John 1:33
And I knew G1492 him not: but he that sent G3992 me to baptize G907 with water, G5204 the same G1565 said G2036 to me, On whom G3739 you shall see G1492 the Spirit G4151 descending, G2597 and remaining G3306 on G1909 him, the same G3778 is he which baptizes G907 with the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
John 3:28
You yourselves G5210 G846 bear G3140 me witness, G3140 that I said, G2036 I am G1510 not the Christ, G5547 but that I am G1510 sent G649 before G1715 him.
Isaiah 40:3-5
The voice H6963 of him that cries H7121 in the wilderness, H4057 Prepare H6437 you the way H1870 of the LORD, H3068 make straight H3474 in the desert H6160 a highway H4546 for our God. H430
Every H3605 valley H1516 shall be exalted, H5375 and every H3605 mountain H2022 and hill H1389 shall be made low: H8213 and the crooked H6121 shall be made straight, H4334 and the rough H7406 places plain: H1237
And the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 shall be revealed, H1540 and all H3605 flesh H1320 shall see H7200 it together: H3162 for the mouth H6310 of the LORD H3068 has spoken H1696 it.
Malachi 3:1
Behold, H2005 I will send H7971 my messenger, H4397 and he shall prepare H6437 the way H1870 before H6440 me: and the LORD, H113 whom H834 you seek, H1245 shall suddenly H6597 come H935 to his temple, H1964 even the messenger H4397 of the covenant, H1285 whom H834 you delight H2655 in: behold, H2009 he shall come, H935 said H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635
Malachi 4:5
Behold, H2009 I will send H7971 you Elijah H452 the prophet H5030 before H6440 the coming H935 of the great H1419 and dreadful H3372 day H3117 of the LORD: H3068
Malachi 4:6
And he shall turn H7725 the heart H3820 of the fathers H1 to the children, H1121 and the heart H3820 of the children H1121 to their fathers, H1 lest H6435 I come H935 and smite H5221 the earth H776 with a curse. H2764
Matthew 3:1-11
In those G1565 days G2250 came G3854 John G2491 the Baptist, G910 preaching G2784 in the wilderness G2048 of Judaea, G2449
And saying, G3004 Repent G3340 you: for the kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is at G1448 hand. G1448
For this G3778 is he that was spoken G4483 of by the prophet G4396 Esaias, G2268 saying, G3004 The voice G5456 of one crying G994 in the wilderness, G2048 Prepare G2090 you the way G3598 of the Lord, G2962 make G4160 his paths G5147 straight. G2117
And the same G846 John G2491 had G2192 his raiment G1742 of camel's G2574 hair, G2359 and a leather G1193 girdle G2223 about G4012 his loins; G3751 and his meat G5160 was locusts G200 and wild G66 honey. G3192
Then G5119 went G1607 out to him Jerusalem, G2414 and all G3956 Judaea, G2449 and all G3956 the region G4066 round G4066 about G4066 Jordan, G2446
And were baptized G907 of him in Jordan, G2446 confessing G1843 their sins. G266
But when he saw G1492 many G4183 of the Pharisees G5330 and Sadducees G4523 come G2064 to his baptism, G908 he said G2036 to them, O generation G1081 of vipers, G2191 who G5101 has warned G5263 you to flee G5343 from the wrath G3709 to come? G3195
Bring G4160 forth G4160 therefore G3767 fruits G2590 meet G514 for repentance: G3341
And think G1380 not to say G3004 within G1722 yourselves, G1438 We have G2192 Abraham G11 to our father: G3962 for I say G3004 to you, that God G2316 is able G1410 of these G5130 stones G3037 to raise G1453 up children G5043 to Abraham. G11
And now G2235 also G2532 the ax G513 is laid G2749 to the root G4491 of the trees: G1186 therefore G3767 every G3956 tree G1186 which brings G4160 not forth G4160 good G2570 fruit G2590 is hewn G1581 down, G1581 and cast G906 into G1519 the fire. G4442
I indeed G3303 baptize G907 you with water G5204 to repentance. G3341 but he that comes G2064 after G3694 me is mightier G2478 than I, whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to bear: G941 he shall baptize G907 you with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 and with fire: G4442
Matthew 11:10
For this G3778 is he, of whom G3739 it is written, G1125 Behold, G2400 I send G649 my messenger G32 before G4253 your face, G4383 which G3739 shall prepare G2680 your way G3598 before G1715 you.
