Then JacobH3290 wentH5375 H7272 on his journey,H5575 H7272 and cameH3212 into the landH776 of the peopleH1121 of the east.H6924
And he looked,H7200 and beholdH2009 a wellH875 in the field,H7704 and, see,H2009 thereH8033 were threeH7969 flocksH5739 of sheepH6629 lyingH7257 by it; for out of that wellH875 they wateredH8248 the flocks:H5739 and a greatH1419 stoneH68 was on the well'sH875 mouth.H6310
And thitherH8033 were allH3605 the flocksH5739 gathered:H622 and they rolledH1556 the stoneH68 from the well'sH875 mouth,H6310 and wateredH8248 the sheep,H6629 and putH7725 the stoneH68 againH7725 on the well'sH875 mouthH6310 in his place.H4725
And JacobH3290 saidH559 to them, My brothers,H251 from whereH370 be you? And they said,H559 Of HaranH2771 are we.
And he saidH559 to them, KnowH3045 you LabanH3837 the sonH1121 of Nahor?H5152 And they said,H559 We knowH3045 him.
And he saidH559 to them, Is he well?H7965 And they said,H559 He is well:H7965 and, behold,H2009 RachelH7354 his daughterH1323 comesH935 with the sheep.H6629
And he said,H559 See,H2005 it is yetH5750 highH1419 day,H3117 neitherH3808 is it timeH6256 that the cattleH4735 should be gatheredH622 together: waterH8248 you the sheep,H6629 and goH3212 and feedH7462 them.
And they said,H559 We cannot,H3808 H3201 untilH5704 allH3605 the flocksH5739 be gatheredH622 together, and till they rollH1556 the stoneH68 from the well'sH875 mouth;H6310 then we waterH8248 the sheep.H6629
And while he yetH5750 spokeH1696 with them, RachelH7354 cameH935 with her father'sH1 sheep;H6629 for she keptH7462 them.
And it cameH1961 to pass, whenH834 JacobH3290 sawH7200 RachelH7354 the daughterH1323 of LabanH3837 his mother'sH517 brother,H251 and the sheepH6629 of LabanH3837 his mother'sH517 brother,H251 that JacobH3290 wentH5066 near,H5066 and rolledH1556 the stoneH68 from the well'sH875 mouth,H6310 and wateredH8248 the flockH6629 of LabanH3837 his mother'sH517 brother.H251
And JacobH3290 kissedH5401 Rachel,H7354 and liftedH5375 up his voice,H6963 and wept.H1058
And JacobH3290 toldH5608 RachelH7354 that he was her father'sH1 brother,H251 and that he was Rebekah'sH7259 son:H1121 and she ranH7323 and toldH5608 her father.H1
And it cameH1961 to pass, when LabanH3837 heardH8085 the tidingsH8088 of JacobH3290 his sister'sH269 son,H1121 that he ranH7323 to meetH7125 him, and embracedH2263 him, and kissedH5401 him, and broughtH935 him to his house.H1004 And he toldH5608 LabanH3837 allH3605 theseH428 things.H1697
And LabanH3837 saidH559 to him, SurelyH389 you are my boneH6106 and my flesh.H1320 And he stayedH3427 with him the spaceH3117 of a month.H2320
And LabanH3837 saidH559 to Jacob,H3290 BecauseH3588 you are my brother,H251 should you therefore serveH5647 me for nothing?H2600 tellH5046 me, whatH4100 shall your wagesH4909 be?
And LabanH3837 had twoH8147 daughters:H1323 the nameH8034 of the elderH1419 was Leah,H3812 and the nameH8034 of the youngerH6996 was Rachel.H7354
LeahH3812 was tenderH7390 eyed;H5869 but RachelH7354 was beautifulH3303 H8389 and wellH3303 favored.H4758
And JacobH3290 lovedH157 Rachel;H7354 and said,H559 I will serveH5647 you sevenH7651 yearsH8141 for RachelH7354 your youngerH6996 daughter.H1323
And LabanH3837 said,H559 It is betterH2896 that I giveH5414 her to you, than that I should giveH5414 her to anotherH312 man:H376 abideH3427 with me.
And JacobH3290 servedH5647 sevenH7651 yearsH8141 for Rachel;H7354 and they seemedH1961 H5869 to him but a fewH259 days,H3117 for the loveH160 he had to her.
And JacobH3290 saidH559 to Laban,H3837 GiveH3051 me my wife,H802 for my daysH3117 are fulfilled,H4390 that I may goH935 in to her.
And LabanH3837 gatheredH622 together allH3605 the menH582 of the place,H4725 and madeH6213 a feast.H4960
And it cameH1961 to pass in the evening,H6153 that he tookH3947 LeahH3812 his daughter,H1323 and broughtH935 her to him; and he wentH935 in to her.
And LabanH3837 gaveH5414 to his daughterH1323 LeahH3812 ZilpahH2153 his maidH8198 for an handmaid.H8198
And it cameH1961 to pass, that in the morning,H1242 behold,H2009 it was Leah:H3812 and he saidH559 to Laban,H3837 WhatH4100 is thisH2063 you have doneH6213 to me? did not I serveH5647 with you for Rachel?H7354 whyH4100 H2063 then have you beguiledH7411 me?
And LabanH3837 said,H559 It must not be soH3651 doneH6213 in our country,H4725 to giveH5414 the youngerH6810 beforeH6440 the firstborn.H1067
FulfillH4390 her week,H7620 and we will giveH5414 you thisH2063 alsoH1571 for the serviceH5656 whichH834 you shall serveH5647 with me yetH5750 sevenH7651 otherH312 years.H8141
And JacobH3290 didH6213 so,H3651 and fulfilledH4390 her week:H7620 and he gaveH5414 him RachelH7354 his daughterH1323 to wifeH802 also.
And LabanH3837 gaveH5414 to RachelH7354 his daughterH1323 BilhahH1090 his handmaidH8198 to be her maid.H8198
And he wentH935 in alsoH1571 to Rachel,H7354 and he lovedH157 alsoH1571 RachelH7354 more than Leah,H3812 and servedH5647 with him yetH5750 sevenH7651 otherH312 years.H8141
And when the LORDH3068 sawH7200 that LeahH3812 was hated,H8130 he openedH6605 her womb:H7358 but RachelH7354 was barren.H6135
And LeahH3812 conceived,H2029 and boreH3205 a son,H1121 and she calledH7121 his nameH8034 Reuben:H7205 for she said,H559 SurelyH3588 the LORDH3068 has lookedH7200 on my affliction;H6040 nowH6258 thereforeH3588 my husbandH376 will loveH157 me.
And she conceivedH2029 again,H5750 and boreH3205 a son;H1121 and said,H559 BecauseH3588 the LORDH3068 has heardH8085 I was hated,H8130 he has thereforeH1571 givenH5414 me thisH2088 son also:H1571 and she calledH7121 his nameH8034 Simeon.H8095
And she conceivedH2029 again,H5750 and boreH3205 a son;H1121 and said,H559 NowH6471 H6258 this timeH6471 will my husbandH376 be joinedH3867 to me, becauseH3588 I have bornH3205 him threeH7969 sons:H1121 thereforeH5921 H3651 was his nameH8034 calledH7121 Levi.H3878
And she conceivedH2029 again,H5750 and boreH3205 a son:H1121 and she said,H559 NowH6471 H6258 will I praiseH3034 the LORD:H3068 thereforeH5921 H3651 she calledH7121 his nameH8034 Judah;H3063 and leftH5975 bearing.H3205