John 1:19
And this G3778 is the record G3141 of John, G2491 when G3753 the Jews G2453 sent G649 priests G2409 and Levites G3019 from Jerusalem G2414 to ask G2065 him, Who G5101 are G1488 you?
John 1:26
John G2491 answered G611 them, saying, G3004 I baptize G907 with water: G5204 but there stands G2476 one among G1722 G5216 you, whom G3739 you know G1492 not;
John 1:27
He it is, who G3588 coming G2064 after G3694 me is preferred G1096 before G1715 me, whose G3739 shoe's G5266 lace G2438 I am G1510 not worthy G514 to unloose. G3089
John 1:32-34
And John G2491 bore G3140 record, G3140 saying, G3004 I saw G2300 the Spirit G4151 descending G2597 from heaven G3772 like G5616 a dove, G4058 and it stayed G3306 on him.
And I knew G1492 him not: but he that sent G3992 me to baptize G907 with water, G5204 the same G1565 said G2036 to me, On whom G3739 you shall see G1492 the Spirit G4151 descending, G2597 and remaining G3306 on G1909 him, the same G3778 is he which baptizes G907 with the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
And I saw, G3708 and bore G3140 record G3140 that this G3778 is the Son G5207 of God. G2316
John 1:36-34
John 3:26-36
And they came G2064 to John, G2491 and said G2036 to him, Rabbi, G4461 he that was with you beyond G4008 Jordan, G2446 to whom G3739 you bore G3140 witness, G3140 behold, G2396 the same G3778 baptizes, G907 and all G3956 men come G2064 to him.
John G2491 answered G611 and said, G2036 A man G444 can G1410 receive G2983 nothing, G3762 except G3362 it be given G1325 him from heaven. G3772
You yourselves G5210 G846 bear G3140 me witness, G3140 that I said, G2036 I am G1510 not the Christ, G5547 but that I am G1510 sent G649 before G1715 him.
He that has G2192 the bride G3565 is the bridegroom: G3566 but the friend G5384 of the bridegroom, G3566 which G3588 stands G2476 and hears G191 him, rejoices G5463 greatly G5479 because G1223 of the bridegroom's G3566 voice: G5456 this G3778 my joy G5479 therefore G3767 is fulfilled. G4137
He must G1163 increase, G837 but I must decrease. G1642
He that comes G2064 from above G509 is above G1883 all: G3956 he that is of the earth G1093 is earthly, G1537 G3588 G1093 and speaks G2980 of the earth: G1093 he that comes G2064 from heaven G3772 is above G1883 all. G3956
And what G3739 he has seen G3708 and heard, G191 that he testifies; G3140 and no G3762 man G3762 receives G2983 his testimony. G3141
He that has received G2983 his testimony G3141 has set G4972 to his seal G4972 that God G2316 is true. G227
For he whom G3739 God G2316 has sent G649 speaks G2980 the words G4487 of God: G2316 for God G2316 gives G1325 not the Spirit G4151 by measure G3358 to him.
The Father G3962 loves G25 the Son, G5207 and has given G1325 all G3956 things into G1722 his hand. G5495
He that believes G4100 on G1519 the Son G5207 has G2192 everlasting G166 life: G2222 and he that believes G544 not the Son G5207 shall not see G3700 life; G2222 but the wrath G3709 of God G2316 stays G3306 on G1909 him.
John 5:33-35
You sent G649 to John, G2491 and he bore G3140 witness G3140 to the truth. G225
But I receive G2983 not testimony G3141 from man: G444 but these G5023 things I say, G3004 that you might be saved. G4982
He was a burning G2545 and a shining G5316 light: G3088 and you were willing G2309 for a season G5610 to rejoice G21 in his light. G5457
Acts 19:4
Then G1161 said G2036 Paul, G3972 John G2491 truly G3303 baptized G907 with the baptism G908 of repentance, G3341 saying G3004 to the people, G2992 that they should believe G4100 on G1519 him which should come G2064 after G3326 him, that is, on G1519 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424
John 1:9
That was the true G228 Light, G5457 which G3739 lights G5461 every G3956 man G444 that comes G2064 into G1519 the world. G2889
John 3:26
And they came G2064 to John, G2491 and said G2036 to him, Rabbi, G4461 he that was with you beyond G4008 Jordan, G2446 to whom G3739 you bore G3140 witness, G3140 behold, G2396 the same G3778 baptizes, G907 and all G3956 men come G2064 to him.
Ephesians 3:9
And to make G5461 all G3956 men see G5461 what G5101 is the fellowship G2842 of the mystery, G3466 which G3588 from the beginning of the world G165 has been hid G614 in God, G2316 who G3588 created G2936 all G3956 things by Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547
1 Timothy 2:4
Who G3739 will G2309 have all G3956 men G444 to be saved, G4982 and to come G2064 to the knowledge G1922 of the truth. G225
Titus 2:11
For the grace G5485 of God G2316 that brings salvation G4992 has appeared G2014 to all G3956 men, G444
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord G2962 is not slack G1019 concerning G4314 his promise, G1860 as some G5100 men count G2233 slackness; G1022 but is long-suffering G3114 to us-ward, G1519 G2248 not willing G1014 that any G5100 should perish, G622 but that all G3956 should come G5562 to repentance. G3341