Matthew 21:25
The baptism G908 of John, G2491 from where G4159 was it? from heaven, G3772 or G2228 of men? G444 And they reasoned G1260 with themselves, G1438 saying, G3004 If G1437 we shall say, G2036 From heaven; G3772 he will say G2046 to us, Why G1302 did you not then G3767 believe G4100 him?
Mark 1:1-8
The beginning G746 of the gospel G2098 of Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 the Son G5207 of God; G2316
As it is written G1125 in the prophets, G4396 Behold, G2400 I send G649 my messenger G32 before G4253 your face, G4383 which G3739 shall prepare G2680 your way G3598 before G1715 you.
The voice G5456 of one crying G994 in the wilderness, G2048 Prepare G2090 you the way G3598 of the Lord, G2962 make G4160 his paths G5147 straight. G2117
John G2491 did baptize G907 in the wilderness, G2048 and preach G2784 the baptism G908 of repentance G3341 for the remission G859 of sins. G266
And there went G1607 out to him all G3956 the land G5561 of Judaea, G2449 and they of Jerusalem, G2414 and were all G3956 baptized G907 of him in the river G4215 of Jordan, G2446 confessing G1843 their sins. G266
And John G2491 was clothed G1746 with camel's G2574 hair, G2359 and with a girdle G2223 of a skin G1193 about G4012 his loins; G3751 and he did eat G2068 locusts G200 and wild G66 honey; G3192
And preached, G2784 saying, G3004 There comes G2064 one mightier G2478 than I after G3694 me, the lace G2438 of whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to stoop G2955 down and unloose. G3089
I indeed G3303 have baptized G907 you with water: G5204 but he shall baptize G907 you with the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
Luke 1:15-17
For he shall be great G3173 in the sight G1799 of the Lord, G2962 and shall drink G4095 neither G3756 G3361 wine G3631 nor G2532 strong G4608 drink; G4608 and he shall be filled G4130 with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 even G2089 from his mother's G3384 womb. G2836
And many G4183 of the children G5207 of Israel G2474 shall he turn G1994 to the Lord G2962 their God. G2316
And he shall go G4281 before G1799 him in the spirit G4151 and power G1411 of Elias, G2243 to turn G1994 the hearts G2588 of the fathers G3962 to the children, G5043 and the disobedient G545 to the wisdom G5428 of the just; G1342 to make G2090 ready G2090 a people G2992 prepared G2680 for the Lord. G2962
Luke 1:76-17
Luke 3:2-20
Annas G452 and Caiaphas G2533 being G1909 the high G749 priests, G749 the word G4487 of God G2316 came G1096 to John G2491 the son G5207 of Zacharias G2197 in the wilderness. G2048
And he came G2064 into G1519 all G3956 the country G4066 about G4066 Jordan, G2446 preaching G2784 the baptism G908 of repentance G3341 for the remission G859 of sins; G266
As it is written G1125 in the book G976 of the words G3056 of Esaias G2268 the prophet, G4396 saying, G3004 The voice G5456 of one crying G994 in the wilderness, G2048 Prepare G2090 you the way G3598 of the Lord, G2962 make G4160 his paths G5147 straight. G2117
Every G3956 valley G5327 shall be filled, G4137 and every G3956 mountain G3735 and hill G1015 shall be brought G5013 low; G5013 and the crooked G4646 shall be made G1519 straight, G2117 and the rough G5138 ways G3598 shall be made G1519 smooth; G3006
And all G3956 flesh G4561 shall see G3700 the salvation G4992 of God. G2316
