32 came G4334 and ministered G1247 to him.
Luke 2:9
And, see, G2400 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 came G2186 on them, and the glory G1391 of the Lord G2962 shone G4034 round G4034 about G4034 them: and they were sore G3173 afraid. G5399
Luke 2:13
And suddenly G1810 there was with the angel G32 a multitude G4128 of the heavenly G3770 host G4756 praising G134 God, G2316 and saying, G3004
Luke 22:43
And there appeared G3700 an angel G32 to him from heaven, G3772 strengthening G1765 him.
Luke 24:4
And it came G1096 to pass, as they were much G1280 perplexed G1280 thereabout, G4012 G5127 behold, G2400 two G1417 men G435 stood G2186 by them in shining G797 garments: G2067
Acts 1:10
And while G5613 they looked G816 steadfastly G816 toward G1519 heaven G3772 as he went G4198 up, behold, G2400 two G1417 men G435 stood G3936 by them in white G3022 apparel; G2066
Acts 1:11
Which G3739 also G2532 said, G2036 You men G435 of Galilee, G1056 why G5101 stand G2476 you gazing G1689 up into G1519 heaven? G3772 this G3778 same G3778 Jesus, G2424 which G3588 is taken G353 up from you into G1519 heaven, G3772 shall so G3779 come G2064 in like G3779 manner G5158 as you have seen G2300 him go G4198 into G1519 heaven. G3772
2 Thessalonians 1:7
And to you who are troubled G2346 rest G425 with us, when G1722 G3739 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 shall be revealed G602 from heaven G3772 with his mighty G1411 angels, G32
1 Timothy 3:16
And without G3672 controversy G3672 great G3173 is the mystery G3466 of godliness: G2150 God G2316 was manifest G5319 in the flesh, G4561 justified G1344 in the Spirit, G4151 seen G3700 of angels, G32 preached G2784 to the Gentiles, G1484 believed G4100 on in the world, G2889 received G353 up into G1722 glory. G1391
Hebrews 1:14
Are they not all G3956 ministering G3010 spirits, G4151 sent G649 forth G649 to minister G1248 for them who shall be heirs G2816 of salvation? G4991
Jude 1:14
And Enoch G1802 also, G2532 the seventh G1442 from Adam, G76 prophesied G4395 of these, G5125 saying, G3004 Behold, G2400 the Lord G2962 comes G2064 with ten G3461 thousands G3461 of his saints, G40
John 3:13
And no G3762 man G3762 has ascended G305 up to heaven, G3772 but he that came G2597 down G2597 from heaven, G3772 even the Son G5207 of man G444 which G3588 is in heaven. G3772
John 3:14
And as Moses G3475 lifted G5312 up the serpent G3789 in the wilderness, G2048 even so G3779 must G1163 the Son G5207 of man G444 be lifted G5312 up:
John 5:27
And has given G1325 him authority G1849 to execute G4160 judgment G2920 also, G2532 because G3754 he is the Son G5207 of man. G444
John 12:23
And Jesus G2424 answered G611 them, saying, G3004 The hour G5610 is come, G2064 that the Son G5207 of man G444 should be glorified. G1392
John 12:24
Truly, G281 truly, G281 I say G3004 to you, Except G3362 a corn G2848 of wheat G4621 fall G4098 into G1519 the ground G1093 and die, G599 it stays G3306 alone: G3441 but if G1437 it die, G599 it brings G5342 forth much G4183 fruit. G2590
Daniel 7:13
I saw H2370 in the night H3916 visions, H2376 and, behold, H718 one like the Son H1247 of man H606 came H858 H1934 with the clouds H6050 of heaven, H8065 and came H4291 to the Ancient H6268 of days, H3118 and they brought H7127 him near H7127 before H6925 him.
Daniel 7:14
And there was given H3052 him dominion, H7985 and glory, H3367 and a kingdom, H4437 that all H3606 people, H5972 nations, H524 and languages, H3961 should serve H6399 him: his dominion H7985 is an everlasting H5957 dominion, H7985 which H1768 shall not pass H5709 away, H5709 and his kingdom H4437 that which H1768 shall not be destroyed. H2255
Zechariah 13:7
Awake, H5782 O sword, H2719 against H5921 my shepherd, H7462 and against H5921 the man H1397 that is my fellow, H5997 said H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 smite H5221 the shepherd, H7462 and the sheep H6629 shall be scattered: H6327 and I will turn H7725 my hand H3027 on the little H6819 ones.
Matthew 9:6
But that you may know G1492 that the Son G5207 of man G444 has G2192 power G1849 on G1909 earth G1093 to forgive G863 sins, G266 (then G5119 said G3004 he to the sick G3885 of the palsy, G3885 ) Arise, G1453 take G142 up your bed, G2825 and go G5217 to your G4675 house. G3624
Matthew 16:13-16
When Jesus G2424 came G2064 into G1519 the coasts G3313 of Caesarea G2542 Philippi, G5375 he asked G2065 his disciples, G3101 saying, G3004 Whom G5101 do men G444 say G3004 that I the Son G5207 of man G444 am? G1511
And they said, G2036 Some G3588 G3033 say that you are John G2491 the Baptist: G910 some, G3588 G3033 Elias; G2243 and others, G2087 Jeremias, G2408 or G2228 one G1520 of the prophets. G4396
He said G3004 to them, But whom G5101 say G3004 you that I am? G1511
And Simon G4613 Peter G4074 answered G611 and said, G2036 You are G1488 the Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of the living G2198 God. G2316
Matthew 16:27
For the Son G5207 of man G444 shall come G2064 in the glory G1391 of his Father G3962 with his angels; G32 and then G5119 he shall reward G591 every G1538 man according G2596 to his works. G4234
Matthew 16:28
Truly G281 I say G3004 to you, There be some G5100 standing G2476 here, G5602 which G3748 shall not taste G1089 of death, G2288 till G2193 they see G1492 the Son G5207 of man G444 coming G2064 in his kingdom. G932
Matthew 25:31
When G3752 the Son G5207 of man G444 shall come G2064 in his glory, G1391 and all G3956 the holy G40 angels G32 with him, then G5119 shall he sit G2523 on the throne G2362 of his glory: G1391
Matthew 26:24
The Son G5207 of man G444 goes G5217 as it is written G1125 of him: but woe G3759 to that man G444 by whom G3739 the Son G5207 of man G444 is betrayed! G3860 it had been G2258 good G18 for that man G444 if G1487 he had not been born. G1080
Mark 14:62
And Jesus G2424 said, G2036 I am: G1510 and you shall see G3700 the Son G5207 of man G444 sitting G2521 on G1537 the right G1188 hand of power, G1411 and coming G2064 in the clouds G3507 of heaven. G3772
Luke 22:69
Hereafter G575 G3568 shall the Son G5207 of man G444 sit G2521 on G1537 the right G1188 hand of the power G1411 of God. G2316