Then G3767 said G3004 he to the multitude G3793 that came G1607 forth G1607 to be baptized G907 of him, O generation G1081 of vipers, G2191 who G5101 has warned G5263 you to flee G5343 from the wrath G3709 to come? G3195
Bring G4160 forth G4160 therefore G3767 fruits G2590 worthy G514 of repentance, G3341 and begin G756 not to say G3004 within G1722 yourselves, G1438 We have G2192 Abraham G11 to our father: G3962 for I say G3004 to you, That God G2316 is able G1410 of these G5130 stones G3037 to raise G1453 up children G5043 to Abraham. G11
And now G2235 also G2532 the ax G513 is laid G2749 to the root G4491 of the trees: G1186 every G3956 tree G1186 therefore G3767 which brings G4160 not forth G4160 good G2570 fruit G2590 is hewn G1581 down, G1581 and cast G906 into G1519 the fire. G4442
And the people G3793 asked G1905 him, saying, G3004 What G5101 shall we do G4160 then? G3767
He answers G611 and said G3004 to them, He that has G2192 two G1417 coats, G5509 let him impart G3330 to him that has G2192 none; G3361 and he that has G2192 meat, G1033 let him do G4160 likewise. G3668
Then G1161 came G2064 also G2532 publicans G5057 to be baptized, G907 and said G2036 to him, Master, G1320 what G5101 shall we do? G4160
And he said G2036 to them, Exact G4238 no G3367 more G4119 than G3844 that which is appointed G1299 you.
And the soldiers G4754 likewise G2532 demanded G1905 of him, saying, G3004 And what G5101 shall we do? G4160 And he said G2036 to them, Do G1286 violence G1286 to no G3367 man, G3367 neither G3366 accuse G4811 any falsely; and be content G714 with your G5216 wages. G3800
And as the people G2992 were in expectation, G4328 and all G3956 men mused G1260 in their hearts G2588 of John, G2491 whether G3379 he were the Christ, G5547 or not;
John G2491 answered, G611 saying G3004 to them all, G537 I indeed G3303 baptize G907 you with water; G5204 but one mightier G2478 than I comes, G2064 the lace G2438 of whose G3739 shoes G5266 I am G1510 not worthy G2425 to unloose: G3089 he shall baptize G907 you with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 and with fire: G4442
Whose G3739 fan G4425 is in his hand, G5495 and he will thoroughly G1245 purge G1245 his floor, G257 and will gather G4863 the wheat G4621 into G1519 his garner; G596 but the chaff G892 he will burn G2618 with fire G4442 unquenchable. G762
And many G4183 other G2087 things in his exhortation G3870 preached G2097 he to the people. G2992
But Herod G2264 the tetrarch, G5076 being reproved G1651 by him for Herodias G2266 his brother G80 Philip's G5376 wife, G1135 and for all G3956 the evils G4190 which G3739 Herod G2264 had done, G4160
Added G4369 yet G2596 this G5124 above G1909 all, G3956 that he shut G2623 up John G2491 in prison. G5438
Acts 13:24
When John G2491 had first preached G4296 before G4253 G4383 his coming G1529 the baptism G908 of repentance G3341 to all G3956 the people G2992 of Israel. G2474
Luke 1:13
But the angel G32 said G2036 to him, Fear G5399 not, Zacharias: G2197 for your prayer G1162 is heard; G1522 and your wife G1135 Elisabeth G1665 shall bear G1080 you a son, G5207 and you shall call G2564 his name G3686 John. G2491
Luke 1:61-63
And they said G2036 to her, There is none G3762 of your kindred G4772 that is called G2564 by this G5129 name. G3686
And they made G1770 signs G1770 to his father, G3962 how G5101 he would G2309 have him called. G2564
And he asked G154 for a writing G4093 table, G4093 and wrote, G1125 saying, G3004 His name G3686 is John. G2491 And they marveled G2296 all. G3956